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※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2021-09-06 17:02:09
看板 NBA
作者 mingonly (你學廢了嗎?)
標題 [情報] 記者:Murray回來後,金塊是湖人最大的
時間 Mon Sep  6 15:32:53 2021


Hoopscritic記者Brian Geltzeiler在播客節目上聊到了Murray:

The single biggest threat keeping the Lakers from going to the NBA Finals, i
n my opinion, with all due respect to the Phoenix Suns who did it last year,
 to me is Nikola Jokic and the Denver Nuggets.


Because if Denver gets Murray back healthy at any point in time before the p
layoffs, they're the best team in the West, even with everything the Lakers
did. With Murray, Denver is the best team in the West.


I think the Lakers look at that and say You know what?We are going to need s
ome bodies to roll at Nikola Jokic. Yes, we have Dwight Howard, but we only
know have Dwight Howard is on the play Team of 22 minutes of game.  We don't
 want that to be stuck on Anthony Davis. Yes we have Marc Gasol, but Marc Ga
sol is a little long in the tooth.

我認為湖人高層也意識到了這點,因此他們也想著引進中鋒來限制Jokic。 湖人有了魔

Denver is gonna be their biggest threat here. Especially you bring Jamal Mur
ray back to this team.


SiriusXM NBA Radio
“With Murray, Denver is the best team in the West.”

@hoopscritic tells @SamMitchellNBA why despite the Lakers adding several big men this off season, Nikola Jokic and the @Nuggets pose the biggest barrier for the Lakers in the Western Conference. #MileHighBasketball

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hws606      : 先看他恢復狀況吧1F 09/06 15:36
corlos      : 草莓又老兩歲 阿肥變mvp 我不覺得守得住了2F 09/06 15:36
zero9613719 : 聯手阿肥衝擊冠軍賽3F 09/06 15:37
liuuuuuu    : 還有MPJ還會成長4F 09/06 15:39
billliu14   : 太陽:5F 09/06 15:40
whatahw1    : 老實說不覺得阿肥哥是靠體能守住的 魔獸其實在防守6F 09/06 15:41
whatahw1    : 上很多經驗、小動作也好 都不是年輕有活力的中鋒有
whatahw1    : 的
whatahw1    : 不求守住 讓人家多失誤幾個球也是成功
hank7218    : 都變瘦了10F 09/06 15:45
c22501656   : 魔獸:阿肥安安我又來了11F 09/06 15:47
LA8221      : 反而覺得是小犢或太陽12F 09/06 15:49
MoonFate    : 湖人現在每個點都有進攻火力也是不好防13F 09/06 15:50
azlbf       : 金塊放走Grant影響比想像大、Aaron也沒發揮預期作用14F 09/06 15:54
chaosic     : 金塊的問題是穩定得分點不夠多吧15F 09/06 15:57
ChenWay     : MPJ先別被當洞打就謝天謝地了16F 09/06 16:01
ljk476820   : MPJ打太陽那幾場有沒有讓joker發火17F 09/06 16:07
ckf2273101  : MPJ先把單防練到進攻不得回來再說吧!18F 09/06 16:12
Pinky555    : Grant就執意要走  金塊真的沒辦法啊19F 09/06 16:12
malain      : 太陽:欸不是...20F 09/06 16:16
zehow       : Murray真的是湖人最怕的型 反而勾登打得超爛 沒啥21F 09/06 16:20
zehow       : 威脅性
ks96021019  : 太陽爵士都比較難打吧23F 09/06 16:23
WardellSteph: 太陽就靠對面傷主力還有人能捧,沒傷的湖人打太陽24F 09/06 16:30
WardellSteph: 跟本比吃甜甜圈還簡單
roger18012  : 沒受傷上一季就是金塊打公鹿了26F 09/06 16:36
FAYeeeeeeee : 金塊確實猛 但McGee的缺誰扛? 雙Green小球中鋒嗎27F 09/06 16:37
FAYeeeeeeee : 阿肥太操了
abc1599     : McGee在金塊也很少上場欸幾乎都被冰29F 09/06 16:41
blake7899   : Gordon真的打不好 本來很期待他的說30F 09/06 16:41

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