※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2021-05-06 02:01:05
看板 NBA
作者 標題 [情報] Zion Williamson盛讚球哥:很高興他是隊友
時間 Wed May 5 22:21:04 2021
@WillGuilloryZion Williamson says Lonzo Ball texted him last night after the game and said he would bounce back after his tough performance last night.
"I'm glad he's my teammate," Ziom said.
Zion Williamson says Lonzo Ball texted him last night after the game and said
he would bounce back after his tough performance last night.
"I'm glad he's my teammate," Ziom said.
@WillGuilloryZion on his text from Lonzo Ball last night:
"He said, 'My fault for (tonight) but I'm going to be there tomorrow.' I think those are big words and it shows what he's all about. He came today and he showed out."
Zion on his text from Lonzo Ball last night:
"He said, 'My fault for (tonight) but I'm going to be there tomorrow.' I
think those are big words and it shows what he's all about. He came today and
he showed out."
Zion Williamson 今天賽後接受訪問時透露 Lonzo Ball 昨晚特別傳訊息給他

球哥本季表現相當不錯,場均繳出 14.6分 4.7籃板 5.8助攻 1.5抄截 三分球命中率37.8%
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※ 文章代碼(AID): #1WagdKjg (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1620224468.A.B6A.html
→ LBJ23 …
推 : 未必吧 改姿勢不是那麼容易成功d 他証明了一些事情2F 05/05 22:38
推 : 球哥在穩一點這兩人搭配很可以3F 05/05 22:39
推 : 球哥沒留住 IG跟zion不知道要怎麼搭4F 05/05 22:43
→ : 我疼浪費你的未來5F 05/05 22:47
推 : 大哥認證二哥6F 05/05 23:00
推 : 數據明明很普通7F 05/05 23:07
推 : 很遺憾ig也是8F 05/05 23:10
推 : 球哥每年都在進步9F 05/05 23:11
→ : 而且就算給他大約 還是很年輕
→ : 而且就算給他大約 還是很年輕
推 : 他數據被IG分掉很多吧 IG要球的頻率11F 05/05 23:15
推 : 1500極限了12F 05/05 23:19
→ : 少說都能拿2500以上13F 05/05 23:26
→ : 2000絕對簽不到球哥好嗎 還在1500...14F 05/05 23:39
推 : 有防守能力又有三分球,很好用15F 05/05 23:42
→ : 視野又好
→ : 視野又好
推 : 他投籃真的進步良多 生涯前兩年罰球4成實在..17F 05/05 23:46
推 : 球哥四年一億有機會吧?18F 05/05 23:46
推 : 我疼連幫他請投籃教練都不要19F 05/05 23:58
推 : 原本的防守跟視野,加上新的投籃機制,很有機會全20F 05/06 00:08
→ : 明星吧
→ : 明星吧
推 : 拜託現在通膨,兩千起跳本來就是基本22F 05/06 00:11
推 : 來尼克再來當隊友23F 05/06 00:11
→ : 他這季球權少得可憐 有這平均不錯了24F 05/06 00:38
推 : 2000萬不知道簽不簽的下來25F 05/06 00:49
推 : IG給我乖乖當Sandy26F 05/06 00:57
推 : 球哥之前在湖人被酸的一文不值 其實也沒那麼差27F 05/06 00:58
→ : 會組織有防守 進攻差一點無所謂 2500萬一堆球隊搶
→ : 會組織有防守 進攻差一點無所謂 2500萬一堆球隊搶
推 : 球哥跟德軟,dochi29F 05/06 01:11
推 : 大哥說話了,水鳥GM合約該端出來了30F 05/06 01:27
推 : 有防守屌贏31F 05/06 01:29
推 : 2500?想太多了吧 成長緩慢的骰子 要一億只能拼激勵32F 05/06 01:34
→ : 條款 大概前三隊或明星賽那類
→ : 條款 大概前三隊或明星賽那類
→ LBJ23 …
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