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※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2021-04-27 14:13:13
看板 NBA
作者 pneumo (超☆冒險蓋)
標題 [花邊] 咖哩場上最喜歡聽到對手說:不要再這樣跑了
時間 Tue Apr 27 13:17:51 2021

來源: NBC sports
網址: https://tinyurl.com/9fnb64mb
Steph Curry reveals compliment he loves from defenders in game | RSN
Steph Curry never stops moving on the court ... ...


One compliment Steph loves hearing from defenders during game

Steph Curry struggled in the fourth quarter Sunday night, but he was
incredible before the final frame.

The two-time NBA MVP recorded 33 points (11-for-17 from the field, 7-for-11
on 3s) and four assists across his first 30-plus minutes of action in the
first three quarters of the Warriors' win over the Kings.
在前三節,在場上打了30多分鐘,這位兩屆NBA MVP拿下了33分(外線11-17,三分球7-11)

And he made some shots that were beyond ridiculous even for him.

影片: https://twitter.com/i/status/1386504498210766851
Warriors on NBCS
Steph... this isn't even fair
Warriors on NBCS

Steph joined the radio broadcast after Golden State's win, and was asked what
part of his game has slowed down the most for him.

"Just being able to adjust to different defenses," he told Tim Roye and Tom
Tolbert. "Daylight seems to come few and far between, but when you do get it
-- being able to take advantage and attack when defenses slip up. That's been
the biggest thing as the years have gone on.

"The compliment I love is when guys tell me to stop running around so much
when they're defending me. That's a testament to being in great shape and
being able to play at that level for however long I'm out there."

First and foremost, it's hilarious to think about defenders begging Steph to
stand still. That's awesome.

Additionally, this comment serves as the 100,000th reminder that the
three-time NBA champion is such a unique superstar because of his ability to
dominate both on and off the ball.

He never stops moving, which creates chaos and causes defensive breakdowns.

影片: https://twitter.com/i/status/1361535904607842304
Drew Shiller
Trying to guard Steph Curry = A COMPLETE NIGHTMARE

"I think Steph has changed the definition of a point guard," Steve Kerr told
the media prior to Sunday's game. "There’s no question that you call him a
combo because he’s so good off the ball.”


"Seriously how many miles do you think he runs in a normal game?"

"He averages about 2.6 miles per game according to second spectrum"
「根據Second spectrum,他平均每場跑2.6英里。」

"He and Klay have been out there running marathons for years now, AND doing it
in the Finals like every year. That’s endurance."

"Steph trick y’all man. He’s just running around, doing nothing."

"I get tired just watching it. I wouldn't want to try defending that."

"People tell me this when I play pickup bball. I’m in pretty good shape and
make a lotta hustle plays.
Then I brick a wide open shot and I realize they might be clownin me a little


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a3221715    : 在NBA球場 給我跑 跑他媽半小時1F 04/27 13:19
shwkz       : 美國包偉銘?2F 04/27 13:19
Yofu        : 人家已經上太空,我們還在殺豬公的跑步嗎XD3F 04/27 13:19
c22501656   : 叫嘴綠把咖哩腿打斷就沒問題了5F 04/27 13:21
matsuwu     : 這樣跑還能有這命中率好誇張的體力6F 04/27 13:22
dwiee       : 被包夾還能高效率表現 還滿厲害的7F 04/27 13:24
ooxxman     : 一直跑一直雙擋電梯還超準,防守者追得真的很煩想屎8F 04/27 13:26
hank7218    : 鬼抓人9F 04/27 13:26
sky070650   : 你有想過守你的人的感受嗎10F 04/27 13:26
EEzionT     : 樓下支援三井壽不要再跑了.jpg11F 04/27 13:27
gg8n8nd34ss : 所以說Curry體能真的不弱 只是彈跳差而已12F 04/27 13:27
EEzionT     : 彈速慢肩寬小 但敏捷真的點滿13F 04/27 13:28
EEzionT     : 彈跳可以屌打一堆台灣側翼了
nimaj       : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9txKUpwcFws15F 04/27 13:29
dindaofay   : 記得有模仿Curry滿場跑的影片很好笑16F 04/27 13:31
Blazeleo819 : 不要這樣~不要這樣17F 04/27 13:38
hank7218    : https://bit.ly/3tNt6p518F 04/27 13:39
hank7218    : 像這樣
Joe Viray
BnLou       : kerr說的combo是指combo gurad吧?20F 04/27 13:41
PizzaKK     : 台灣球迷: 跑死歐肥 射死喬丹21F 04/27 13:44
GeeBen      : 一直跑一直投22F 04/27 13:47
jim543000   : 然後勇士快跑出季後賽了23F 04/27 13:48
ilw4e       : 古代老爺抓丫鬟:不要再跑來跑去了24F 04/27 13:48
mew14       : 其實最強的是體力和穩定度25F 04/27 13:48
HaHaPoint   : 不要跑 不要跑 不要跑26F 04/27 13:49
Takasteric  : 咖喱體能本來就不差,垂直彈跳跟臂展是聯盟中下水27F 04/27 13:52
Takasteric  : 準,但是體力速度力量都是頂尖
Takasteric  : 當然力量是單指以一號位來說
YunHung46   : 之前被叫在場上不要一直跑的大概是鐵面人30F 04/27 13:53
chinhan1216 : 3分線的鐵面人31F 04/27 13:55
barton50195 : 就是個路人跑在久也沒人關心啦32F 04/27 14:01

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