※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2021-04-20 10:14:15
看板 NBA
作者 標題 [外絮] 抓猛訂做了一副鑽石牙套
時間 Tue Apr 20 09:46:09 2021
TMZ Sports has learned...the 6'10 big man decided he wanted his smile to be
spotted from miles away....so he hit up his guy,AP the Jeweler from Atlanta,
to help him out with a new grill.
Since Drummond was still a Cavalier at the time,AP personally flew out to Cl
eveland back in February to get his molding and start the process.
設計團隊AP The Jeweler在2月份搭乘飛機前往克里夫蘭
8-top,8-bottom white gold piece is filled with 10 carats of VVS diamonds in
a honeycomb set.
we're told a grill like this would cost anyone a solid $20,000.
NBA's Andre Drummond Cops Iced-Out Custom Grill, Worth $20k!
New team, new bling!! At least, that's the type of wave Andre Drummond is on ... with L.A.'s newest star copping a brand new grill right after joining ...
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※ 編輯: mingonly ( 臺灣), 04/20/2021 09:46:59
推 : 鑽石企鵝1F 04/20 09:47
推 : 俗啦2F 04/20 09:48
推 : 推薦Nelly的grillz 整首歌都在說這種牙套3F 04/20 09:48
推 : 會發光的微笑4F 04/20 09:48
→ : 血鑽騰訊5F 04/20 09:48
推 : 罵裁判還比較貴勒6F 04/20 09:48
推 : 鑽石企鵝7F 04/20 09:48
推 : 愛搞怪的早晚破產8F 04/20 09:48
推 : 好便宜 不是天然鑽嗎9F 04/20 09:48
推 : 他來到湖人後 曝光度變很高10F 04/20 09:49
推 : 6911F 04/20 09:49
推 : 這是比賽用的那種還是牙齒矯正的12F 04/20 09:50
推 : 60萬台票而已 便宜13F 04/20 09:51
推 : 這樣搞大概10年牙齒就爛光 太難清潔了14F 04/20 09:51
推 : 沒有學Lil Uzi Vert把10克拉鑽石釘在額頭上?15F 04/20 09:51
→ : 除非它是活動式的16F 04/20 09:52

推 : 被尻到嘴唇磨到牙套的話不是很容易受傷嗎?18F 04/20 09:52
推 : Diamond Penguin19F 04/20 09:53
→ : 比賽中戴會把對手眼睛閃瞎嗎20F 04/20 09:53
推 : 10克拉才60萬台幣 歐美牌鑽戒1克拉都可以到100萬了.21F 04/20 09:53
→ : ...
→ : ...
→ : 鑽石企鵝23F 04/20 09:58
推 : 比嘴砲一句還便宜24F 04/20 09:59
→ : 這東西比牙齒硬,不怕受力後反而是弄斷牙齒嗎?25F 04/20 09:59
推 : 有錢人的快樂26F 04/20 10:01
推 : 有錢人真的很愛鑲鑽27F 04/20 10:01
推 : 這是黑人用來耍帥的28F 04/20 10:01
推 : 就是這種消費習慣才容易退休後破產吧29F 04/20 10:03
推 : 我想說鑽石牙膏是那個牌子的30F 04/20 10:05
推 : 比賽用的吧 矯正牙套一個禮拜就要換一次了31F 04/20 10:05
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