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看板 NBA
作者 標題 [新聞] Durant投資Coinbase的股票價值翻漲54倍
時間 Fri Apr 16 21:42:22 2021
Kevin Durant scores huge return on Coinbase investment
Durant has backed about 50 startups since 2017, with investments ranging
between $250G and $1M
Kevin Durant sat out Wednesday night — as his bank account soared.
On Wednesday, the Nets star saw his Coinbase investment pay off when the
digital currency exchange platform hit the public markets with a whopping $86
billion valuation. It marks Durant’s largest investment victory to date with
his Thirty Five Ventures company.
Durant initially invested in Coinbase in 2017, making his investment worth
54-fold after Wednesday’s news, according to Sportico. Since 2017, he has
invested in around 50 startups.
In a 2018 interview with ESPN, Durant revealed that most of his investments
have ranged anywhere from $250,000 to $1 million. Therefore, a $250,000
investment in Coinbase in 2017 would be worth $13.5 million at Wednesday’s
closing price, per Sportico.
Coinbase, since its 2012 inception, has soared in the cryptocurrency market
with its advertised easy-to-use model. In late 2020, revenue more than
doubled to $1.1 billion, according to the website. Though, that was pocket
change compared to the first quarter of 2021, in which Coinbase announced
preliminary revenue of $1.8 billion, up nine-fold.
Durant’s massive payday adds to the $39 million salary he will collect this
season with the Brooklyn Nets — in addition to an estimated $35 million from
his media and film ventures and sponsorships with brands including Nike,
Degree, YouTube and Master & Dynamic.
The two-time NBA champion founded Thirty Five Ventures in 2017, alongside his
longtime business manager Rich Kleiman. The company incorporates the duo’s
existing business entities, including Durant’s personal brand/marketing
portfolio, investments and on-court contracts, as well as the Kevin Durant
Charity Foundation and the multi-channel sports business network, The
Durant has said the best business advice he’s been told is: "Don’t do
things just for money. Don’t do things just for fame. Do things because you
feel right and it feels true."
Coinbase certainly felt right.
其中籃網隊球星Kevin Durant早在2017年
就透過旗下公司Thirty Five Ventures Company投資這個新創事業
如果以最低25萬鎂來計算,其市值已經高達13.5 mil,根據星期三的收盤價
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1WUPH1Xf (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1618580545.A.869.html
推 : easymoneysniper1F 04/16 21:44
推 : KD:KD真有眼光2F 04/16 21:44
推 : 54倍應該是新創時期就投資了吧3F 04/16 21:45
推 : easymoneysniper4F 04/16 21:46
推 : 本多終勝5F 04/16 21:47
推 : 有缺僕人嗎 我會煮飯 洗衣服 整理房間6F 04/16 21:48
推 : 不知道投資多少,可能直接變現役最有錢7F 04/16 21:50
推 : 現在現役前三賺錢的lbj curry kd其實都有投資 第三8F 04/16 21:52
→ : 名之後的跟他們有差
→ : 名之後的跟他們有差
推 : 美國的新創帶來的利潤比台灣高 廣撒網成效好10F 04/16 21:53
噓 : 重點是一般人又不可能投資,本來獲利比就不可能一11F 04/16 21:58
→ : 樣啊...
→ : 靠邀按錯...抱歉等等補推
→ : 樣啊...
→ : 靠邀按錯...抱歉等等補推
→ : 可以請打手幫赴約單挑14F 04/16 21:58
推 : 未來可以跟LBJ的商業帝國相比了15F 04/16 22:00
推 : IG帳號不是隨便縮縮的16F 04/16 22:00
推 : 25萬鎂撒來撒去沒在怕的17F 04/16 22:02
→ : 鬼18F 04/16 22:06
推 : 帳號不是隨便亂取的19F 04/16 22:06
推 : 要出得了場才有意義20F 04/16 22:11
推 : #快錢狙擊手21F 04/16 22:12
推 : 真.財富自由22F 04/16 22:28
推 : easy money23F 04/16 22:30
推 : 很多人應該連250這價位都買不到吧24F 04/16 22:41
推 : 補推25F 04/16 22:50
推 : 狙擊手26F 04/16 22:52
推 : 小AI才是創投界的高手吧27F 04/16 22:54
推 : 未來人嗎28F 04/16 22:57
推 : 太神啦29F 04/16 23:00
→ : 本來上市前的投資機會 就是要圈子內的人才會有30F 04/16 23:03
→ : NBA這些名球星 都有圈內人會拉他們入夥的
→ : NBA這些名球星 都有圈內人會拉他們入夥的
推 : KD真是各方面都要追上LBJ啊32F 04/16 23:04
噓 : 你投創投成功的話投資報酬率當然超高啊,這樣就講33F 04/16 23:04
→ : 他投資眼光好是不是有點太快
→ : 他投資眼光好是不是有點太快
推 : 跟獅子會一樣阿都馬前幾步知道消息35F 04/16 23:05
推 : 籃球鄉民股神36F 04/16 23:05
推 : 有錢人 錢滾錢 不是一般人能想像的37F 04/16 23:05
→ : 一般人不是個咖小 想投資未上市公司 人家都不理你的38F 04/16 23:06
推 : 害我想到NYKD-54......39F 04/16 23:07
→ : 阿甘 歐肥41F 04/16 23:09
→ : 看錯,是D輪募資1.08億美金42F 04/16 23:11
推 : 搞不好投資很多隻,這一隻賺比較多而已,其他也有43F 04/16 23:17
→ : 賠的
→ : 賠的
推 : 本多忠勝啦 多投總會中 羨慕 QQ45F 04/16 23:20
推 : 其他不曉得有沒有賠46F 04/16 23:32
推 : KD:KD是投資界的超星星47F 04/16 23:35
推 : NYKD-5448F 04/16 23:36
推 : 快錢狙擊手49F 04/16 23:40
推 : 這些機會就是要圈內的人才有辦法,也算是他當初到灣50F 04/16 23:41
→ : 區的優勢之一吧
→ : 區的優勢之一吧
推 : 在美國要投資高風險標的,得要身價至少100萬美金,52F 04/16 23:47
→ : 或年收入20萬以上,在座各位應該都沒資格吧
→ : https://tinyurl.com/wnv4becb
→ : 或年收入20萬以上,在座各位應該都沒資格吧
→ : https://tinyurl.com/wnv4becb
Accredited Investor Definition
An accredited investor has the financial sophistication and capacity to take the high-risk, high-reward path of investing in unregistered securities s ...
推 : 有錢就是有辦法更有錢55F 04/16 23:50
推 : KD:KD除了會打球 還會投資56F 04/17 00:08
推 : COIN現在一般人可以買啊 剛上市380,現在330左右57F 04/17 00:25
→ : 翻譯相當好58F 04/17 01:14
推 : easymoneysniper NYKD-5459F 04/17 01:33
→ : 投資50間 一間翻54倍 期望值一般般60F 04/17 01:40
→ : easymoneysniper61F 04/17 02:08
推 : 有錢人都有管道共同炒作62F 04/17 07:25
推 : 有頭腦的都會投資63F 04/17 08:44
推 : 這板上應該還是有少數幾個人年收有20萬美金啦 矽谷64F 04/17 10:38
→ : t1的工程師就有點機會. 然後家庭收入(應該是雙方)合
→ : 計30萬美金也行
→ : t1的工程師就有點機會. 然後家庭收入(應該是雙方)合
→ : 計30萬美金也行
推 : 年收千萬鎂怎麼就算定存 收益看起來也是很好的投資67F 04/17 10:51
→ : 本多68F 04/17 11:45
推 : KD:KD不投資小貓的#easymoneyshooter69F 04/17 14:15
推 : 誇張70F 04/17 16:30
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