※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2021-04-06 09:15:15
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作者 標題 [外絮] ESPN解僱了Paul Pierce
時間 Tue Apr 6 09:04:37 2021
Report: Paul Pierce Fired by ESPN After Former Celtics Star's IG Live Video | Bleacher Report | Latest News, Videos and Highlights
Paul Pierce's time with ESPN reportedly is over. According to ...
Paul Pierce's time with ESPN reportedly is over.
According to Andrew Marchand of the New York Post, ESPN let Pierce go after
he posted a "racy Instagram video on Friday."
Sportswriter Ryan Glasspiegel was the first to report the network and Pierce
had parted ways.
Ryan Young of Yahoo Sports provided more context on the video, noting "Pierce
went live on Instagram on Friday night in a room full of dancers while
smoking, drinking and apparently playing poker with his friends—all while
clearly ignoring basic COVID-19 safety protocols—in a string of videos that
made waves on social media."
The former Boston Celtics star was a featured commentator on ESPN's NBA
Countdown and The Jump. The network hired Pierce in a full-time role in 2017
after he made appearances on its basketball programming in a guest role.
Pierce tweeted a video of himself laughing with the caption "Big Things
coming soon stay tuned make sure u smile #Truthshallsetufree" after the
@paulpierce34Big Things coming soon stay tuned make sure u smile #Truthshallsetufree
He played for the Celtics for 15 seasons after they selected him with the No.
10 overall pick of the 1998 NBA draft. He spent his final four seasons in the
NBA on the Brooklyn Nets, Washington Wizards and Los Angeles Clippers.
The Kansas product was a 10-time All-Star and four-time All-NBA selection
during a career that featured one championship.
Yahoo Sports的Ryan Young補述了這段影片的前因後果,他指出:
標題 [問卦] 台灣會出現林肯嗎?
→ : 不會 台灣沒有櫻桃樹11/24 01:40
→ : 陳建州11/24 01:40
→ : 自己不醒的話出5566個林肯也沒用11/24 01:40
→ : 一樓有事嗎... 你說的那個是華盛頓11/24 01:40
→ : 1F人格分裂喔11/24 01:45
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※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1617671082.A.097.html
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→ CenaWang …
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