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作者 標題 [花邊] LBJ開玩笑:今年明星賽沒有快要變FA的球員
時間 Fri Mar 5 17:36:52 2021
來源: SportsRush
網址: https://tinyurl.com/56z25h8n
"There are no free agents among this year's All-Stars": LeBron James hilariously responds to whether he's picking players complementing his All-Star or the Lakers | The SportsRush
Lakers superstar LeBron James was in good humor while picking his All-Star Game roster against Kevin Durant and co on TNT last night. ...
There are no free agents among this year’s All-Stars”: LeBron James
hilariously responds to whether he’s picking players complementing his
All-Star or the Lakers
Lakers superstar LeBron James was in good humor while picking his All-Star
Game roster against Kevin Durant and co on TNT last night.
A few years back, the format of the All-Star game changed. Instead of the
Eastern All-Stars playing against the Western All-Stars, two captains would
pick teams from the pool of players. Not surprisingly, James has been named
an All-Star captain for the fourth consecutive time. That means LeBron has
experienced drafting players for his All-Star team for the past 4 years.
On Thursday night, the two All-Star captains – LeBron James and Kevin
Durant, gave us yet another entertaining draft. During the draft, King James
was hilariously asked if he was going to draft these great players to
compliment his All-Star team, or whether he had an ulterior motive –
drafting them eventually for the Lakers. To this question the 6-foot-9
forward hilariously replied to the NBA on TNT panel:
“Listen, I’m looking at the roster man, and I don’t see many upcoming free
agents. So I’ll be picking for the Team LeBron All-Stars, instead of the
Lakers this year. So yeah, I’m (going to) keep it strictly for the weekend.”
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※ 文章代碼(AID): #1WGVku8K (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1614937016.A.214.html
※ 編輯: pneumo ( 臺灣), 03/05/2021 17:38:32
推 : 可愛:1F 03/05 17:38
推 : 沒有快到期也可以擺爛威脅球團啊 也不是沒先例2F 03/05 17:42
→ : 可愛底薪收3F 03/05 17:42
→ : 品腿師4F 03/05 17:43
推 : 誰跟你開玩笑5F 03/05 17:43
→ : 可愛會留快艇嗎?6F 03/05 17:44
推 : 才不是玩笑7F 03/05 17:45
推 : 可愛只有在快艇擊敗湖人最後拿到總冠軍才能獲得更多8F 03/05 17:47
→ : 歷史定位
→ : 歷史定位
→ : 全都在掌握中10F 03/05 17:48
推 : 今年無法招募人才了11F 03/05 17:49
推 : 佩服12F 03/05 17:50
推 : 呃 這根本真心話吧13F 03/05 17:50
推 : 有在關注喔14F 03/05 17:52
推 : 當我說開玩笑,我的開玩笑是開玩笑的15F 03/05 17:52
推 : 所以他真的隨時掌握相關動態16F 03/05 17:53
→ : 姆:但是有醬包可以用換的17F 03/05 17:54
→ : 你問其他球員這個名單裡有多少人即將成為FA 他們18F 03/05 17:54
→ : 是沒有概念的 要問GM才有答案
→ : 是沒有概念的 要問GM才有答案
推 : 組團天王20F 03/05 17:55
→ : 抱腿詹得體21F 03/05 17:55
推 : 你們真的認為是開玩笑?22F 03/05 17:56
推 : 姆斯不開玩笑得好不好?23F 03/05 17:57
推 : 不是,普通球員根本不會知道這個吧24F 03/05 17:57
推 : 承認以前是招募 開罰罰起來25F 03/05 17:58
→ : Am i a joke to you ??26F 03/05 17:59
推 : 可愛:27F 03/05 18:00
推 : The 玩笑28F 03/05 18:01
推 : 合約中也可以申請交易啊29F 03/05 18:04
推 : 母獅484明星賽三連霸了?30F 03/05 18:05
※ 看板: NBA 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 65
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