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※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2021-02-09 16:10:51
看板 NBA
作者 pneumo (超☆冒險蓋)
標題 [外絮] 快艇讓許多隊知道天空貝跟魯長老是可交易
時間 Tue Feb  9 10:58:28 2021

來源: AHN Fired Digital
網址: https://tinyurl.com/fk4jlcxk
Report: Clippers have made it 'widely known' that Lou Williams and Patrick Beverley are available - Ahn Fire Digital
The Los Angeles Clippers reportedly are open to moving both Lou Williams and Patrick Beverley ahead of this year’s trade deadline. According to Bleach ...


Report: Clippers have made it ‘widely known’ that Lou Williams and Patrick
Beverley are available
快艇已經讓聯盟裡許多隊知道Lou Williams跟Patrick Beverley是可交易的

The Los Angeles Clippers reportedly are open to moving both Lou Williams and
Patrick Beverley ahead of this year’s trade deadline.
據報導,在今年的交易截止日前,快艇對於交易Lou Williams跟Patrick Beverley保持開

According to Bleacher Report’s Jake Fischer, the Clippers seem to be ready
to move on from two of their key backcourt contributors last season.
根據Bleacher Report記者Jake Fischer報導,快艇似乎準備要把在上一季在後場有貢獻的

“Los Angeles has made it widely known that Lou Williams is available,
sources said, and there’s a cohort in that front office ready to move on
from Patrick Beverley as well,” Fischer wrote.
「根據消息來源,快艇已經讓聯盟裡許多隊知道Lou Williams是可以交易的,而另外一位
Patrick Beverley在快艇制服組裡也是準備要交易的,」Fischer寫到。

The Clippers are 17-8 this season, but Williams and Beverley have seen a drop
off in their numbers.

After averaging 18.2 points per game last season, Williams has taken a step
back in the 2020-21 campaign. He is shooting just 39.9 percent from the field
and is averaging 10.3 points per game.

As for Beverley, he has appeared in just 16 games this season due to injury
and averaged 8.1 points, 4.4 rebounds and 2.1 assists per game.

Both are aging (Williams is 34 and Beverley is 32), and the Clippers are
trying to maximize their championship window with Kawhi Leonard and Paul
兩位都開始顯老(Williams是34歲,Beverley是32歲),而快艇是想藉由Kawhi Leonard跟
Paul George在隊上時試著去增加奪冠的機會。

If the Clippers feel they can move one of the veteran guards for an upgrade
for a younger piece, it is quite possible that they are active at the


"Whoever gets Pat Bev gets the next 5 years"

"They should trade him to the Lakers. Make them both miserable."

"Yeah lol utterly miserable, surely Beverly won’t suddenly become best
friends with everyone on the lakers, and now the lakers will win like they
were going to, but with Patrick Beverly dry humping the Larry o brien as a

"Pat bev to the lakers and everyone suddenly loves pat bev the dog"

"But who on the Clippers will do all the running around and doing nothing?"

"Didn't both guys take a pay-cut to stay with the clips? Yikes..."

Beverley: 接下來的五年是我的!

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Lebaldshames: 拿去換咖哩 快艇小虧1F 02/09 11:00
pounil      : 被偷走的那五年2F 02/09 11:00
jared221    : 拜託不要來湖人3F 02/09 11:00
takechance  : 應該也不會有人想要啦4F 02/09 11:01
vincent1985 : 呃 也要湖人肯收啊 又不是你要賣別人就得收5F 02/09 11:02
drcula      : 重點是後場人才濟濟,誰會撿6F 02/09 11:02
wainkid     : 接下來的5.............欸.......7F 02/09 11:03
Weikey      : 他們缺後場 可以用這兩位後場去換別人後場 能換到什8F 02/09 11:03
Weikey      : 麼? 畢竟他們應該也沒什麼籤了吧 要不然就要拉三分
vincent1985 : 被交易的那五年10F 02/09 11:04
MK47        : 想看天空貝去爛隊 一定很好笑XDDD11F 02/09 11:04
Joey1999    : 我湖50收12F 02/09 11:04
kobe9527    : 盧長老這季完全不行13F 02/09 11:04
corlos      : 讓別人知道你家有多少立及幹嗎 -.-14F 02/09 11:05
kkk900100   : 想賣就賣欸當別隊是拉吉桶欸15F 02/09 11:05
kobe9527    : 狀態下滑超多的16F 02/09 11:07
Weikey      : Beverley今年13M 明年14M 這約應該沒什麼人想要17F 02/09 11:07
YouGot5566  : 未 來 的 五 年....18F 02/09 11:07
YouGot5566  : 我會被交易
atmmaxing   : 你湖要半殘的瘋狗幹嗎20F 02/09 11:07
higger      : 天空貝是快艇破籃網的唯一解21F 02/09 11:09
ryancho     : 快艇沒資產可以出了22F 02/09 11:10
aa01081008tw: 囂張到沒極限..但根本連一冠都沒有..23F 02/09 11:10
icou        : 跳水價的時候賣是能賣多好24F 02/09 11:10
puro        : 請把阿貝帶來籃網 謝謝 雖然以薪資空間來說很難25F 02/09 11:11
sasewill    : 季初如果果斷賣盧長老感覺可以賣很好26F 02/09 11:11
aimlikenoob : 前10控 不買嗎?27F 02/09 11:12
MK47        : 季初長老肯定價碼會不錯 誰知道他現在變這樣XD28F 02/09 11:12
linearppt   : 看Logo爺建隊還是挺有趣的,不過Lou真的..不行了吧29F 02/09 11:13
hsienhao    : 去防守強隊紐約不錯吧30F 02/09 11:14
ayumi001    : 一樓李寶山!!!!!!!!!!!!!到處buff我大庫里31F 02/09 11:14
King5566    : 湖人收32F 02/09 11:17
tliu223     : 換了蘿莉就會變洛杉磯暴龍隊VS洛杉磯LBJ隊了33F 02/09 11:17
arod1414    : 長老爛成這樣 有人會收?34F 02/09 11:17
zego41      : 現在是湖人有格子就湖人收嗎35F 02/09 11:18
phoenix286  : 去湖人瞬間洗白 非常同意36F 02/09 11:18
jacky3838   : 天空貝 可憐阿37F 02/09 11:18
jacky3838   : 湖人要補中鋒吧
kevinduh4   : 笑死39F 02/09 11:19
TheoEpstein : 湖人有格子但也有硬上限啊40F 02/09 11:22
TheoEpstein : 要收天空貝的前提是丟一個薪水比他高的。
TheoEpstein : ...Schroder?(當我沒講
fellus      : 快艇拿到可愛那嘴臉,現在快被踢下車惹...43F 02/09 11:23
Ace100      : 覺得這兩人都很難賣44F 02/09 11:23
hlb5828     : 換東77,獨行俠賺爆45F 02/09 11:23
rainbowcrash: PB甚麼都好,就是太痛痛又腦衝犯規46F 02/09 11:23
sikadear    : 長老沒黑肉就不會打球了47F 02/09 11:23
ooxxman     : 快艇不會跟湖人交易,有Batum經驗,Logo會換福袋試48F 02/09 11:24
Trade Scenario | TradeNBA
Create customized trade scenarios for NBA teams and players based on up to date trade rules and share the results. Draft picks are included and we're  ...

ooxxman     : Batum是Logo爺本季最棒的操作傑作,再來試其他福袋50F 02/09 11:25
Trade Scenario | TradeNBA
Create customized trade scenarios for NBA teams and players based on up to date trade rules and share the results. Draft picks are included and we're  ...

Trade Scenario | TradeNBA
Create customized trade scenarios for NBA teams and players based on up to date trade rules and share the results. Draft picks are included and we're  ...

Trade Scenario | TradeNBA
Create customized trade scenarios for NBA teams and players based on up to date trade rules and share the results. Draft picks are included and we're  ...

Trade Scenario | TradeNBA
Create customized trade scenarios for NBA teams and players based on up to date trade rules and share the results. Draft picks are included and we're  ...

andy82116   : fail的交易也在貼 別洗版了55F 02/09 11:28
Trade Scenario | TradeNBA
Create customized trade scenarios for NBA teams and players based on up to date trade rules and share the results. Draft picks are included and we're  ...

DuoDuokk77  : 長老壞了 誰敢收啊57F 02/09 11:29
originbook  : 湖人想要的應該是護框內線58F 02/09 11:32
Alistargod2 : 最近快艇很認真在展示長老啊 看起來是還能用59F 02/09 11:32
sunnyyoung  : 天空貝做人真的很失敗60F 02/09 11:33
sk2gjordan  : 天空貝秋成這樣,結果被交易61F 02/09 11:34
trylin      : PB:未來五年 ....62F 02/09 11:35
Bigcookie2  : 公鹿很需要盧這種單打手..63F 02/09 11:36
dynamo      : 去別隊遇到仇家怎麼辦64F 02/09 11:36
AOB123      : 「他們應該把天空貝交易到湖人,讓湖人跟他都很悲慘65F 02/09 11:37
Athchen     : 轉去湖人啊 走黑肉模式 直接聖光66F 02/09 11:38
boy80421    : 天空貝去籃網感覺有搞頭67F 02/09 11:39
rj486       : 盧長老確實從去年季後賽開始走下坡.68F 02/09 11:39
investG     : 長老很好賣吧,替補要有個搶分的球隊都可以考慮69F 02/09 11:40
josephpu    : 長老8M到期約又是即戰力,不難賣吧,只是要換到好70F 02/09 11:45
josephpu    : 東西大概就很難了
MK47        : 你看的是幾年的盧長老= =?72F 02/09 11:46
AbukumaKai  : 好賣的長老是哪一年的73F 02/09 11:48
bypetty     : 空幹冠軍杯XDD74F 02/09 11:54
EZ78        : 長老是很好賣啊 只是換回來的東西很難太好75F 02/09 11:58
EZ78        : 畢竟便宜隨插即用 吃時間是不錯的
samuelass   : 負資產別想甩鍋給湖人啊77F 02/09 12:04
samuelass   : 今年長老沒人要了啦
lonelysam   : 長老防守破  現在連進攻都沒了79F 02/09 12:08
wake00005   : 湖人收80F 02/09 12:08
Fearearth   : 快艇應該是要找能吃空間的球隊吃掉,然後裸簽書豪吧81F 02/09 12:08
klcs50304   : 今年的狀態要賣這兩隻...82F 02/09 12:08
youga       : 同樣的價格 湖人是kcp還有褲子83F 02/09 12:11
ahsoo       : PB:未來五年.....我不在了84F 02/09 12:12
event129    : 暴龍有想交易蘿莉 快艇能談成 出黑貝真的不虧 但大85F 02/09 12:13
event129    : 概還要加上祖巴
mark11422   : 小貝也32歲了阿...87F 02/09 12:21
callmeblack : 天空貝換烏布雷好了88F 02/09 12:21
Xing97302   : 換ki我網小虧89F 02/09 12:21
satousei    : 貝盧換蘿莉,雙贏90F 02/09 12:25
esaka       : 去湖人所有人就會忽然愛上他了 XD91F 02/09 12:26
bkm1        : 天空貝沒貼籤是要怎麼換....92F 02/09 12:29
flyintmtc   : 湖人後場不缺啊,進攻有德軟,防守有Caruso, 很完美93F 02/09 12:40
flyintmtc   : 湖人缺的是AD 的替補,Gasol 弟太慢,容易有犯規麻
flyintmtc   : 煩
zeroBB      : 對欸。天空貝好像自願減薪?還被這樣對待@@96F 02/09 12:45
nostar      : dry humping 我的英文程度又提升了97F 02/09 12:47
IngramBrando: 尼克出EP+小河換貝佛利98F 02/09 12:49
smith0922   : 兩個自願減薪的被這樣對待!?99F 02/09 13:13
ken720331   : 勇士快艇交易100F 02/09 13:35
kingroy     : 天空貝還能期待防守101F 02/09 13:45
JerrySloan  : 這篇是要黑Doncic?102F 02/09 13:45
chan15      : https://tinyurl.com/y5rwem5r it's over103F 02/09 13:54
firemm666   : 長老哪有壞 到弱隊還是可以砍分104F 02/09 13:56
ooplus      : 誰要XDD105F 02/09 14:09
ooplus      : 防守進攻後場現在大部分球隊都有年輕人啊 要來幹嘛
yurikim     : 所以這兩位能換誰? 拿年輕球員跟你換?107F 02/09 14:34
Xliao       : lou少了苦工黑肉坦 就沒buff了 Beverley嘛 想交易還108F 02/09 14:50
Xliao       : 找不到下家吧
Hsan        : 別來湖人 這樣我會噓得很累110F 02/09 15:49

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