※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2021-02-09 14:38:15
看板 NBA
作者 標題 [花邊] 推特鄉民對於嘴綠賽末的那顆三分球的反應
時間 Tue Feb 9 14:17:46 2021
來源: Yahoo Sports
網址: https://tinyurl.com/wtyqso7q
Warriors Twitter reacts to Draymond Green's shot at end loss to Spurs
Draymond thought he was going to get fouled, so he chucked up a 3-pointer. No foul came. ...
Warriors Twitter reacts to Draymond Green's shot at end loss to Spurs
推特鄉民對於Draymond Green賽末那顆三分球的反應
Draymond Green is not the player the Warriors want shooting a 3-pointer when
they are down three points late in a game.
But that's what happened late in the Warriors' 105-100 loss to the San
Antonio Spurs at AT&T Center on Monday night.
With the Warriors trailing 103-100 with 8.7 seconds left in regulation,
Damion Lee wanted to get the ball to Steph Curry, but he couldn't, so he
inbounded the ball to Green.
當時間剩下8.7秒,勇士落後三分的情況下,Damion Lee邊界發球想把球傳給Curry,但是
Green thought Spurs guard Derrick White immediately would foul him, so he
chucked up a 3-pointer from the logo, hoping to get three free throws. No
foul came. The ball thudded off the backboard and into the hands of DeMar
DeRozan, who iced the game with two free throws.
嘴綠以為馬刺後衛Derrick White會立即犯規在他身上,所以他投了一顆Logo Shot,希望
可以拿到犯規,但是並沒有。這球打到了籃板彈到了DeMar DeRozan身上,最後在投進兩顆
可以拿到犯規,但是並沒有。這球打到了籃板彈到了DeMar DeRozan身上,最後在投進兩顆
影片1: https://twitter.com/i/status/1358989040737951744
@TheWarriorsTalk*scratches head*
Warriors Twitter obviously was dumbfounded by Draymond's decision to shoot
rather than try to get the ball to Curry with enough time left on the clock.
推特鄉民1: "What on earth is Draymond doing?"
推特鄉民2: "What was that?"
推特鄉民3: "Did he think there was like two seconds left or something?"
推特鄉民4: "Draymond thought he was Steph for a second lol"
After the loss, coach Steve Kerr acknowledged that Green thought he was going
to get fouled, but he took the blame for what transpired.
在輸球後,總教練Steve Kerr知道Green本以為他會被犯規的,但是他對於最後的結果擔起
"Spurs generally do not foul in those situations," Kerr told reporters on a
Zoom conference call after the game. "It's probably my fault for not
informing the team that the Spurs usually don't foul. But we knew we had 8.7
to drive and kick, plenty of options with that kind of time. And so we were
just trying to spread the floor and get a good look."
It was a winnable game for the Warriors and they will stew over the mistakes
that cost them Monday night. The good news for Kerr, Green and the Warriors
is that they get another shot at the Spurs on Tuesday night.
"When you accidentally press shoot on your controller"
"Prime Shaqtin material"
"Warriors called, they want their 2016 Draymond back"
"God sneezed hard right there"
"Even if he was fouled he wasn't gonna hit all 3 wtf"
"If he makes a free throw a minute earlier, he only needs a 2 to tie. Just
dumb all around"
"Steph’s face after was fucking hilarious"
"I don't think I've ever seen him so frustrated at the end of a game (outside
the 2016 finals lol)"
"Eh, I think that Ben Simmon's 180 no scope 3 pointer (from last year, I
think?) was worse"
(影片: https://youtu.be/1Q52-by9boM )

"He pulled an anti-JR lmao"
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※ 編輯: pneumo ( 臺灣), 02/09/2021 14:19:23
推 : 八成以為對手會犯規吧1F 02/09 14:19
推 : 畫戰術板阿 不是很愛畫2F 02/09 14:20
推 : 「嘴綠這次做了跟JR完全相反的」XDD3F 02/09 14:20
推 : 跟JR比,不錯喔歷史留名4F 02/09 14:20
推 : 西門:幹5F 02/09 14:20
→ : 他國鄉民真嘴6F 02/09 14:20
→ : 按錯鍵啦7F 02/09 14:20
推 : 超好笑 真的有夠像2K按錯8F 02/09 14:20
推 : 不是 別人在那個位置賣你飯幹嘛9F 02/09 14:21
推 : 智將嘴綠。10F 02/09 14:21
推 : 第一要先犯規第二嘴綠7成6的罰球要3個全進加起來也11F 02/09 14:23
→ : 就2成機率,還不如丟給curry讓他去扛,反正機率更
→ : 高,今天curry三分也很準啊
→ : 就2成機率,還不如丟給curry讓他去扛,反正機率更
→ : 高,今天curry三分也很準啊
推 : 那球就算是咖喱來投也是很蠢的選擇,何況嘴綠....14F 02/09 14:23
推 : 不是不會犯規 是不會對你犯規15F 02/09 14:24
推 : 以球商高聞名的嘴綠竟然會犯這種錯16F 02/09 14:25
推 : 相反JR有梗哦17F 02/09 14:25
推 : 一個不投一個亂投19F 02/09 14:26
推 : 是在急啥鬼....20F 02/09 14:27
→ : 嘴綠三圍 .340 .189 .760 超爛21F 02/09 14:27
推 : 西門那球在衝三小啦XD22F 02/09 14:27
推 : 很明顯這球的問題在跳不夠遠 請找77練習23F 02/09 14:28
推 : 罰球.76那三顆全進機率.44其實不差耶24F 02/09 14:28
→ : 這就是勇迷一直護航的智商?哈哈哈哈哈25F 02/09 14:29
推 : 他還有臉嘴新秀喔26F 02/09 14:29
推 : 笑死27F 02/09 14:29
推 : 嘴綠發動前仰跳投 防守方:?^_^?28F 02/09 14:30
→ : 等著看嘴綠啥時被交易到坦隊,或者是直接開除這咖29F 02/09 14:31
→ : 算了
→ : 算了
推 : 防守者很聰明的閃開身體避免他飛過來賴犯31F 02/09 14:31
→ : 領先的幹嘛3分外犯規32F 02/09 14:31
推 : 這球其實飽含深意一般人看不懂,有請吹吹熊拍部片33F 02/09 14:32
→ : 解釋一下嘴綠為什麼是勇士的致勝因子吧
→ : 解釋一下嘴綠為什麼是勇士的致勝因子吧
推 : 反JR XDDD35F 02/09 14:32
→ : XX熊會氣到發抖再來拍片護航嗎?36F 02/09 14:33
推 : 誰要對嘴綠的投射犯規XD,跟鬧KD時那球相同自己亂幹37F 02/09 14:34
推 : 樓上那圖笑死38F 02/09 14:34
推 : 絕對是誤按投籃鍵無誤39F 02/09 14:35
推 : 按錯鍵啦40F 02/09 14:35
推 : 話說吹吹熊好像也很久沒拍片吹77了XDD41F 02/09 14:35
推 : antiJR笑死42F 02/09 14:36
推 : 西門那也滿好笑 根本自暴自棄的丟法43F 02/09 14:36
推 : 誰會在領先三分下在三分線外犯規啊44F 02/09 14:36
推 : 美國鄉民也跟我們一樣反應45F 02/09 14:37
→ : 腦袋不會算倒數時間46F 02/09 14:37
※ 看板: NBA 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 84
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