※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2021-02-08 15:55:27
看板 NBA
作者 標題 [外絮] AD上超級盃廣告 LBJ:為甚麼我現在才聽到?
時間 Mon Feb 8 14:04:15 2021
來源: Essentially Sports
網址: https://tinyurl.com/1kb4rc2x
‘Why Am I Just Hearing’: LeBron James Unhappy That Anthony Davis Hid the Super Bowl News from Him - EssentiallySports
What was it that Anthony Davis hid from LeBron James that later surfaced during an interview? How did the Lakers' duo respond to it? Find out! ...
‘Why Am I Just Hearing’: LeBron James Unhappy That Anthony Davis Hid the
Super Bowl News from Him
LeBron James and Anthony Davis share a great camaraderie both on and off the
court. They are the face of the Lakers and their duo is solely responsible
for almost every W that they register. Needless to say, the two have
developed an enviable chemistry.
But what if one of them realizes that their court buddy is hiding some
important news? In the times of social media, this hiding game can prove
costly, and Anthony Davis had a close encounter with the same.
AD is a celebrated athlete today. He won his first NBA title at 27, and he is
possibly en route to winning another. With this newfound overnight success
that obviously took years of hard work, he is a charm in the world of brand
So, it’s not very surprising that the star has signed for a Super Bowl LV
commercial. But it was surprising for LeBron James, who complained Anthony
Davis did not keep him posted.
Recently, when both were giving an interview and an interviewer asked AD
about his feelings, Bron exclaimed (looking at AD), “Why am I just hearing
about this?”
影片連結: https://streamable.com/38wkqm
To this, AD laughingly answered, “It’s a surprise bro, it’s a surprise. I
want you to watch the game like, ‘Yo, you! You know what I’m saying?’,
thank you for ruining it, Rachel.”
"This is cute"
"I wish he would have moved his chair away from him just a little bit."
"Bron gonna cut him out Space Jam 2 with a last min edit"
「LBJ在Space Jam2最後剪接的時候會把AD的部分剪掉。」
"Lebron giving AD the look my mom gave me when I was acting up in public as a
kid. like “you are getting the spanking of a lifetime when we’re not in
public” lol"
"Bron making sure Klutch gets their 10%."
"Best bromance in the league"
Happy Couple
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推 : The新娘是三洨XD1F 02/08 14:05
推 : 笑死 reddit也有The梗哦2F 02/08 14:06
推 : 超甲3F 02/08 14:07
推 : The 新娘 XD4F 02/08 14:07
推 : LeBride哈哈哈哈哈哈5F 02/08 14:08
推 : 記者真機車6F 02/08 14:08
噓 : 原來國外也喜歡The7F 02/08 14:08
推 : 鄉民梗世界通用8F 02/08 14:09
推 : 師爺你給翻譯翻譯,什麼叫驚喜?9F 02/08 14:09
→ : The新娘XDDD10F 02/08 14:10
推 : LeBride XDDDDDD11F 02/08 14:10
推 : the出軌12F 02/08 14:12
推 : Lebride13F 02/08 14:12
推 : lebride挺好笑的14F 02/08 14:14
推 : Lebride笑死 xddd15F 02/08 14:14
→ : reddit是Le梗16F 02/08 14:17
推 : 甲爆17F 02/08 14:20
→ : Le很久了吧18F 02/08 14:21
推 : 外遇19F 02/08 14:25
推 : 真的很基情哈哈哈20F 02/08 14:27
推 : 酸梗很通用21F 02/08 14:27
推 : 朕的男人無論做什麼 都要給朕知道!!22F 02/08 14:28
推 : The背叛23F 02/08 14:29
→ : AD忙著接業配,表現有一場沒一場,不敢跟姆斯說。24F 02/08 14:34
推 : 希望這兩人坐開一點快笑死25F 02/08 14:34
推 : 有夠甲......26F 02/08 14:37
推 : 坐開一點的應該是Wade回的吧笑死27F 02/08 14:38
→ : AD也要有小秘密的28F 02/08 14:39
推 : LeBride 讚啦29F 02/08 14:40
推 : 最後一張 xddd30F 02/08 14:42
推 : XDDDDDDD31F 02/08 14:45
推 : 四下無人的時候打屁股.....32F 02/08 14:48
推 : 以下支援 Wade 圖33F 02/08 14:50
推 : 甲爆34F 02/08 14:51
推 : 幹 好甲35F 02/08 14:56
推 : 假爆36F 02/08 14:57
推 : 坐開一點笑死我哈哈哈哈哈哈37F 02/08 14:58
推 : 甲爆38F 02/08 14:59
推 : 有小祕密森7739F 02/08 15:01
推 : 戴薇絲的小祕密40F 02/08 15:01
推 : AD什麼時候才會出簽名鞋41F 02/08 15:02
推 : the新娘XDD42F 02/08 15:04
推 : the 小祕密43F 02/08 15:05
→ : Russell Peters:44F 02/08 15:08
推 : oo45F 02/08 15:09
推 : 靠北LeBride到底是三小XDDD46F 02/08 15:17
推 : 感情超甲der~~XDDD47F 02/08 15:22
→ : 沒跟倫家說48F 02/08 15:24
推 : 友情(X) 基情(O)49F 02/08 15:30
推 : LeBride50F 02/08 15:33
推 : 最後一張圖每次看都覺得超好笑XD51F 02/08 15:35
推 : 為什麼看起來可以這麼甲啦XDDD52F 02/08 15:37
→ : 0.o53F 02/08 15:46
推 : 甲由田54F 02/08 15:51
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