※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2021-02-03 21:19:15
看板 NBA
作者 標題 [外絮] KP:沒有人想要輸球,我們不會甘於現狀
時間 Tue Feb 2 19:58:02 2021
get out of this as a grou p & grow from each game. We’re not content with w
here we’re at right now... We just gotta get back to work, practice & stay
locked in...”
在每一場比賽中取得進步。 我們不會甘於現狀,我們就是必須繼續努力訓練,保持專注
在每一場比賽中取得進步。 我們不會甘於現狀,我們就是必須繼續努力訓練,保持專注
Porzingis says the reason he played better in the second half was because he
played longer stretches and was able to get into rhythm. "Maybe that's some
thing I can communicate (to the coaching staff)," he said.
下半場我打得更好的主要原因是我打得時間更長了,我慢慢找到了比賽的節奏。 也許我
Josh Richardson (24-5-4) said his knees have been bothering him the past few
days, but felt better today and was more aggressive.
Josh Richardson說,因最近的膝傷的困擾,今天他感覺傷勢好很多也因此打出了侵略性
I'm not big on excuses or anything, but I think our locker room needs to sta
y positive and know that we've only played one game with our roster.
Rick Carlisle said the Mavs were supposed to take their foul to give on last
Suns possession and they didn't.
There's no finger pointing. It's going to fall right in my lap. We're just l
earning the hard way that attention to the smallest details is of the utmost
@IAmValenciaKing“It’s tough right now of course nobody like to lose & we’re just trying to get out of this as a group & grow from each game. We’re not content with where we’re at right now... We just gotta get back to work, practice & stay locked in...”
KP in his Post Game Conference
@CallieCaplanJosh Richardson (24-5-4) said his knees have been bothering him the past few days, but felt better today and was more aggressive.
"I'm not big on excuses or anything, but I think our locker room needs to stay positive and know that we've only played one game with our roster."
@CallieCaplanRick Carlisle said the Mavs were supposed to take their foul to give on last Suns possession and they didn't.
"There's no finger pointing. It's going to fall right in my lap. We're just learning the hard way that attention to the smallest details is of the utmost importance."
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※ 編輯: mingonly ( 臺灣), 02/02/2021 19:59:19
※ 編輯: mingonly ( 臺灣), 02/02/2021 20:15:32
推 : 隊上一堆人中肺炎真的有夠雖1F 02/02 19:59
推 : 這季的球團實力也包含了防疫力2F 02/02 20:03
推 : 氣氛?3F 02/02 20:09
推 : 你去年打快艇很強 今年很爛4F 02/02 20:10
推 : 這沒有氣氛吧5F 02/02 20:11
推 : 未來輪子6F 02/02 20:13
http://i.imgur.com/5PamuXG.jpg推 : 這可以解讀為氣氛也是不容易7F 02/02 20:15
推 : 這陣容怎麼看都會向上修 加油吧8F 02/02 20:16
推 : 77很沮喪 畢竟連輸這麼多場他都在9F 02/02 20:23
→ : 對其他剛歸隊的可能才輸一場三場
→ : 對其他剛歸隊的可能才輸一場三場
→ : 77才是在氣氛 輸到心態都崩了11F 02/02 20:51
推 : 77就絕殺沒進生氣啊12F 02/02 21:00
推 : 77之前自己投丟都會不爽阿 是什麼特別的事情嗎qq13F 02/02 21:02
推 : 慢慢就習慣了14F 02/02 21:04
推 : KP又不穩又痛,不會是小犢的解答的15F 02/02 21:14
推 : 今天已經是最接近贏球的一場了 OK的16F 02/02 21:28
推 : KP加油吧,只要你能保持健康小牛就有機會17F 02/02 21:29
噓 : 大後鋒還放話?18F 02/02 21:37
→ : 終於全員到齊19F 02/02 21:53
→ : 不給說話?20F 02/02 21:57
推 : 長這麼高 命中率這麼低?21F 02/02 22:01
推 : 記得他去年季後還蠻準的22F 02/02 23:31
→ : 先贏一場再說23F 02/02 23:44
推 : KP只要能回到全盛時期的八成 啊犢就飛天惹24F 02/02 23:46
推 : 阿不就你在雷25F 02/02 23:50
噓 : 就你在雷啊 整天泡夜店26F 02/02 23:57
→ : 疫情其實也考驗球團的內控能力啊~ 空有陣容但如果27F 02/03 00:22
→ : 管不好球員或防疫未落實,也不能怪全不全陣容的
→ : 管不好球員或防疫未落實,也不能怪全不全陣容的
推 : KP泡夜店的新聞在哪?29F 02/03 01:05
→ : 你搭配77的話來看 就懂為什麼是氣氛了30F 02/03 01:16
推 : 加油啊我牛31F 02/03 03:49
推 : KP去年季末打得很好 但就是痛啊..32F 02/03 09:14
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