※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2021-08-10 18:38:21
看板 NBA
作者 標題 [情報] Maxey:我一直和Simmons保持聯繫
時間 Tue Aug 10 13:41:19 2021
Sean Barnard
@Sean_Barnard1For context, Maxey mentioned Simmons, Matisse, and Danny Green as guys he’s picked up tips from defensively and was asked if he has kept in contact with them this off-season
@Sean_Barnard1For context, Maxey mentioned Simmons, Matisse, and Danny Green as guys he’s picked up tips from defensively and was asked if he has kept in contact with them this off-season
ked up tips from defensively and was asked if he has kept in contact with them t
his off-season
Sean Barnard
@sean_barnard1Full quote by Maxey about talking to Simmons:
“Those are great vets…they talk to me all the time, I literally just talked to Tise to congratulate him…Ben, talk to him all the time. Danny Green texted us before the game was just telling us to go out there and play hard.”
@sean_barnard1Full quote by Maxey about talking to Simmons:
“Those are great vets…they talk to me all the time, I literally just talked to Tise to congratulate him…Ben, talk to him all the time. Danny Green texted us before the game was just telling us to go out there and play hard.”
“Those are great vets…they talk to me all the time, I literally just talked to
Tise to congratulate him…Ben, talk to him all the time. Danny Green texted us
before the game was just telling us to go out there and play hard.”
Maxey表示,自己向Danny Green、Ben Simmons和Matisse Thybulle請教過防守。他還表示
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※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1628574081.A.777.html
推 : 那就一起當交易包吧1F 08/10 13:42
→ : 哈哈哈哈2F 08/10 13:42
推 : 西門人生3F 08/10 13:44
推 : 沒人問你4F 08/10 13:44
推 : 不這樣講會不好賣阿5F 08/10 13:45
推 : 樓上 有人問他啊 不是說被記者採訪嗎6F 08/10 13:45
→ : 看得出來你跟他關係很好 可以當球隊的橋樑 包一起7F 08/10 13:46
推 : 等等 Thybulle也算老將了嗎8F 08/10 13:46
→ : 其實算是闢謠啦 只是這邊會怎麼解讀就不知道了9F 08/10 13:46
推 : 一起當萬用包嗎10F 08/10 13:46
推 : 西門+Thybulle+3首輪換小李啦,我覺得阿拓會認真考11F 08/10 13:48
→ : 慮
→ : 慮
推 : 一起當萬用包XD13F 08/10 13:49
推 : 想起可愛當年,green也說有跟可愛保持聯繫14F 08/10 13:51
→ : 然後一起去暴龍
→ : 然後一起去暴龍
推 : 那就是你了ㄎㄎ16F 08/10 13:51
推 : 必須聯繫17F 08/10 13:52
→ : 包裹橫向溝通18F 08/10 13:53
推 : 76:當然是西門+添頭換小李+3首輪阿 有沒有搞錯19F 08/10 13:53
推 : 交易包20F 08/10 13:55
→ : 留下來 或者我跟你走21F 08/10 13:56
推 : 包一起 笑死22F 08/10 13:56
推 : 同捆包XD23F 08/10 13:57
→ : 酸民:這小咖,乾他屁事24F 08/10 14:03
推 : 同捆包保持聯繫也是很合理的25F 08/10 14:05
推 : 聽說波特蘭有點冷?26F 08/10 14:07
推 : 他跟西門都是富保啊27F 08/10 14:09
→ : 誰是PS5誰是TLOU228F 08/10 14:11
推 : Simmons:好擠啊 可以過去一點嗎 Maxey:不行啊 袋口29F 08/10 14:12
→ : 束太緊了
→ : 束太緊了
推 : 感情好 結果被打包一起賣掉 XDD31F 08/10 14:16
推 : 七六人小醬包32F 08/10 14:16
推 : 交易的話現今已沒幾隊會要了,暴龍,阿拓,國王?33F 08/10 14:18
推 : 剛好一起賣34F 08/10 14:23
推 : 看來走人的是鉛筆了 隊內小將挺西門35F 08/10 14:24
推 : 一起賣36F 08/10 14:27
推 : 萬用包2.037F 08/10 14:39
推 : 先講好同捆 才比較好談價38F 08/10 14:48
推 : 西門+塞波+小綠防守真心強39F 08/10 14:59
推 : Thy:老?40F 08/10 15:05
噓 : 四樓好好笑41F 08/10 15:07
推 : 誰?42F 08/10 15:09
推 : 幹笑死 是多想跟西門一起被賣XD43F 08/10 15:11
→ : 76人:跟我買西門 我再加碼送這隻44F 08/10 15:25
推 : "他們都是很出色的老將" 西門:.......???45F 08/10 15:27
推 : 你誰拉...46F 08/10 15:29
→ : 可能對他而言,有在NBA四年以上就算Veteran47F 08/10 15:31
推 : 本以為可愛人生會上演 沒想到竟然變成西門人生48F 08/10 15:38
推 : 鉛筆找不到西門, 小將可以49F 08/10 15:39
推 : 沒人問你,笑死XD50F 08/10 15:40
推 : 沒人問你笑死,記者是死人?51F 08/10 15:49
推 : Who car52F 08/10 15:53
→ : NBA平均球齡3年 可能是這個標準超過就是老將53F 08/10 16:19
推 : 這是選邊站嗎54F 08/10 17:33
→ : 同個經紀人55F 08/10 17:48
※ 看板: NBA 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 50
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