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※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2021-05-26 22:47:42
看板 NBA
作者 VeryGoodBoy (很棒的男孩)
標題 [外絮] Miller:可愛和喬治中了"快艇魔咒"
時間 Wed May 26 21:07:51 2021

Reggie Miller On Kawhi Leonard, Paul George's Struggles vs. Dallas: "They
Have That Clipper Curse."

Reggie Miller談獨行俠VS可愛喬治: 它們都中了"快艇魔咒"


Reggie Miller had a big message for the Los Angeles Clippers and their two
stars. The sharpshooter knows they have the talent to do big things this
season, but they need to get rid of the so-called 'Clipper curse' to thrive
this year.

Reggie Miller發出重大訊息給快艇隊&隊中兩位明星球員,神槍手Miller知道


Paul George couldn't deliver during the first game of their first-round
series vs. the Dallas Mavericks, getting called 'Pandemic P' on social media
again. The former player-turned-analyst recently talked with Dan Patrick,
where he explained what the Clippers need to do now if they want to make that

喬治在首輪第一場比賽發揮不佳,再次在媒體上被稱作'Pandemic P' (意指疫情下Paul

George慘淡的表現,即新冠肺炎P),一位前任球員轉任分析師與Dan Patrick談論解釋


“They have that Clipper curse. And he’s given him that nickname ‘Playoff P
’. And the first half, he was non-existent, and Paul George, he came alive a
little bit in the second half. Look there will always be pressure on the
Clippers because their cross-town rivals are the Lakers, and they have won
championships. You go out and get Kawhi and get PG, you go out and get Serge
Ibaka… I thought the Lakers and the Clippers were the two best teams in the

"它們中了快艇魔咒,喬治給他自己取了個綽號"Playoff P" (季後賽P ),但在上半場,



Miller added that neither the Lakers or Clippers are looking good this
postseason and they need to step up to compete in a stacked Western
Conference. Tyronn Lue's team needs to bounce back against a Dallas team that
looks very dangerous.

Tyronn Lue的團隊需要回擊看上去非常危險的獨行俠

“But right now, both of them don’t look like it. Is there a lot of pressure
on Kawhi? Absolutely, winning two championships, one in Toronto, one in San
Antonio. But I think they are a team that aren’t afraid to go on the road
and win ball games. I think they’ll win game two, but I think they will go
into Texas and get another one. It’s a long series, but I still feel they
have too many players that can guard Doncic when it matters, Kawhi, George,
Beverley. So they have guys that can play him and limit him.”





eorge和Beverley 因此他們有可以限制77的傢伙 (註:貝佛利已經被完爆了,還被嗆爆)

Leonard and George have a mission to accomplish and if they don't do it this

year, perhaps the Klaw will take his talents to a different franchise. They
need to do things well if they want to end that Clippers curse and finally
make it to the Western Conference Finals and beyond.



Reggie Miller On Kawhi Leonard, Paul George's Struggles vs. Dallas: "They Have That Clipper Curse." - Fadeaway World
Reggie Miller had a big message for the Los Angeles Clippers and their two stars. The sharpshooter knows they have the talent to do big things this se ...


風水不好? @@
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dwiee       : 風水不好? 湖人用得滿順的阿1F 05/26 21:10
※ 編輯: VeryGoodBoy ( 臺灣), 05/26/2021 21:12:53
simon5030   : 感覺老一輩球星 都不想看到歐洲小伙子出風頭2F 05/26 21:13
chuchu000   : 現在怪風水囉3F 05/26 21:15
hanslins    : 黑人跟白人有仇啊,如果一個日本人去中國會有啥遭4F 05/26 21:17
hanslins    : 遇,一定落井下石
iamchyun    : 武漢肺炎喬治?難怪打的像東亞病夫6F 05/26 21:18
OyAlbert    : 可愛要把天賦帶到哪?la他家,湖人又沒空間,去道奇7F 05/26 21:20
OyAlbert    : 嗎==
SilverGpoint: 神米一堆廢話...9F 05/26 21:20
CenaWang    : 火花隊啊10F 05/26 21:21
hasroten    : 可愛把天賦帶到勇士好了11F 05/26 21:23
lexus3310   : 趕快解散比較快 八字不太合qq12F 05/26 21:24
earldunn    : 可愛換圍巾  我勇小虧13F 05/26 21:27
JeremyKSKGA : 感覺大嘴Miller跟PG有仇 XD14F 05/26 21:28
to1322      : 球場不是自己的 這詛咒可能會一直跟隨 XD15F 05/26 21:29
sasewill    : 不如太陽如何,離加州很近16F 05/26 21:31
xgMd1trtw   : 天空貝這兩場真的被77吃假的 非常擔心77第三場..17F 05/26 21:40
xgMd1trtw   : .
j3307002    : 天空貝不是號稱南烈貝嗎xd19F 05/26 21:42
to1322      : LA到灣區距離也還可以接受 如果可愛下季勇士的話...20F 05/26 21:43
iwgpg1ghc   : 講跑喬的那段很中肯啊,跑喬有一搭沒一搭的21F 05/26 21:46
tatata      : 講一堆廢話 然後吹捧的幾個防守者拿77沒轍22F 05/26 21:48
sustainer123: 帶到小牛 有人能幫他組織23F 05/26 21:50
ken6136     : 18卡都上不到20分鐘誒24F 05/26 21:51
CLawrence   : 快艇陣容排開算在西區第二、聯盟第三,打成這樣真25F 05/26 21:53
CLawrence   : 的不行
yasan1029   : 77要小心軟豆吧 一直想胯下抄球27F 05/26 21:53
hunt5566    : 我認為他們將贏得G2(註:今天已經輸了)28F 05/26 21:54
hunt5566    : 哈哈哈哈哈哈
camelot0603 : 比較需要擔心出陰招吧,有先推演過衝突時誰要去擋30F 05/26 21:56
camelot0603 : 嗎?別又傻傻讓KP去耶
x4068       : 瘋狗貝(X) 吉娃娃貝(O)32F 05/26 21:57
samuelass   : 第三場77真的要小心 MM跟瘋狗都有可能下手33F 05/26 22:00
gomotion    : 純粹小牛比較強吧XD34F 05/26 22:03
GGGGH       : 說自己從小就是快艇迷的人35F 05/26 22:04
bruce79     : 講一大堆 只注意Pandemic P36F 05/26 22:05
lj7168      : 灌一次籃三個一起吼,不知道是什麼心態37F 05/26 22:06
lj7168      : 一看到可愛就想到他一邊拍酒店女的屁股一邊撒錢
rondoya     : 爽啦39F 05/26 22:11
patrickc    : 一天到晚拜人品 難怪魔咒纏身40F 05/26 22:27
youngstory  : 是Lue的魔咒?41F 05/26 22:40

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