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作者 標題 [花邊] 鬍子問蝦妹多少肯換號碼?"10萬鎂+勞力士"
時間 Sat Jan 16 14:16:05 2021
來源: SportsRush
網址: https://tinyurl.com/y538xbub
“Landry Shamet, how much do you want for number 13?”: James Harden hilariously tries to bribe Brooklyn Nets teammate for his old jersey number | The SportsRush
James Harden and Landry Shamet had a hilarious back and forth for the Brooklyn Nets' jersey number 13 on Instagram yesterday. ...
James Harden and Landry Shamet talk about the Beard wanting jersey number 13
James Harden跟Landry Shamet討論鬍子想穿13號球衣
James Harden has been wearing 13 on the back of his jersey since high school,
when he attended Artesia. He was #13 with OKC and then with the Houston
Rockets as well.
However, now that he is in Brooklyn, #13 currently resides with former
Clipper Landry Shamet. So to coerce Shamet into giving up the number, Harden
took to his Instagram story.
然而,現在轉到了籃網,13號球衣現在是前快艇球員Landry Shamet在穿。所以,為了誘惑
鬍子IG截圖1: https://imgur.com/DdsSQMo.jpg
He wrote, “Landry Shamet, how much do you want for that number 13?”
蝦妹IG截圖2: https://imgur.com/aONxFIj.jpg
Shamet in turn responded by posting a picture of James Harden giving rapper Lil
Baby gifts on his birthday.
蝦妹的回覆是貼了一張鬍子在饒舌歌手Lil Baby生日時給的禮物的照片。
鬍子IG截圖3: https://imgur.com/IJ8XTfP.jpg
Harden in turn hilariously said that he’s scrambling looking for honey buns
(slang for $100,000) and a Rolex, but might have to settle for cupcakes and
an apple watch.
This is of course in reference to Harden gifting Lil Baby honey buns and a
Rolex on the latter’s birthday. Shams Charania had broke the news on January
14th that James Haden would be wearing #13 for the Nets. It was also
announced that Shamet would be #20. It remains to be seen whether Shamet will
succumb to James Harden’s slightly above average bribe.
這段對話當然指的是鬍子在Lil Baby生日時給10萬鎂跟一支勞力士的這件事。蝦妹在1/14
"Already friends with the new guys huh"
"Just trade him if he doesn’t give u the number james smfh"
"ESPN: James Harden buys Landry Shamet a lap dance to regain his old number"
「ESPN報導: 鬍子為了穿13號,付錢讓蝦妹享受大腿舞。」
"[ESPN] Does Harden want to leave to a team with no #13"
「ESPN報導: 鬍子因為拿不到13號想離隊。」
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※ 編輯: pneumo ( 臺灣), 01/16/2021 14:17:18
推 : 杯子蛋糕剛好隊上有1F 01/16 14:18
推 : 杯子蛋糕(看向另一名隊友...XDDD2F 01/16 14:18
→ : 雷霆出版的杯子蛋糕嗎3F 01/16 14:18
→ : 援助失學少年4F 01/16 14:19
→ : KD:我桌上的cupcake呢? 誰拿走了?5F 01/16 14:20
推 : 蛋糕不是哈登現任隊友的外號嗎 果然ㄧ跳槽就搞事6F 01/16 14:20
→ : 氣氛up起來xd
→ : 氣氛up起來xd
推 : 想當年我還買了杯子蛋糕帽T8F 01/16 14:20
推 : KD表示: 影射個x9F 01/16 14:20
推 : 不給換就換掉他~ 瞎妹:!?10F 01/16 14:20
推 : KD: (typing)11F 01/16 14:20
推 : AD當年可是用400萬美買背號 結果還失敗了12F 01/16 14:20
推 : 拿不到冠軍 穿幾號球衣都一樣不重要13F 01/16 14:20
推 : 美國真的很喜歡用杯子蛋糕來形容欸14F 01/16 14:21
推 : 才10萬美 對鬍子是零頭吧15F 01/16 14:23
推 : 10萬鎂是蜂蜜麵包,10萬港幣是菠蘿包16F 01/16 14:23
推 : 10萬台幣...刈包?17F 01/16 14:27
→ : KD:看我幹嘛 我像杯子蛋糕嗎?19F 01/16 14:30
推 : [新聞]鬍子諷刺KI不是勞力士,只是iwatch20F 01/16 14:30
推 : 蝦妹:以後就靠這個賺外快了 大家覺得下個要選多少21F 01/16 14:30
→ : 有沒有最多讓背號的紀錄啊
→ : 有沒有最多讓背號的紀錄啊
推 : Kiwatch23F 01/16 14:31
推 : 所以真的只給蛋糕囉?!24F 01/16 14:32
推 : 400萬鎂買不到? 騙肖25F 01/16 14:33
→ : 連餐廳名稱都是"13" 不考慮多要一點?26F 01/16 14:33
推 : KD:你他媽說誰杯子蛋糕?27F 01/16 14:36
推 : 關鍵字 :杯子蛋糕28F 01/16 14:39
推 : 蝦妹先行卡位成功....XDD29F 01/16 14:40
推 : 杯子蛋糕表示:30F 01/16 14:41
推 : KD:胖子滾啦31F 01/16 14:44
推 : 杯子蛋糕卡位成功?32F 01/16 14:51
推 : 香妹直接獲得脫衣俱樂部VIP33F 01/16 14:52
推 : 雷霆出品的杯子蛋糕嗎34F 01/16 14:54
推 : AD有成功阿 下一季會換35F 01/16 14:56
推 : 偷嘴隊友 搞氣氛給推36F 01/16 14:56
推 : 公開互酸是氣氛好還是差啊XD37F 01/16 15:01
推 : 013啊38F 01/16 15:04
推 : 鬍子賺這麼多,送一之羅雷也沒什麼吧39F 01/16 15:04
推 : 外國人不是很忌諱13嗎?40F 01/16 15:06
推 : KD: 好了,別再不尊重KD,KD是兩屆FMVP了41F 01/16 15:17
噓 : Apple Watch都寫出來了還在iWatch42F 01/16 15:24
推 : KD目前動態:編輯文章43F 01/16 15:24
推 : 杯子蛋糕可以跟辣個男人要44F 01/16 15:31
→ : 氣氛很好45F 01/16 15:32
推 : 杯子蛋糕?這是巧合嗎 我可不這麼認為46F 01/16 15:37
推 : 折衷方案 杯子蛋糕+夜市牌手錶47F 01/16 15:37
推 : 鬍子:比我平常援助失學女孩還少 給過48F 01/16 15:38
推 : 鬍子對隊友很大方49F 01/16 15:49
推 : 可以穿35號啊 KD:...50F 01/16 15:54
推 : 杯子蛋糕XD51F 01/16 15:59
推 : KD:耳朵好癢 哪隻小貓在嘴KD52F 01/16 16:06
推 : KD:看我幹嘛53F 01/16 16:07
※ 看板: NBA 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 128
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