※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2021-01-04 11:39:19
看板 NBA
作者 標題 [花邊] LBJ投進Logo Shot 推特嗨翻
時間 Mon Jan 4 11:10:50 2021
先上Logo Shot影片: https://streamable.com/nvwmt7
來源: EssentiallySports
網址: https://tinyurl.com/yc8qlcf6
'Logo LeBron': Twitter Goes Bizarre as LeBron James Hits a Deep Dagger Against Grizzlies - EssentiallySports
NBA fans react on Twitter as Los Angeles Lakers superstar LeBron James knocks down a deep 3-pointer against the Memphis Grizzlies. ...
‘Logo LeBron’: Twitter Goes Bizarre as LeBron James Hits a Deep Dagger
Against Grizzlies
湖人打灰熊 LBJ投進深遠三分球 推特嗨翻:「Logo LeBron!」
LeBron James is truly a terrific player and despite being in the league for
nearly two decades, he is always looking to improve his game. Up until a few
years ago, LBJ was considered a mediocre 3-point shooter. However, in his
time as a Laker, he is slowly but surely rectifying that flaw in his game as
In fact, he showed off his progress in the Lakers’ Sunday night victory over
the Memphis Grizzlies. Although the purple and gold won the game, it was a
very close matchup until the final quarter. But in the fourth quarter, King
James took over the game and scored 13 of his 22 points to close out the game.
During that incredible scoring run, LBJ pulled up a deep 3 from the Grizzlies
’ logo. Ultimately, it proved to be a dagger for the already short-handed
Memphis Grizzlies.
在那一節,LBJ投了一個深遠三分Logo Shot。到最後,這一球對已經缺少人手的灰熊來說是
As expected, the NBA community was quick to react to this sensational
3-pointer from LeBron James.
CP: "LeBron James out there hitting logo threes in YEAR 18 "
「生涯第18年,LBJ在場上投Logo Shots。」
NBA on TNT: "Logo LeBron is back"
「Logo LeBron回來了。」
鄉民: "If @KingJames making these every game he can play basketball forever"
"Me: What are you doing, LeBr.... okay it goes in."
「幹! 你在幹嘛LB....喔進了,沒事。」
"I have more faith in his deep 3’s than his free throws"
"LeFuck You THREE"
"He's more dangerous further back then right by the three point line. It makes
no sense"
"Well that’s a big ass logo"
"I love LeBron but that logo is absolutely massive"
LeFuck You Three!
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1VyeS_n6 (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1609729855.A.C46.html
※ 編輯: pneumo ( 臺灣), 01/04/2021 11:11:24
推 : 這個logo 真的超大1F 01/04 11:12
→ : logo怎麼那麼大2F 01/04 11:12
推 : 他去年好像就是遠三分最準的球員3F 01/04 11:12
推 : 現場看他投會覺得怎麼這麼輕鬆4F 01/04 11:12
→ : 灰熊的LOGO比較大5F 01/04 11:13
推 : 「幹! 你在幹嘛LB....喔進了,沒事。」XDDDDD6F 01/04 11:13
推 : 肌肉太強壯 LOGO跟罰球線差不多遠7F 01/04 11:13
推 : 笑死 超大8F 01/04 11:13
推 : 罰球線太近了9F 01/04 11:14
推 : 靠背 超大logo 哈哈哈10F 01/04 11:14
推 : LOGO太大了...這句笑死XDDDD11F 01/04 11:14
推 : 灰熊的LOGO是在大甚麼的12F 01/04 11:14
推 : 那熊也太寬xd13F 01/04 11:14
推 : 罰球真的太近14F 01/04 11:15
→ : 居然是灰熊的復古logo欸@@15F 01/04 11:15
→ : logo真的超大 XDDDD16F 01/04 11:15
→ LBJ23 …
推 : 下次貼到三分線就更多logo蝦了18F 01/04 11:16
推 : 雖然確實站在logo上,但logo也真的好大XDDD19F 01/04 11:16
→ LBJ23 …
推 : 真的超大 笑死21F 01/04 11:17
噓 : 本推但大22F 01/04 11:17
推 : logo太大了23F 01/04 11:18
推 : 大Logo24F 01/04 11:18
推 : 真的好大DDDD但還是很猛25F 01/04 11:18
推 : 道理我都懂,但那Logo為什麼那麼大?26F 01/04 11:19
推 : 幹投這種球幹嘛...阿進了...好球...27F 01/04 11:19
推 : Logo太大了 偷吃步啦XDDD28F 01/04 11:19
推 : 其實是大號三分吧29F 01/04 11:19
推 : 因為灰熊的LOGO爆大30F 01/04 11:19
推 : 如果轉型射手真的又要再打10年了…31F 01/04 11:20
推 : 死之三分 LOGO超大32F 01/04 11:20
推 : logo都快接近三分線了lol33F 01/04 11:21
推 : 靠,還真的是「大號Logo」shot34F 01/04 11:21
推 : 看LBJ投三分都覺得比他投罰球準XDDD35F 01/04 11:21
推 : 大LOGO shot36F 01/04 11:21
噓 : 又再曇花了37F 01/04 11:21
推 : 大號 LogoShot(X) 大號Logo Shot(O)38F 01/04 11:22
推 : LOGO太大了吧39F 01/04 11:23
推 : 死之LOGO三分40F 01/04 11:23
推 : 喇叭投羅鍋蝦比西門投三分更敢41F 01/04 11:23
推 : 這logo.....42F 01/04 11:25
推 : 三個愛投羅國蝦的 效力43F 01/04 11:25
→ : 小李 柯呂 老詹
→ : 小李 柯呂 老詹
推 : 軟體更新就好了45F 01/04 11:25
推 : LOGO太大(物理)46F 01/04 11:26
→ : 三分線外三步~可以了啦這距離47F 01/04 11:27
推 : 比射手還準,那個靈堂自己摸老二看看48F 01/04 11:28
推 : 超大logo哈哈哈49F 01/04 11:28
→ : 過去十幾年我投進的Logo shot比馬刺隊還多?50F 01/04 11:28
→ : LOGO笑死51F 01/04 11:28
推 : LBJ:聽說這個2021年最新晶片站在logo上命中+2052F 01/04 11:28
推 : 因為我把街舞晶片拔啦 大驚小怪53F 01/04 11:29
推 : 這復古灰熊圖騰好看54F 01/04 11:29
推 : 有沒有哪隊logo最小的八卦55F 01/04 11:30
→ : 湖人:主場球館地板翻新 改為整片LOGO56F 01/04 11:30
推 : 湖人主場應該印一個更大的logo57F 01/04 11:30
推 : 三分球比罰球準的男人58F 01/04 11:31
推 : 老了啦 只好logo shot59F 01/04 11:31
推 : 笑死人logoshot60F 01/04 11:31
推 : 是logo太大吧XD 騙點閱61F 01/04 11:32
推 : 這logo太大了吧....XD62F 01/04 11:34
→ : 灰熊logo大到三分線外一大步= =63F 01/04 11:34
推 : 這logo真的很大XDDD64F 01/04 11:34
推 : 曇花:你們兩個一直退,真當我老漢不敢投?65F 01/04 11:34
→ : 為什麼這個logo這麼大66F 01/04 11:34
推 : Big Logo he got that67F 01/04 11:35
推 : LOGO SHOT沒問題XD68F 01/04 11:35
※ 看板: NBA 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 112
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