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作者 標題 [外絮] 字母哥簽約 吉巴很興奮:可以正面對決
時間 Wed Dec 16 10:12:38 2020
來源: Miami Local 10
網址: https://tinyurl.com/y9l7c93r
Jimmy Butler excited to ‘go through’ Giannis and Bucks
Heat forward Jimmy Butler is happy that Giannis Antetokounmpo is staying with the Bucks. ...
Jimmy Butler excited to ‘go through’ Giannis and Bucks
Jimmy Butler很興奮可以跟Giannis及公鹿"正面對決"
Jimmy Butler is ready for the challenge.
The Milwaukee Bucks signed Giannis Antetokounmpo to a $228M supermax
extension on Tuesday.
星期二的時候公鹿與字母哥Giannis Antetokounmpo簽下2億2800萬的超級頂薪約。
Butler said he wouldn’t have it any other way.
“I like it,” Butler said. “I don’t think you can go around him. I don’t
think you can go around LeBron either. You have to go right through them. You
have to beat them. You also have to beat the Sixers, Boston, Toronto. There’
s a lot of squads in the East with some really good players. Doesn’t
intimidate me none. I actually get excited for it. I want to go up against
the best, my guys want to go up against the best. That’s our way to show we
belong. That’s how we get our respect.”
The Heat All-Star respects Giannis’ game.
Butler said, “He’s a hell of a player. He wants to be great. It’s our job
to get better, each and every day, each and every year. He’s done a
phenomenal job at it. They got a good core group around him. It’s going to
be interesting. It’s going to be fun to watch. It’s going to be fun to go
to battle against those guys.”
Butler added: “Can’t wait for the Heat vs. Bucks matchup.”
The two teams did meet inside the NBA Bubble with the Heat beating the Bucks
in 5 games.
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