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※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2020-12-12 16:09:32
看板 NBA
作者 pneumo (超☆冒險蓋)
標題 [花邊] KI說媒體是小兵(Pawns) 西洋棋大師的反應
時間 Sat Dec 12 15:38:11 2020

來源: SportsRush
網址: https://tinyurl.com/y69mptdg
Chess legend Garry Kasparov has great reaction to Kyrie Irving 'pawns' comment
Chess legend Garry Kasparov had a funny reaction on Friday to Brooklyn Nets guard Kyrie Irving calling the media 'pawns.' ...


Chess legend Garry Kasparov has great reaction to Kyrie Irving ‘pawns’
西洋棋傳奇Garry Kasparov對於Kyrie Irving說媒體是"小兵"(pawns)的反應

Kyrie Irving rubbed many the wrong way with his most recent comment about the
media, but it is now giving rise to perhaps the tweet of the year.
Kyrie Irving最近對於媒體的評論讓許多人很感冒,但是這有可能成為今年的年度推特

The Brooklyn Nets guard was fined $25,000 by the NBA this week for his
continued refusal to speak to reporters. Irving responded to the fine with a
statement on Instagram in which he referred to the media as “pawns.”

That led to this incredible tweet from chess legend Garry Kasparov. The
Russian grandmaster of the sport said that there was nothing wrong with
talking to pawns, only when the pawns start answering.
這讓西洋棋傳奇人物Garry Kasparov在推特上寫了神奇的回覆。這位俄羅斯棋藝大師說跟

Kasparov推特: https://twitter.com/Kasparov63/status/1337496853517135872
Garry Kasparov
There's nothing wrong with talking to pawns. It's when they start answering that you have a problem!https://twitter.com/ESPNNBA/status/1337414458516385793 …
"I do not talk to Pawns."

Kyrie Irving responds following being fined by the NBA for failure to comply with the league's media requirements.
"There's nothing wrong with talking to pawns. It's when they start answering
that you have a problem!

The 57-year-old Kasparov is widely seen as the greatest chess player of
all-time, having been ranked No. 1 in the world from 1984 all the way up
until his retirement in 2005. Thus, you knew that he was not going to pass up
the opportunity to respond once Irving stepped foot into his realm.

Not everybody had as humorous of a reaction to Irving’s comments as Kasparov
did, but this tweet was definitely a checkmate.

我要用Queen's Gambit開局

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sikadear    : 還不是被Beth打爆==1F 12/12 15:40
magamanzero : 小兵也是能變身的 看不起小兵?2F 12/12 15:40
holyseraph  : KI: 原來小兵可以變身??  我以前不知道這個規則3F 12/12 15:42
awheaton311 : 西西里亞防禦4F 12/12 15:43
lottopop2   : 貝絲>博戈夫5F 12/12 15:43
breadf      : 一定是遊戲人生看太多6F 12/12 15:44
roger2623900: 不太懂 是指小兵開始反擊時會有問題嗎?7F 12/12 15:44
kohebe      : 小心成為queen's gambit的pawn啊8F 12/12 15:45
holyseraph  : 對手小兵走到底線可以變身成女王  到時問題就很大了9F 12/12 15:47
KKB         : ki棄兵10F 12/12 15:47
sasewill    : 下贏Beth再說11F 12/12 15:51
chiliho     : 厄文氣兵12F 12/12 15:52
whathappen  : 小兵對上大師13F 12/12 15:52
benptt      : 嗯嗯 我也這麼覺得14F 12/12 15:52
scorpions   : 我像是一顆棋,進退任由你決定15F 12/12 15:53
THEGASTBY   : KI根本是西洋棋的主教,為人劍走偏鋒然後又會發聲16F 12/12 15:53
THEGASTBY   : (文字&氣氛),完全斜著來。
uppp        : 一堆宏義氣兵18F 12/12 15:58
Miyanishi25 : 推后翼棄兵 女主角正爆!!!19F 12/12 15:59
HaHaPoint   : 無冕王被說成小兵20F 12/12 16:01
j23932      : Anya Taylor-Joy超正演得又好21F 12/12 16:03
ChaosK      : 西洋棋大師發文不是問題,等哪天AlphaGO發文嗆人才是22F 12/12 16:04
ChaosK      : 大問題
kkjjkkjj    : 這個人太強了吧24F 12/12 16:06

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