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※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2020-12-07 12:29:40
看板 NBA
作者 azlbf (上邪!我欲與君相知)
標題 [外絮] 多名國王球員被隔離
時間 Mon Dec  7 10:53:14 2020

Multiple Kings quarantining after positive COVID-19 tests

多位國王球員因為COVID-19 被隔離

By James Ham

The NBA is embarking on another unprecedented season under the torture  of the coronavirus pandemic. After having four players test positive leading up to the bubble in Orlando in late June and July, the Kings have once again been hit with the virus that has killed more than 1.5 million people globally.



According to head coach Luke Walton, the Kings currently have players under quarantine with coronavirus.


“Before we got back into the facility and we were going through the NBA protocol, as far as the safety stuff is concerned, we had a couple of positive tests,” Walton said. “Before we opened up, those guys were put in quarantine.”

我們在回到球場之前,並須通過NBA制定的流程,我們針對安全性做了一些積極的檢測。 在我們被允許開放之前,這些小伙被隔離了。

Due to HIPAA rules (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996), the Kings are not allowed to reveal the names of players who are currently infected by the virus.


Players are allowed to release that information themselves, but to date, no one from the Kings have  come forward with that information.


This is the new reality for NBA players. The bubble was a safe environment, but that safety net is gone. It is going to be on the players to stay safe and be as responsible as possible.


“For us, it’s about being responsible, just trying to limit your opportunities to get the virus,” De’Aaron Fox said.


The NFL has been a one of the guinea pigs for professional sports, but they have huge rosters, fewer games and more flexibility.

NFL一直為其他職業運動進行CB 測試,他們有更多的球員與較少的場次與安排上的靈活性。

“With the NBA, it’s definitely going to be different,” Fox said. “It’s not like the NFL where you have one game in a week. If somebody gets it then you kind of shut down for a couple of days. Basketball, if one guy gets it or a few guys get it, you shut down and now the whole team has to cancel 2-3 games.”


Not only are the Kings dealing with a few positive tests, but they have also been thrown into some uncertainty with their preseason schedule. They were set to play the Portland Trail Blazers on Friday and Sunday this coming week, but those games might  be in jeopardy.


"Over the past four days, we have had three positive COVID test results within our organization,” Blazers GM Neil Olshey said via press release. “Out of an abundance of caution, having completed contact tracing, we are closing our practice facility today for deep cleaning while we run confirmatory tests.”


The Kings found out about the situation in Portland as they came off the practice floor. They have no idea what this announcement means for their team, but it plays into a bigger conversation of how the team has to approach this season.


“That goes back to the theme that we shared and talked about as a team before practice today, which was acknowledge, accept and attack,” Walton said. “We have to acknowledge the fact that it’s going to be a crazy season.”

我疼: 練習之前我們有做一些討論,包含認可、接受與攻擊。我們必須接受並且直面這個瘋狂的球季。

Walton said that if the games get cancelled later this week, the Kings will have to adapt. It might  be a blessing in disguise that would allow the team four additional days to hit the practice floor and focus on improving.


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kkjjkkjj    : 打不贏,不錄了1F 12/07 10:53
MK47        : 國王找到不會輸球的方法了~2F 12/07 10:57
YeSerD      : 隔離完剛好開季?3F 12/07 10:57
THEGASTBY   : 不打就不算輸?4F 12/07 10:58
Evonn       : 不給錢就不算賣囉5F 12/07 10:59
john0421    : 休息一年 然後.....6F 12/07 10:59
mouz        : 沒打可能也沒人發現7F 12/07 11:00
azlbf       : 按照之前那本超厚PDF 陽性就是隔7天再驗 、接觸者隔8F 12/07 11:01
azlbf       : 4天
hank13241   : 我看虎撲是說只隔離兩人,FOX沒事10F 12/07 11:03
ClownT      : 隔離兩人就很可怕了 大家都一起練球的......11F 12/07 11:04
earldunn    : 不打沒好處阿,聯盟會沒收籤12F 12/07 11:06
charmania   : 國王要駕崩了嗎13F 12/07 11:07
ClownT      : 球隊也很衰 根本管不住這些大牌球員 還要被沒收籤14F 12/07 11:08
me91        : 還沒開打直接坦,強15F 12/07 11:12
kobe30418   : 笑死16F 12/07 11:13
hank13241   : 國王沒啥大牌啦,反正重點是FOX MB3沒事就行17F 12/07 11:16
hank13241   : 其他角色球員說實話影響不大
supermeme   : 好險 如果是我疼被隔離不小心進季後賽怎麼辦19F 12/07 11:17
jeff12280   : 直接找一個坦的理由20F 12/07 11:22
DioEraclea  : 國王地域倒楣鬼21F 12/07 11:22
bypetty     : 最大聲的可不能缺席啊22F 12/07 11:24
Pinky555    : 現在都是回訓練營驗的啊  全部隔離都不會罰吧...23F 12/07 11:29
ksk0516     : Bagley有被隔離嗎24F 12/07 11:30
awcoke      : Luke Walton這廢咖是否又有苟延殘喘的機會了。爛咖25F 12/07 11:31
awcoke      : 長命的標準代表。
Kazmier     : 國王乾脆停打一季27F 12/07 11:34
peter331    : 隔離王28F 12/07 11:40
b08297      : 這個你如果要賣票還要到處移動是避免不了球員被感染29F 12/07 11:42
b08297      : 的,二次停賽只是時間早晚的問題
merkx051    : walton滾啦,被他搞到得肺炎31F 12/07 11:52
ltmps       : 從季前賽就開始坦32F 12/07 12:10
Tawara      : 強迫開坦?33F 12/07 12:11

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