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作者 標題 [外絮] 沒有在想延長合約 Kuzma:怎樣我都會有錢拿
時間 Fri Jul 24 16:10:28 2020
來源: SBNation
網址: https://tinyurl.com/y3uw559s
Kyle Kuzma isn’t thinking about extension talks with Lakers - Silver Screen and Roll
Kyle Kuzma has a lot of confidence in his value to the Lakers. ...
Kyle Kuzma isn’t thinking about extension talks with the Lakers this summer:
‘I’m going to get paid regardless’
今年夏天Kyle Kuzma沒有在思考有關與湖人的延長合約: 怎樣我都會拿到錢
Before the league descended on Orlando to restart the NBA season, Kyle Kuzma
was part of a group of third-year players — along with Bam Adebayo, De’
Aaron Fox, Donovan Mitchell, and Jayson Tatum — who met with league
leadership to secure some sort of insurance protection for their upcoming
contract extensions.
在聯盟開始在奧蘭多復賽前,Kyle Kuzma是聯盟裡數位三年級生的其中一位--其他包括Bam
Adebayo,De'Aaron Fox,Donovan Mitchell跟Jayson Tatum--這些都是達到聯盟領先標準
It’s not clear if any agreement emerged from those talks, but Kuzma also
doesn’t seem to be worried about his looming extension, which can be signed
this offseason.
“I mean, I’m gonna get paid regardless so I don’t really care,” Kuzma
told the media on Wednesday. “It’s gonna happen one day. So I don’t think
about that.”
Kuzma hasn’t made that much money, relatively speaking, in his NBA career
thus far after entering the league as the 27th pick in the 2017 draft. At the
end of this season, he will have earned about $5 million in salary (though he
likely makes a substantial amount in endorsements), so he is still waiting on
the first contract that earns him life-changing money.
The third-year Laker isn’t projected to get a maximum extension like the
other players who were seeking insurance, but he is highly valued by the team
and governor Jeanie Buss. The Lakers kept Kuzma over all of their other young
players in the Anthony Davis trade this past offseason, and the front office
clearly has remained bullish on Kuzma’s star potential.
闆Jeanie Buss則是很重視他。在上個休賽季,湖人留下了Kuzma,把其他的年輕小將交易
走,換來了Anthony Davis,制服組對於Kuzma的潛力始終看漲。
闆Jeanie Buss則是很重視他。在上個休賽季,湖人留下了Kuzma,把其他的年輕小將交易
走,換來了Anthony Davis,制服組對於Kuzma的潛力始終看漲。
So yes, Kuzma will get paid eventually, and most likely by the Lakers. It
probably won’t be this offseason as the Lakers keep their salary cap space
for the summer of 2021, when the older brother of a certain two-way player
will be a free agent. In due time, however, Kuzma stands to earn a pretty
His teammate Jared Dudley spoke to The Athletic about how Kuzma can prove his
value as a role player:
他的隊友Jared Dudley在接受The Athletic訪問時講到Kuzma如何證明他在角色球員上的價
“I always tell Kuz about the money,” Dudley said. “Players want to get
paid.... The question is, how can you fit in with these two players? You’re
not always going to get 18 points a game.
“They think you’re going to shoot the ball every time. And when your shot
is not going, can you get to the free throw line? What can you bring to this
team? And, once we win? I’ve seen Otto Porter get a max contract (averaging)
13 points a game. And he’s better than him. Kuz is more talented than Otto
Porter. He’s more athletic, there’s more stuff he can do with it. But Otto
Porter stars in his role.”
嗎?你到底可以為球隊做甚麼呢?然後一旦球隊贏了,我看到Otto Porter場均13分但是拿
Kuzma hasn’t yet proven that he can be a star as a role player, and his best
moments have come when one or both of Davis or James is out. If he wants to
guarantee his financial future, he’ll have to be more consistent during the
Lakers’ playoff run and show that he fits on this Lakers team moving
forward. He’s been good enough over the first two years of his NBA career to
“get paid regardless,” as he said, but he has the potential to earn much
怎樣都會拿錢 拿到多少就不知道了
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推 : 運鈔車給我開出來1F 07/24 16:11
推 : 最多一年1200萬 美金 再多沒有2F 07/24 16:13
推 : 矮湯原本也以為有車會來3F 07/24 16:13
推 : 都跟老闆約會了不是嗎?4F 07/24 16:15
推 : 我湖少主沒十億也有八億5F 07/24 16:18
推 : 今天該上不上 該傳不傳不知道在打三小6F 07/24 16:20
推 : 五百萬鎂也夠改變人生了吧7F 07/24 16:24
推 : 湖人的未來也8F 07/24 16:25
推 : 那段的意思是湖人要把薪資空間留給某個雙向球員要變9F 07/24 16:29
→ : FA的哥哥
真的ㄟ 沒有看懂 已修 謝謝指正→ : FA的哥哥
※ 編輯: pneumo ( 臺灣), 07/24/2020 16:36:41
推 : 字母哥?11F 07/24 16:34
推 : 頂薪 頂薪12F 07/24 16:34
→ : 怎麼身價愈打愈低13F 07/24 16:37
推 : 湖人少主就值頂薪了 運鈔車開出來14F 07/24 16:42
→ : 湖人要怎麼清出給字母哥的薪資空間15F 07/24 16:49
推 : 這心態...完蛋了16F 07/24 16:51
推 : 少主20%應該沒問題17F 07/24 16:52
→ : 季後賽拿出好表現 錢自然會變多XD18F 07/24 16:57
推 : 完了會成為怕爽死2.0嗎?19F 07/24 16:58
推 : 運鈔車20F 07/24 16:59
→ : 還有Kuz何時變少主了XD21F 07/24 17:00
→ : 姆斯之後的老大是AD耶
→ : 姆斯之後的老大是AD耶
→ : 保持健康才是真的23F 07/24 17:03
→ : 老闆應該是看好他完成度高 可以即用 賭一把24F 07/24 17:08
推 : 該做的活都有上心~~老闆不會忘了他der~~(心25F 07/24 17:10
推 : 值不值是一回事,但褲子一定高於1200/y的好嘛26F 07/24 17:10
推 : 可能想拿2000一年以上吧?27F 07/24 17:15
推 : 運鈔車….......28F 07/24 17:20
推 : 1200/y 應該沒問題吧 我記得patty mills 都有了29F 07/24 17:20
推 : 少主不需要鄉民擔心啦30F 07/24 17:23
→ kooyoo1144 …
推 : 大頂薪時代領1200...32F 07/24 17:31
推 : Kuzma 防守那麼爛想拿多少錢,今天被77切豆腐33F 07/24 17:32
推 : 大哥是誰?34F 07/24 17:38
推 : 字母弟35F 07/24 17:42
推 : 這樣應該是字母弟的大哥36F 07/24 17:46
→ : 舊湖人他才有機會 現在很難了...37F 07/24 17:49
→ : GM是經紀人起家的 算很精
→ : GM是經紀人起家的 算很精
→ : 姆斯最後一年如果願意少拿湖人就有空間了39F 07/24 17:50
推 : 杰倫13分都可以拿到均28M的合約,褲子馬拿個25M不為40F 07/24 18:01
→ : 過
→ : 過
推 : 杰倫有防守阿 是在開玩笑喔42F 07/24 18:06
→ : 要拿超過1500去別隊吧 尼克吧
→ : 要拿超過1500去別隊吧 尼克吧
→ : 矮湯單季29分都拿不到年千萬 得分真的不是重點44F 07/24 18:08
推 : 就問有沒有比Lou強就好45F 07/24 18:13
→ : Lou年薪也才800 Kuz要多少?
→ : Lou年薪也才800 Kuz要多少?
推 : Rozier 9分4籃板3助攻 拿1900萬47F 07/24 18:14
推 : 嘻嘻48F 07/24 18:15
→ : 對欸 黃蜂應該可以開2500給他49F 07/24 18:15
→ : Kuzma只給1200未免也太看不起他了巴 他去年場均18分50F 07/24 18:15
→ : 同意得分不是重點 位置也不同 運氣才是最重要的...
→ : 同意得分不是重點 位置也不同 運氣才是最重要的...
→ : 老實說真要給1200 我還寧願給AB叫他回來打球52F 07/24 18:16
推 : 杰倫和Kuz誰比較強?53F 07/24 18:31
推 : 他態度一定不會像高富帥拉 可是....成長真的有限...54F 07/24 18:31
→ : 看褲子馬打球十場有八場會想砸電視,另外兩場是直55F 07/24 18:34
→ : 接關電視
→ : 接關電視
推 : 安啦 喬丹會用四千萬簽他的57F 07/24 18:38
推 : 運鈔車58F 07/24 18:48
推 : 杰倫打球聰明多了59F 07/24 18:53
推 : 1400ok啦60F 07/24 19:07
推 : 杰倫今年命中率快5成 20+6+3 竟然拿來比…61F 07/24 19:15
→ : 還外帶外圍小鎖
→ : 是20+6+2啦 記錯
→ : 還外帶外圍小鎖
→ : 是20+6+2啦 記錯
推 : 希望Kuz能1500左右續64F 07/24 19:16
推 : 杰倫簽的時候才13分4籃板 你拿續約後成績來比?65F 07/24 19:20
→ : 當時連賽迷都覺得盤好嗎
→ : 當時連賽迷都覺得盤好嗎
※ 看板: NBA 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 86
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