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看板 NBA
作者 標題 [外絮] 嘴綠說湖人比快艇有機會拿冠: 因為有LBJ
時間 Wed Jul 1 11:33:30 2020
來源: ClutchPoints
網址: https://tinyurl.com/y93768fg
NBA news: Draymond Green reveals major reason why Lakers, not Clippers, will win NBA title
Golden State Warriors forward Draymond Green firmly believes that the Los Angeles Lakers, not the Los Angeles Clippers, will win the 2019-20 NBA title ...
Draymond Green reveals major reason why Lakers, not Clippers, will win NBA
Golden State Warriors forward Draymond Green firmly believes that the Los
Angeles Lakers, not the Los Angeles Clippers, will win the 2019-20 NBA title.
Green appeared on the “Jalen and Jacoby” show on ESPN on Tuesday and
discussed his take on the two LA teams. According to the three-time NBA
Champion, the Clippers have been the top favorites entering the season, as
they are the more complete team compared to other contenders.
嘴綠星期二上ESPN的節目"Jalen and Jacoby"談到了他對兩支洛杉磯球隊的看法。根據這
影片: https://twitter.com/JalenandJacoby/status/1278073882834952193
@JalenandJacoby@Money23Green gives his title favorite what do you think? #gtgtpwtw @JalenRose @djacoby
“I think going into the season and all season long, the [Los Angeles]
Clippers were the favorite,” Green said, as transcribed by Ali Thanawalla of
NBC Sports. “When you look at their team, I think they have someone that
checks every box, from a defender, Kawhi Leonard, Paul George, Patrick
在每個部分他們都有做到,從防守的部分,他們有Kawhi Leonard,Paul George,Patrick
在每個部分他們都有做到,從防守的部分,他們有Kawhi Leonard,Paul George,Patrick
“When you’re talking great size with Kawhi, Paul George, Marcus Morris,
they check all the boxes. They can match up with any team well. And they have
shooting. They have Montrezl [Harrell] down low. They have everything that
you need to win a championship.”
「當討論體型,Kawhi,PG跟Marcus Morris,他們都有這樣的條件,他們可以跟任何隊伍
對抗。他們有外線投籃,內線他們有Montrezl Harrell。所以,他們已經具備了所有要爭
對抗。他們有外線投籃,內線他們有Montrezl Harrell。所以,他們已經具備了所有要爭
“However, I think going into this bubble, the Lakers got to be the favorite
because they got LeBron [James] and he can kind of adjust anything,”
Draymond Green added. “And I think he’s probably the most disciplined
player we’ve ever seen in the NBA, and that’s going to matter going into
this bubble. Having LeBron on your team going into this bubble gives you a
slight advantage.”
No matter what you think of Green, he has the credentials to speak on such
matters. After all, he has faced James in the NBA Finals four times. He knows
what The King is capable of, especially during the playoffs where every game
次,他知道The King的能力,尤其是季後賽這種每場比賽都很重要的情況。
LBJ: 季後賽模式(晶片)啟動
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推 : 但現在多了丁尺~~1F 07/01 11:36
噓 : 三單2F 07/01 11:38
噓 : the 胯3F 07/01 11:39
推 : 嘴綠最近一直抱我皇大腿是怎樣4F 07/01 11:43
→ : 嘴綠要跟姆斯合體了嗎5F 07/01 11:44
推 : 他們私底下好像是麻吉6F 07/01 11:45
推 : 嘴綠私下很挺LBJ阿 之前不是有粉絲要他罵LBJ,被他7F 07/01 11:51
→ : 反罵回去
→ : 反罵回去
推 : 加入富保,麻吉到老9F 07/01 11:51
推 : 勇士自己收著就好10F 07/01 11:51
推 : 喇叭確實給人很多的想像啊 好像他在 比賽就還沒結束11F 07/01 11:53
推 : 姆斯我老闆12F 07/01 11:54
推 : 他們本來就朋友 之前還私下一起吃飯 不知道的有夠13F 07/01 11:58
→ : 菜
→ : 菜
推 : 其實嘴綠私底下人滿好的 即使場上被姆斯跨了 場下15F 07/01 11:59
→ : 還是挺他
→ : 還是挺他
推 : future lakers17F 07/01 12:04
推 : 我信了18F 07/01 12:04
→ : 只有這時候才有人推19F 07/01 12:07
推 : 商業互吹 沒事兒20F 07/01 12:09
推 : 有一點滿有道理的是的確在這麼長的休息下自律的人才21F 07/01 12:10
→ : 能維持最好的狀況 而當你家老大很自律時 底下的人大
→ : 概也不敢擺爛到哪去 但問題是湖人這群老扣扣真的能
→ : 撐這麼久不放鬆嗎XD
→ : 能維持最好的狀況 而當你家老大很自律時 底下的人大
→ : 概也不敢擺爛到哪去 但問題是湖人這群老扣扣真的能
→ : 撐這麼久不放鬆嗎XD
推 : LBJ要是拿到這冠* 這成就連喬丹都沒有25F 07/01 12:13
推 : 能扭轉任何事情 但被KD勇打到毫無還手的餘地26F 07/01 12:14
推 : 多了丁尺這個變數嘴綠有考慮進去嗎27F 07/01 12:15
→ : KD勇誰來打都會輸吧...28F 07/01 12:20
推 : 之前不久有了就場下佩服LBJ做的 場上照樣各種開打29F 07/01 12:38
推 : 有人還活在2016年 走不出來QQ30F 07/01 12:43
推 : 只有這裡腦破勇酸會認為嘴綠跟詹皇私下是仇人吧31F 07/01 12:47
→ : 嘴綠在the跨跟搞走kd已經暗助lbjㄧ把了 現在不演了32F 07/01 12:49
推 : 哇嗚連綠都被切割了 哪天咖哩稱讚LbJ會不會一起被33F 07/01 12:55
→ : 切阿
→ : 切阿
→ : 人家工作外交情可好的勒 只有迷迷像殺父仇人一樣互35F 07/01 13:02
→ : 嗆 被操作成這樣有夠可悲
→ : 嗆 被操作成這樣有夠可悲
噓 : 嘴綠:姆斯,這是我電話 你先記一下37F 07/01 13:26
→ : 嘴綠贏過LBJ三次才敢捧他 表示你厲害但我更厲害38F 07/01 13:30
→ : 就像MJ捧魔術 不捧Bird
→ : 就像MJ捧魔術 不捧Bird
→ : 私底下有交情但不至於到麻吉吧?還沒看過上香蕉船40F 07/01 13:45
→ : 啊
→ : 啊
推 : 嘴綠可能知道他在ptt的評價跟LBJ差不多過 才這樣捧42F 07/01 13:46
→ : 他
→ : 他
推 : JR笑而不語44F 07/01 13:49
→ : atk最後的推文 笑45F 07/01 13:58
推 : 綠師傅難得中肯,論自律LBJ真的無人能及46F 07/01 14:14
推 : 冠軍是熱火的47F 07/01 14:25
噓 : 熱火...別鬧了48F 07/01 15:06
推 : 湖人不穩定因素之一:丁尺49F 07/01 15:12
※ 看板: NBA 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 76
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