※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2020-06-24 12:04:07
看板 NBA
作者 標題 [情報] David Nwaba 和火箭簽約
時間 Wed Jun 24 07:15:10 2020
@ShamsCharaniaFree agent David Nwaba has agreed to a two-year deal with the Houston Rockets, sources tell @TheAthleticNBA @Stadium.
Free agent David Nwaba has agreed to a two-year deal with the Houston Rockets,
@ShamsCharaniaNwaba will earn $900K-plus to finish the season, with team option for 2020-21, sources said. He will remain sidelined during the resumed season due to Achilles rehab.https://twitter.com/ShamsCharania/status/1275555234564145154 …
Free agent David Nwaba has agreed to a two-year deal with the Houston Rockets, sources tell @TheAthleticNBA @Stadium.Nwaba will earn $900K-plus to finish the season, with team option for 2020-21,
@KellyIkoNBAIsaiah Hartenstein has been waived by the Houston Rockets, a source told @TheAthletic. His 20-21 contract would have been guaranteed by 10/17.
Isaiah Hartenstein has been waived by the Houston Rockets, a source told @TheA
thletic. His 20-21 contract would have been guaranteed by 10/17.
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※ 文章代碼(AID): #1Uyeq6Fr (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1592954118.A.3F5.html
推 : 這誰?1F 06/24 07:46
推 : 一樓有夠菜2F 06/24 07:47
推 : 6-63F 06/24 07:50
推 : 你阿爸你不知道?4F 06/24 08:19
推 : Morey 的休賽季籌碼5F 06/24 08:22
推 : 自己無知還硬要講出來給大家知道真的滿好笑的6F 06/24 08:31
推 : 這隻2K真的好用 玩2K才認識他的7F 06/24 08:44
推 : 怒阿爸防守蠻讚的8F 06/24 08:47
推 : 希望在火箭可以變成 平價3D9F 06/24 09:05
推 : 火箭要裁誰啊 沙發嗎10F 06/24 09:34
推 : 裁哈騰.....11F 06/24 09:47
※ 編輯: willy911006 ( 臺灣), 06/24/2020 09:57:14推 : 浪人QQ12F 06/24 09:58
→ : 阿機里斯腱受傷 還簽喔...13F 06/24 10:09
推 : 最高的被裁了14F 06/24 10:09
推 : 借轉火箭 謝謝15F 06/24 10:12
※ MrDK:轉錄至看板 Rockets 06/24 10:12
推 : 越來越矮16F 06/24 10:14
推 : 裁掉僅存的長人簽個這季報銷的...17F 06/24 10:25
推 : 哈藤不錯用 別隊快撿18F 06/24 10:29
推 : 看不懂 省錢考量?19F 06/24 10:32
推 : 簽了也要有比賽能打20F 06/24 10:45
推 : 請問怎麼念Nwaba 、那王八?21F 06/24 10:49
推 : 你阿爸22F 06/24 10:50
→ : 感覺省錢考量居多...23F 06/24 11:06
推 : 看來火箭真的要Tucker和Roco扛中鋒了……24F 06/24 11:31
推 : 誰25F 06/24 11:45
推 : 太高的我們不收26F 06/24 11:55
→ : 所以7呎的掰了
→ : 所以7呎的掰了
※ 看板: NBA 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 46
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