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作者 標題 [情報] 據報KD嘗試招募Serge Ibaka來籃網
時間 Thu Nov 12 10:55:41 2020
來源: TalkBasket
網址: https://tinyurl.com/y2nd39dp
Kevin Durant tried to recruit Serge Ibaka to the Nets, per report | TalkBasket.net
Kevin Durant is trying to bring his close friend Serge Ibaka to the Brooklyn Nets, according to Mike Mazzeo of Forbes. ...
Kevin Durant tried to recruit Serge Ibaka to the Nets, per report
據報導 Kevin Durant嘗試招募Serge Ibaka來籃網
Kevin Durant is trying to bring his close friend Serge Ibaka to the Brooklyn
Nets, according to Mike Mazzeo of Forbes.
根據富比世記者Mike Mazzeo報導,Kevin Durant正在嘗試招募他的好朋友Serge Ibaka來
Ibaka, 31, is an unrestricted free agent this offseason. Durant and Ibaka
forged a great relationship from the time they played together in Oklahoma
They had several deep trips to the playoffs including a run in the NBA Finals
back in 2012. According to Mazzeo, the veteran big would have to take a huge
discount to join the Nets.
Brooklyn can only offer Ibaka the $5.7 million taxpayers’ mid-level
exception. The big from Congo has already drawn enough interest ahead of the
free agency with the Lakers, the Clippers, the Celtics and other teams being
willing to sign him.
Last season, he averaged 15.1 points and 8.2 rebounds for the Raptors while
shooting 38.5 percent from the three-point range.
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※ 文章代碼(AID): #1VhAGmrr (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1605149744.A.D75.html
推 : 紐澤西太陽雷霆隊1F 11/12 10:56
→ kooyoo1144 …
→ : 西河表示:哥 那我呢3F 11/12 10:57
推 : 忘了改名了老了..布魯克林4F 11/12 10:58
推 : 早就有了==5F 11/12 10:59
推 : 要降薪奪冠哪輪得到籃網= =6F 11/12 11:02
推 : Ki Kd 18卡 小喬丹 猛猛7F 11/12 11:02
推 : 早就奪冠了 真的降價去籃網一定是看情分的面8F 11/12 11:03
推 : 籃網全額中產都開不出來9F 11/12 11:05
推 : 不是小貓的西河呢?10F 11/12 11:05
推 : 林表示:那我勒!11F 11/12 11:06
推 : 都以主力輪替拿冠了 沒必要降薪上車吧?12F 11/12 11:07
推 : 龜龜:城下一聚13F 11/12 11:07
→ : 都當過奪冠主力了,應該學VV賺錢吧?14F 11/12 11:08
推 : 18卡到籃網,機率和TT去湖人差不多15F 11/12 11:09
→ : Ibaka 是不缺錢了。但紐約的吸引力能有這麼大?16F 11/12 11:11
→ : 生涯累計薪資已經破億(加拿大拿走不少 XD)。
→ : 生涯累計薪資已經破億(加拿大拿走不少 XD)。
推 : 不用刻意去打兄弟籃球吧 到時候輸球小心背鍋18F 11/12 11:13
推 : 這降有點多 根本砍半19F 11/12 11:17
推 : ki再換成鬍子,打造一支沒有龜龜的紐澤西雷霆?20F 11/12 11:18
推 : ibaka實際年齡應該不只31退化成這樣21F 11/12 11:21
推 : 紐約吸引力當然大啊22F 11/12 11:24
推 : 龜龜:+123F 11/12 11:25
※ 看板: NBA 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 100
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