※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2020-11-02 07:07:10
看板 NBA
作者 標題 [外絮] Paul Pierce揭露5位他最害怕防守的球星
時間 Mon Nov 2 00:32:43 2020
Paul Pierce reveals his 5 scariest players to guard for Halloween
In the spirit of one of his favorite holidays, Boston Celtics champion Paul Pierce shares the five scariest players in the NBA to guard. ...

Paul Pierce reveals his 5 scariest players to guard for Halloween
懶人包:1.Kyrie Irving 2.Damian Lillard 3.James Harden 4.Kevin Durant 5.LeBron James
Boston Celtics champion forward Paul Pierce in his prime was a terror to
defend in his own right, but there’s five players in the NBA now the Celtics
icon considers one of the league’s five “scariest” players to guard on a
recent Halloween-themed episode of ESPN’s “The Jump”.
賽爾提克冠軍前鋒Paul Pierce在ESPN的萬聖節特輯"The Jump"揭露他認為最難防守的五位球員
Pierce, who has long been known for his holiday spirit on the creepiest of
annual celebrations, was of course in costume, evidently posing as d’
Artagnan of Three Musketeers fame.
1.Kyrie Irving - point guard - Brooklyn Nets
Once he gets into his Uncle Drew bag of tricks, he’s tough for anybody to
guard,” shared Pierce on his fellow Boston alumnus. “I can guarantee you
one thing — when you get to the city of New York, you’ve got night plans
before, you’re not going out that night.”
當他開始使用他的 Uncle Drew把戲,他對任何人來說都難以防守
2.Damian Lillard - point guard - Portland Trail Blazers
When I see this guy’s walk-off [jumpers] at half court, and you’re on the
SportsCenter highlight reel — and then waving goodbye to put you out of the
playoffs — that’s scary,” related Pierce. “I don’t want to be on Lillard
’s highlight tape getting busted up.”
3.James Harden - shooting guard - Houston Rockets
“The Beard — just the step-back;” he opined, “that’s probably the most
offensively gifted guy in the NBA today; he’s led the league in scoring
three straight years.”
The Beard 那個後撤步 他大概是NBA現在最具有進攻天賦的人
4.Kevin Durant - forward - Brooklyn Nets
Durantula — one of the most gifted players in NBA history; he’ll pull up on
you from halfcourt, he’ll dunk on you, he’ll put you in pick and roll,”
explained Pierce, “there’s nothing this man can’t do.”
Durantula 在NBA中最具天賦的球員之一,他會在中場從你面前跳投
他可以在你頭上灌籃,他可以把你置於pick and roll中
5.LeBron James - forward - Los Angeles Lakers
On any given night, he can posterize you at the age of 35,” Pierce offered.
“Still winning championships. You don’t want to end up on a Wheaties box
for LeBron’s posters. That’s a scary thought right there.”
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推 : 麥片盒wwww1F 11/02 00:34
推 : 沒有砍他那個喔2F 11/02 00:34
推 : 你的菊花也失守了3F 11/02 00:34
推 : 但你不是才說不怕LBJ4F 11/02 00:36
※ 編輯: ivo88114 ( 臺灣), 11/02/2020 00:38:07推 : 人家今年冠軍拿了FMVP也拿了給尊重5F 11/02 00:38
推 : 被盜帳號????6F 11/02 00:46
推 : 還以為特別不提LBJ 吃錯藥了?7F 11/02 00:46
推 : 真的在麥片盒上被顏扣一定會崩潰的8F 11/02 00:48
推 : 皮爾斯:現在的球員怕詹姆斯,我們當年可不怕9F 11/02 00:48
→ : 皮爾斯:現在的球員怕詹姆斯,我們當年可不怕 ??10F 11/02 00:48
推 : 有LBJ 那給過11F 11/02 00:49
推 : 被盜?12F 11/02 00:50
推 : 第一段應該是原本打算要在紐約玩,但決定取消吧13F 11/02 00:51
推 : 吹一下LBJ 才能說他們打敗他 他們更厲害R14F 11/02 00:52
推 : 到底是怕不怕15F 11/02 00:54
※ 編輯: ivo88114 ( 臺灣), 11/02/2020 00:56:31→ : 感謝提醒16F 11/02 00:57
推 : 他這言論會被歐肥一干人炸翻了吧17F 11/02 00:59
推 : 我以為第一段是你的腳踝被晃斷了 無法出門18F 11/02 01:02
推 : 帳號被盜嗎 哈哈哈19F 11/02 01:08
推 : 還以為沒LBJ20F 11/02 01:11
推 : 開始吹姆斯惹21F 11/02 01:13
推 : 居然提lbj 吃錯藥喔22F 11/02 01:13
推 : 不過這名單還算中肯 不是嗎?23F 11/02 01:14
推 : 欸PP到底是怕還是不怕,搞得我好亂24F 11/02 01:15
推 : 他以前排過他生涯最難守五位對手25F 11/02 01:19
→ : Kobe VC Tmac LBJ Carmelo
→ : Kobe VC Tmac LBJ Carmelo
→ : PP:怕啦,那次不怕27F 11/02 01:19
→ : 哪
→ : 哪
→ : 怎麼沒Wade?29F 11/02 01:22
→ : Paul Pierce揭露5位他最害怕防守的球星32F 11/02 01:27
→ : 以前他絕不會吹LBJ 現在認同自己的對手 等於捧自己33F 11/02 01:29
→ : 意外的是他不提Kobe 反而提KI
→ : 意外的是他不提Kobe 反而提KI
→ : 其實他好幾年選最難守的球員就有選LBJ啊35F 11/02 01:31
推 : PP會守到一二號位嗎?36F 11/02 01:31
推 : 沒Kobe???37F 11/02 01:33
推 : 他5年前選的是Kobe T-Mac VC LBJ Melo38F 11/02 01:35
推 : 看起來是指現役球員吧39F 11/02 01:37
推 : 很明顯是現役 不然怎麼可能沒有老大40F 11/02 01:40
→ : Wade不是現役啊,而且退役的他也是選對位對的上的41F 11/02 01:41
→ : (2/3搖擺人為主),Wade打1/2號居多,而且太快了他
→ : 也守不到
→ : (2/3搖擺人為主),Wade打1/2號居多,而且太快了他
→ : 也守不到
噓 : 我會選微笑湯阿泰折手嘴綠跟zaza44F 11/02 01:45
推 : 他真的有守到很多次KI或KD嗎 KI生涯重疊短 KD不同45F 11/02 01:53
→ : 區 而且老皮守到KD是在送頭吧
→ : 區 而且老皮守到KD是在送頭吧
→ : 跟歐肥說最強隊伍一樣娛樂大於認真談吧47F 11/02 01:58
→ : 居然沒有社會瓜...當年他嚇到差點沒漏尿...XD48F 11/02 02:02
→ : 講錯,那是Garnett...XD
→ : 講錯,那是Garnett...XD
推 : 麥片 vs 2k封面 ,哪個當背景比較慘?50F 11/02 03:02
噓 : 請看原文,有特別說是現役51F 11/02 03:27
推 : 其實詹姆斯拿下第四座FMVP之後,看看老皮的言論可以52F 11/02 04:04
→ : 發現他也服氣了呀
→ : 發現他也服氣了呀
推 : 吃了誠實豆沙包嗎54F 11/02 04:59
推 : 不提LBJ是吃錯藥(X) 有提到才是(O)55F 11/02 05:26
噓 : 我覺得從20幾歲就抱腿抱到35歲還抱到麥片廣告比較可56F 11/02 06:40
→ : 怕
→ : 怕
推 : 一下子怕老詹 一下又不怕 到底58F 11/02 07:01
推 : 萬聖節梗阿59F 11/02 07:03
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