※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2020-10-26 13:52:32
看板 NBA
作者 標題 [花邊] Harden在中學時因女生調情就拿籃球砸她
時間 Mon Oct 26 10:06:22 2020
來源: Sportsrush
網址: https://tinyurl.com/y3783u8d
'He threw a basketball at her': James Harden's mother recalls how Rockets star couldn't flirt with a girl in school | The SportsRush
James Harden's mother recounts a tale of how shy and unable to flirt he was in high school. Harden had basketball on his mind foremost. ...
James Harden's mother recounts a tale of how shy and unable to flirt he was in high school. Harden had basketball on his mind foremost. ...
‘He threw a basketball at her’: James Harden’s mother recalls how Rockets
star couldn’t flirt with a girl in school
「他就拿顆籃球砸她!」James Harden的媽回憶Harden中學時無法跟一個女生調情
James Harden’s mother recounts a tale of how shy and unable to flirt he was
James Harden’s mother recounts a tale of how shy and unable to flirt he was
in high school. Harden had basketball on his mind foremost.
James Harden的媽媽最近講了一個有關Harden在中學有多麼的害羞,無法調情的故事。
The 2017-18 NBA MVP hails from one of the poorest suburbs of LA – Compton.
The area has been home to innumerable famous personalities as well as sports
stars, including the Williams sisters.
A flamboyant personality on and off the court today, Harden has developed a
penchant for bucking fashion trends. But he wasn’t always this bold or
comfortable around the fairer sex, as his mother laughingly recalls.
In high school, James was a sporting phenom and had much fanfare among his
classmates and his ilk. As a prominent ball player, he was tipped to make the
NBA even in those days.
His mother recounts a tale from when he was in his junior year of high school
– hearsay from him apparently.
“He got in trouble one time in junior high, he threw a basketball at a
girl..he wasn’t into dating, just wanted to play basketball. I think she was
trying to flirt with him, so he threw the basketball at her. Sorry?”
Later on in his professional career, Harden eased out around women. He’s
even got a reputation as a great patron of strip clubs, with one particular
establishment in H-Town having his jersey raised to its rafters.
Harden has also been involved with the glamorous Khloe Kardashian for a
little while before breaking up.
Harden也曾經跟名媛Khloe Kardashian有過一段情,但是後來就分手了。
Growing out of his awkward teenage phase was but a natural occurrence for the
global superstar, who’s now recognized by his distinctive beard.
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※ 文章代碼(AID): #1VbYyZ0x (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1603677987.A.03B.html
→ : 屁股不夠大登登看不上1F 10/26 10:07
推 : 以鬍子標準屁股要比籃球大2F 10/26 10:07
推 : 現在換砸$3F 10/26 10:09
推 : 屁股不夠大4F 10/26 10:10
→ : 一定是屁股太小XD5F 10/26 10:10
推 : 屁股太小6F 10/26 10:10
→ : 一定是屁股太小7F 10/26 10:11
→ : 屁股太小 結案8F 10/26 10:11
→ : 流川楓9F 10/26 10:12
推 : 原因用屁股想也知道10F 10/26 10:12
推 : 屁股不合胃口拉12F 10/26 10:15
推 : 所以他喜歡籃球大於女生 難怪他找的女性屁股都像兩13F 10/26 10:15
→ : 顆籃球
→ : 顆籃球
→ : 現在是怎樣? 夜店登15F 10/26 10:15
→ : 流川楓打職業賽該不會也是各種風流倜儻16F 10/26 10:15
推 : 笑死17F 10/26 10:16
→ : 被砸的是字母哥他姊嗎?18F 10/26 10:16
推 : 不知道登哥什麼時候想當爸爸19F 10/26 10:16
推 : 真男人20F 10/26 10:17
推 : 登登想說砸一下屁股可能會變大…21F 10/26 10:17
※ 編輯: pneumo ( 臺灣), 10/26/2020 10:17:58推 : 屁股型狀不好22F 10/26 10:19
→ : 中學生的屁股還沒練起來,這很正常23F 10/26 10:19
推 : 不想調情(x) 屁股不夠大(o)24F 10/26 10:20
→ : 屁股不夠大25F 10/26 10:21
推 : 實力單身26F 10/26 10:22
→ : 實力至上27F 10/26 10:22
→ : 對不起囉?28F 10/26 10:26
→ : 女生哪有籃球好玩29F 10/26 10:28
推 : 不喜歡女生(X) 不喜歡屁股小的女生(O)30F 10/26 10:30
推 : 能用屁股把球彈回來的 才能入得了哈登法眼31F 10/26 10:31
推 : 笑死XDDDDDDDD32F 10/26 10:32
推 : 一定咖稱不夠大33F 10/26 10:33
推 : Harden是康普頓出生的喔 硬漢34F 10/26 10:34
推 : 人醜被球砸35F 10/26 10:35
推 : 中學女生還沒有屁股36F 10/26 10:35
推 : 一手不能掌握的,都不是好屁股37F 10/26 10:38
推 : 小屁怪 滾喇(砸38F 10/26 10:39
推 : 他的意思是你的屁股有球大嗎39F 10/26 10:40
推 : 不想調情(x) 不想跟屁股不夠大的女生調情(o)40F 10/26 10:41
推 : 要躲在鬍子下才能調情 就知道多害羞了41F 10/26 10:44
→ : 這女生應該很瘦XDDD42F 10/26 10:47
推 : 肯定是屁股不夠大43F 10/26 10:48
推 : 反觀現在重口味超愛去夜店44F 10/26 10:50
→ : 有錢真的可以改變一個人性格
→ : 有錢真的可以改變一個人性格
推 : 小時專心練球 長大上脫衣舞廳46F 10/26 10:56
推 : 老媽爆料黑歷史 笑死XD47F 10/26 10:58
推 : 屁股不夠大48F 10/26 11:01
推 : 學生屁股怎麼可能大 還沒發育49F 10/26 11:01
→ : 難怪哈登不喜歡
→ : 難怪哈登不喜歡
→ : 屁股不夠大 拿籃球砸看看51F 10/26 11:01
推 : 用咖撐想也知道是什麼原因52F 10/26 11:02
推 : straight outta compton53F 10/26 11:02
推 : 屁股不夠大54F 10/26 11:12
推 : 中學女生身材顯然不會是哈登的目標55F 10/26 11:14
推 : 用籃球砸女學生屁股,回饋力度不夠就掰掰56F 10/26 11:20
推 : 一定是雞雞太小57F 10/26 11:22
推 : 被脫衣舞酒吧退休球衣的強者!!58F 10/26 11:22
推 : 小屁股別來沾邊(砸59F 10/26 11:24
推 : 鬍子原來是遮羞用的60F 10/26 11:27
推 : 一定是屁股不夠大61F 10/26 11:29
噓 : 哈登:小屁股什麼的都給我滾開!(砸62F 10/26 11:38
推 : 標準是球砸屁股不會痛63F 10/26 11:40
推 : 不過就是屁股太小,覺得很煩64F 10/26 11:49
推 : 他成為了北美籃球強人65F 10/26 11:51
→ : 現在知道錯了66F 10/26 11:53
推 : 學校運動風雲人物、眼裡只有籃球、不擅交際內向....67F 10/26 11:57
→ : 流川4NI?
→ : 流川4NI?
推 : 沒辦法一起練習運球的他不愛69F 10/26 12:00
推 : 小屁孩滾啦70F 10/26 12:10
→ : 洗澡也跟籃球在一起嗎?71F 10/26 12:11
推 : 媽的不用看就知道留言一定是XD72F 10/26 12:12
推 : 屁股不夠大XD73F 10/26 12:18
推 : 屁股太小正解74F 10/26 12:21
→ : 屁股讚啦75F 10/26 12:24
推 : 男孩還沒起秋前不喜歡女生76F 10/26 12:26
推 : 應該是咖噌不夠大77F 10/26 12:33
推 : 中學害羞,現在泡夜店78F 10/26 13:13
→ : 小女生屁股太小,哈登不感興趣79F 10/26 13:14
推 : 鬍子:當時我是試圖把她砸大一點80F 10/26 13:14
→ : 哈登:你他媽屁股比籃球還小,不要騷擾我(丟籃球81F 10/26 13:15
推 : DeRozan也是出身Compton82F 10/26 13:24
推 : 他戒慾十幾年的辛苦都白費了,沒辦法成為聯盟第一人83F 10/26 13:28
→ : ,現在他要進夜店大開殺戒,屁股大的大開殺戒
→ : ,現在他要進夜店大開殺戒,屁股大的大開殺戒
推 : 劉氏宗親鐮倉刺史流川楓85F 10/26 13:31
※ 看板: NBA 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 124
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