※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2020-10-12 15:59:04
看板 NBA
作者 標題 [外絮] Rondo:21歲就和Kobe對抗幫助我提昇自己
時間 Mon Oct 12 15:42:22 2020
@RyanWardLARajon Rondo on Kobe Bryant (1/6): "Obviously winning for Kobe has been in my mind for a while. Just the respect he's given me throughout my career and understanding -- I've watched him for so many years and tried to mimic how he controls the game.."
Rajon Rondo on Kobe Bryant (1/6): "Obviously winning for Kobe has been in my
mind for a while. Just the respect he's given me throughout my career and
understanding -- I've watched him for so many years and tried to mimic how he
controls the game.."
Rajon Rondo:
「很顯然,為了 Kobe 贏下這一冠這個念頭已經在我腦海好一陣子了。
"He does his with scoring, but if you look at every other aspect of his game,
its elite as well. He's a basketball savant, was a basketball savant, one of
the greatest minds I've ever played with.."
"And being on the court with him and competing at a high level, his grit, his
grind, the way he played every possession was definitely an honor to play
against a guy like that and helped me elevate my game at a young age.."
"I got to compete against Kobe Bryant when I was 21. So his game & his legacy
speaks for itself. Me being a kid from Louisville, Kentucky to be able to
compete with Kobe 2 yrs into the league, understand & learn so much from him
by watching his film.."
「我 21 歲的時候就和 Kobe Bryant 對戰。所以他的比賽和他的影響自然是不言而喻。
做為一個來自肯塔基,Louisville的孩子,剛進入聯盟就有機會和 Kobe 競爭兩年,
做為一個來自肯塔基,Louisville的孩子,剛進入聯盟就有機會和 Kobe 競爭兩年,
"by studying him, it's definitely an honor. And to come full circle to win in
his honor, his daughter's honor, unbelievable season that we've had.."
"And to be able to prevail and stay focused and continue to get the job
done, I know something, he's definitely smiling down on us. And we're able to
fulfill our dream and succeed with the championship."
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→ : QQ1F 10/12 15:43
推 : QQ2F 10/12 15:44
推 : 白了 推推3F 10/12 15:45
推 : 記得當時兩個打的很激情,豆總初生不懼虎印象深刻4F 10/12 15:45
推 : QQ5F 10/12 15:45
推 : QQ6F 10/12 15:45
推 : 獲豆總肯定 湖人值了7F 10/12 15:45
推 : 馬的 想哭...8F 10/12 15:46
推 : 推豆總9F 10/12 15:46
推 : QQ 感謝Rondo和Kobe10F 10/12 15:46
推 : Rondo的中文程度真高11F 10/12 15:46
推 : 有洋蔥QQ12F 10/12 15:46
→ : 總覺得一冠吹20年組下次合體可能不會找他了13F 10/12 15:46
推 : QQ14F 10/12 15:47
推 : QQ15F 10/12 15:48
推 : 那只剩pp跟kg聚餐了16F 10/12 15:48
推 : 記得有看過Kobe跟軟豆一起用餐的相片,恍如昨日17F 10/12 15:49
推 : QQ18F 10/12 15:49
推 : 真的感謝豆總季後賽回歸19F 10/12 15:50
推 : QQ20F 10/12 15:50
推 : 恭喜Rajon Rondo希望他可以受益於詹皇保養身體維持21F 10/12 15:51
→ : 競技狀態
→ : 競技狀態
推 : 豆總這種冷靜派的球員真的很另類XDD23F 10/12 15:52
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