※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2020-10-15 00:25:29
看板 NBA
作者 標題 [花邊] 湖人AD開玩笑: 至少兩年內不想去迪士尼
時間 Wed Oct 14 13:58:13 2020
來源: BleacherReport
網址: https://tinyurl.com/yxn6jxcc
Anthony Davis Jokes He Won't Go Back to Disney World for At Least '2 Years' | Bleacher Report | Latest News, Videos and Highlights
Anthony Davis stopped by Jimmy Kimmel Live! on Tuesday evening to show off the Larry O'Brien Trophy and prove that he had made it home safely after wi ...
Anthony Davis Jokes He Won't Go Back to Disney World for At Least '2 Years'
Anthony Davis開玩笑說至少"兩年內"不會去迪士尼
Anthony Davis stopped by Jimmy Kimmel Live! on Tuesday evening to show off
the Larry O'Brien Trophy and prove that he had made it home safely after
winning the NBA title in Orlando, Florida, earlier this week.
Anthony Davis星期二晚上上了Jimmy Kimmel節目,展示了NBA冠軍獎盃,也證明了在本周
In fact, he may be staying home for quite awhile now. After spending more
than three months inside the league's bubble at the ESPN Wide World of Sports
Complex on the Disney World campus, Davis doesn't seem intent on visiting
Florida again anytime soon.
Asked by Kimmel when he thinks he'll return to the famed theme park, Davis
nearly recoiled at the notion.
"Not for at least two years," Davis joked. "We even talked about boycotting
"Not for at least two years," Davis joked. "We even talked about boycotting
playing the Orlando Magic for awhile."
Considering Davis said the best thing about being home is sleeping in his own
bed again, it doesn't seem like he'll be going anywhere for some time.
Lakers fans just have to hope that mentality carries over to his impending
free agency.
奧蘭多魔術表示: 幹!
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→ : 魔獸也完成在奧蘭多奪冠1F 10/14 13:59
→ : AD不用去魔術客場 反正正常賽季才一場2F 10/14 14:01
→ : 不是玩笑好嗎...相信我 有打季後賽的短時間都不會想3F 10/14 14:01
→ : 去 可以理解為 你當兵完 還會想回營區嗎 自由限縮是
→ : 去 可以理解為 你當兵完 還會想回營區嗎 自由限縮是
推 : 沒當過兵逆5F 10/14 14:02
推 : 笑死 當兵喔6F 10/14 14:02
→ : 很可怕的... 我至今經過成功嶺都還會刻意避開....7F 10/14 14:02
→ : 可以理解 XD8F 10/14 14:02
推 : 當兵至少還會放假...9F 10/14 14:07
推 : 試試關在六福村三個月的感覺10F 10/14 14:07
推 : 我看麥基影片他們吃的東西根本超慘啊,跟當兵有拼11F 10/14 14:10
推 : 泡泡關3個月真的很考驗球員的抗壓性,很多舒壓方式12F 10/14 14:10
→ : 都不能做了。
→ : 都不能做了。
推 : 關在六福村三個月 笑傲飛鷹坐到像鞦韆一樣不可怕了14F 10/14 14:11
推 : 窩大AD!!!今天有空來發一篇迪士尼園區會不會有NBA主15F 10/14 14:14
→ : 題區域來幾年這次複賽文,爽阿刺阿~
→ : 泡泡就古羅馬角鬥場阿關在一起廝殺只有一隊活到最
→ : 後
※ 編輯: pneumo ( 臺灣), 10/14/2020 14:26:34→ : 題區域來幾年這次複賽文,爽阿刺阿~
→ : 泡泡就古羅馬角鬥場阿關在一起廝殺只有一隊活到最
→ : 後
推 : 我沒看他們吃什麼,不過要比當兵吃的差很難吧==19F 10/14 14:28
推 : 三樓舉例有問題 就算沒當兵也不會想去兵營啊20F 10/14 14:32
推 : 只有前幾天很慘啦 後來好很多了21F 10/14 14:32
→ : 麥基還剛好吃素,整天就是花椰菜,化工豆排這類的22F 10/14 14:34
→ : 運動員吃素好辛苦23F 10/14 14:36
推 : 幹!我想去24F 10/14 14:36
推 : 疫情沒法解決耶 明年還要去吧25F 10/14 14:37
推 : ad有沒有女友啊26F 10/14 14:37
推 : 他有女兒了不是嗎?27F 10/14 14:41
推 : 魔術隊好慘,一天到晚被人罷賽28F 10/14 14:52
→ : 運動員吃素根本超厲害29F 10/14 15:02

→ : 有很慘ㄇ我覺得還好31F 10/14 15:20
→ : 我們或覺得還好 但是對過慣奢華自由生活的球員就...32F 10/14 15:28
推 : 一般人當然覺得ok 問題是這些球員的身價也跟一般人33F 10/14 15:33
→ : 不同
→ : 不同
推 : 他們平常吃的東西就不好吃啊35F 10/14 15:47
推 : 就便當啊 能吃36F 10/14 17:32
→ : 是我這輩子都不想去了37F 10/14 18:07
推 : 如果湖人衛冕西冠遇到東冠魔術不就又要去了38F 10/14 18:17
推 : 明年魔術東冠的機率大概比明年整季泡泡機率還低= =39F 10/14 21:07
推 : 只有賣肌慘吧?40F 10/14 22:11
推 : 連續坐大怒神三個月 表情都死魚眼惹41F 10/14 22:36
※ 看板: NBA 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 70
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