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看板 NBA
作者 標題 [花邊] Kenny Smith嘲諷魯長老雞翅事件 (影)
時間 Fri Jul 31 10:16:29 2020
來源: FanSided
網址: https://tinyurl.com/y3624ykc
Kenny Smith roasts Lou Williams on Inside the NBA
Kenny Smith took a funny shot at Lou Williams on the Inside the NBA pregame show for his trip to Magic City during quarantine. ...
Kenny Smith took a funny shot at Lou Williams on the Inside the NBA pregame show for his trip to Magic City during quarantine. ...
Kenny Smith roasts Lou Williams for Magic City wings trip on Inside the NBA
Kenny Smith嘲諷了Lou Williams的雞翅事件
Williams is serving his 10-day quarantine for his trip to Magic City, a strip
club in the Orlando area, after he was cleared to leave the NBA bubble for
personal reasons. The trip wasn’t for the reasons one might assume, as
Williams was evidently just hungry, and got some wings.
因為個人原因離開奧蘭多閉門場所後,Williams因為跑去脫衣舞店Magic City被罰10天隔
Still, he’s been the brunt of jokes for just under a week now, despite
having nothing but hungry intentions. Williams told the NBA he was merely
leaving the bubble to attend the funeral of a close family friend, Paul
Williams (no relation). Williams must now miss the first two games of the Los
Angeles Clippers restart, including their game on Thursday night against the
Kenny Smith of ‘Inside the NBA’ had some fun at Williams’ expense
節目"Inside the NBA"裡的Kenny Smith拿Williams開玩笑。
影片: https://twitter.com/i/status/1288967297319628800
"He trying to fool everybody he was going there for the wings. He only went
there for the legs and thighs."
The ‘Inside the NBA’ crew routinely jokes about the Association, as they’
re qualified to do given they’re (outside of Ernie Johnson) former players.
While Smith might normally have a point, given the fact that Williams was
attending a funeral AND that the Magic City wings look amazing, we’re going
to back Lou on this one.
基於Inside the NBA裡面的來賓除了Ernie Johnson外都是前NBA球員,所以他們常常拿聯
雞翅照: https://imgur.com/7mN98Ev.jpg
Yep, those look absolutely amazing. Are they worth breaking the bubble for?
Perhaps on a middling playoff team, sure, but the Clippers are among the
favorites in the West, and Williams is averaging over 17 points per contest.
The chicken can wait, Lou!
是啦~~那看起來真真真的很讚,但是那有好吃到要違反規定嗎? 或許在一支普通的季後賽
除了雞 應該還有海鮮才對
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※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1596161794.A.571.html
推 : 紅燒雞翅 我喜歡吃1F 07/31 10:21
推 : 這間店免費得到一堆工商==2F 07/31 10:21
→ : 那雞翅看起來一點都不讚....我不行3F 07/31 10:21
推 : 大膽狂徒4F 07/31 10:22
→ : 但是你老娘說你快升天5F 07/31 10:22
推 : 越快升天就越應該要拼命吃6F 07/31 10:25
推 : 雞翅海鮮拼盤吃起來7F 07/31 10:26
推 : 魯雞翅8F 07/31 10:27
→ : 胸派vs.腿派 都擠 我是說雞胸跟雞腿9F 07/31 10:32
推 : 業配10F 07/31 10:32
推 : 你真的快升天?11F 07/31 10:35
推 : 脫衣舞店成最大贏家12F 07/31 10:40
推 : Lou:好棒啊 有雞翅膀13F 07/31 10:41
推 : 等等又有黑人氣噗噗嗆劉長老是去做善事好嗎 懂個屁14F 07/31 10:42
推 : 防疫期間去公共場合用餐 被洗成吃雞翅就洗白了15F 07/31 10:43
推 : 如果現在不吃 以後就沒機會吃16F 07/31 10:49
推 : 紅燒翅膀我喜歡吃~17F 07/31 10:49
推 : 留言有聲音18F 07/31 10:51
推 : 說不定人家腋魔俠19F 07/31 11:00
→ : 紅燒雞翅吃起來耶耶耶耶欸20F 07/31 11:02
推 : 到底多好吃拉21F 07/31 11:05
→ : 黑人真的愛吃雞翅 還特地跑到脫衣舞店去吃22F 07/31 11:06
推 : legs thighs and pussy23F 07/31 11:06
推 : 脫衣舞店的雞翅 就和台灣網咖的泡麵一樣 特別香24F 07/31 11:08
推 : 這雞翅看起來是加了火龍果一起煮出來的顏色25F 07/31 11:09
推 : 雞翅一定是有什麼魔力 唐伯虎跟丐幫長老都很有愛26F 07/31 11:14
推 : 盧為秋香27F 07/31 11:18
推 : 光打成這樣最好看得出來好不好吃28F 07/31 11:21
推 : Chicken pussy29F 07/31 11:21
推 : 叫雞來吃海鮮阿!30F 07/31 11:25
推 : 業配文 ?31F 07/31 11:28
推 : 哈哈 是啊 為了腿 只是是人的 不是雞的32F 07/31 11:43
推 : 整盒都是腿~~33F 07/31 11:43
推 : 我比較愛雞胸雞屁股34F 07/31 11:46
推 : 一人一隻雞翅膀,二人二隻雞翅膀.35F 07/31 11:50
推 : 我朋友也都說他去林森北吃飯啊 笑死36F 07/31 11:54
推 : 但是你說你朋友快升天38F 07/31 12:16
推 : 非裔美人對於吃的料理標準...大家不用太嚴苛XD39F 07/31 12:20
推 : 你真的快升天?我真的快升天!40F 07/31 12:37
推 : 紅燒雞翅膀我最愛吃41F 07/31 13:05
推 : 現在不吃~以後就沒得吃42F 07/31 13:06
推 : 我半夜都去林森北吃飯啊 那邊很熱鬧XD43F 07/31 13:07
推 : 看到標題就可以想像到推文內容了,哈哈44F 07/31 13:28
推 : 能飛的時候我都想吃雞翅去朝聖一下了45F 07/31 13:48
推 : 御醫,給魯長老把把脈看有多嚴重46F 07/31 23:03
※ 看板: NBA 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 129
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