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※ 本文為 cuteman0725 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2012-04-15 00:44:10
看板 NBA
作者 Jawad (Jawad Williams)
標題 [外絮] 2011-12 球季經典十大好球
時間 Sat Apr 14 12:31:37 2012



10.Lin For The Win     林就是贏!
10.Lin For The Win 林就是贏! - NBA 2011-12 精彩場上瞬間 - 圖集/賽事精選圖 @ 運動邦 :: 痞客邦 PIXNET :: 10.Lin For The Win 林就是贏!,NBA 2011-12 精彩場上瞬間,圖集/賽事精選圖,Linsanity hits its peak (so far) as Jeremy Lin completes a 13-1 Knicks run with a three right before the buzzer to beat the Raptors. 另人陷入瘋狂的斃命三分彈 ...
Linsanity hits its peak (so far) as Jeremy Lin completes a 13-1 Knicks run
with a three right before the buzzer to beat the Raptors.

9.Wade The Magician    閃電俠劉謙
9.Wade The Magician 閃電俠劉謙 - NBA 2011-12 精彩場上瞬間 - 圖集/賽事精選圖 @ 運動邦 :: 痞客邦 PIXNET :: 9.Wade The Magician 閃電俠劉謙,NBA 2011-12 精彩場上瞬間,圖集/賽事精選圖,Dwyane Wade uses nearly every trick in the bag to get this basket to go against the Wizards. Wade神奇的陀螺上籃 ...
Dwyane Wade uses nearly every trick in the bag to get this basket to go
against the Wizards.

8.Rudy Does It Again     Ru~dy~來~了~
8.Rudy Does It Again Ru~dy~來~了~ - NBA 2011-12 精彩場上瞬間 - 圖集/賽事精選圖 @ 運動邦 :: 痞客邦 PIXNET :: 8.Rudy Does It Again Ru~dy~來~了~,NBA 2011-12 精彩場上瞬間,圖集/賽事精選圖,Some players just have a knack for the spectacular. Nuggets guard Rudy Fernandez is one of those guys, and he's at it again, with this improbable buzzer-beater against the Clippers. 某些球員有特別的技能,Rudy就是喜歡從後面來 ...
Some players just have a knack for the spectacular. Nuggets guard Rudy
Fernandez is one of those guys, and he's at it again, with this improbable
buzzer-beater against the Clippers.

7.Bump, Set, Spike     癡Hum拖車
7.Bump, Set, Spike 癡Hum拖車 - NBA 2011-12 精彩場上瞬間 - 圖集/賽事精選圖 @ 運動邦 :: 痞客邦 PIXNET :: 7.Bump, Set, Spike 癡Hum拖車,NBA 2011-12 精彩場上瞬間,圖集/賽事精選圖,The Nets should have received two assists on this fantastic set up for a Kris Humphries slam against the Mavericks 托球式的接力灌籃 ...
The Nets should have received two assists on this fantastic set up for a Kris
Humphries slam against the Mavericks

6.Not In Hayward's House    別在宅爵家撒野
6.Not In Hayward's House 別在宅爵家撒野 - NBA 2011-12 精彩場上瞬間 - 圖集/賽事精選圖 @ 運動邦 :: 痞客邦 PIXNET :: 6.Not In Hayward's House 別在宅爵家撒野,NBA 2011-12 精彩場上瞬間,圖集/賽事精選圖,Gordon Hayward makes it his personal mission to make sure no one scores on the fast break. Not on his watch. Hayward完成了這次A式殺球任務 ...
Gordon Hayward makes it his personal mission to make sure no one scores on
the fast break. Not on his watch.

5.Eyes In The Back Of His Head    Gallinari背後長眼
5.Eyes In The Back Of His Head Gallinari背後長眼 - NBA 2011-12 精彩場上瞬間 - 圖集/賽事精選圖 @ 運動邦 :: 痞客邦 PIXNET :: 5.Eyes In The Back Of His Head Gallinari背後長眼,NBA 2011-12 精彩場上瞬間,圖集/賽事精選圖,Ricky Rubio is done for the season, so Danilo Gallinari has taken it upon himself to carry the banner of slick-passing Europeans. Was this one better than any Rubio had this season? You decide. 歐洲式的背後傳球,是不是比Rubio的每一球都屌阿(好酸)?? ...
Ricky Rubio is done for the season, so Danilo Gallinari has taken it upon
himself to carry the banner of slick-passing Europeans. Was this one better
than any Rubio had this season? You decide.

4.Rudy Can't Fail   Rudy的小便球
4.Rudy Can't Fail Rudy的小便球 - NBA 2011-12 精彩場上瞬間 - 圖集/賽事精選圖 @ 運動邦 :: 痞客邦 PIXNET :: 4.Rudy Can't Fail Rudy的小便球,NBA 2011-12 精彩場上瞬間,圖集/賽事精選圖,Everyone loves a no-look pass, but Rudy Fernandez took it up a notch or two with his no-look alley-oop to Kenneth Faried. 大家都喜歡no-look pass,Rudy的這個PLAY足展現他跟隊友的強烈默契 ...
Everyone loves a no-look pass, but Rudy Fernandez took it up a notch or two
with his no-look alley-oop to Kenneth Faried.
大家都喜歡no-look pass,Rudy的這個PLAY足展現他跟隊友的強烈默契

3.KD Beats The Buzzer   KD的轟天雷
3.KD Beats The Buzzer KD的轟天雷 - NBA 2011-12 精彩場上瞬間 - 圖集/賽事精選圖 @ 運動邦 :: 痞客邦 PIXNET :: 3.KD Beats The Buzzer KD的轟天雷,NBA 2011-12 精彩場上瞬間,圖集/賽事精選圖,If the game is on the line, you can bet Kevin Durant is getting his hands on the ball. The Mavericks learned this the hard way. 小牛經歷的慘痛教訓 ...
If the game is on the line, you can bet Kevin Durant is getting his hands on
the ball. The Mavericks learned this the hard way.

2.Over The Top   真人鞍馬
2.Over The Top 真人鞍馬 - NBA 2011-12 精彩場上瞬間 - 圖集/賽事精選圖 @ 運動邦 :: 痞客邦 PIXNET :: 2.Over The Top 真人鞍馬,NBA 2011-12 精彩場上瞬間,圖集/賽事精選圖,Poor John Lucas. He just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time, serving as the foil for LeBron's "Vince Carter at the Olympics" impression. An incredible feat, and one worthy of taking over the top spot on the Top Plays Ladder. 可憐的John Lu ...
Poor John Lucas. He just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time,
serving as the foil for LeBron's "Vince Carter at the Olympics" impression.
An incredible feat, and one worthy of taking over the top spot on the Top
Plays Ladder.
可憐的John Lucas在錯的時間出現在錯的位置,只好成了配角啦!

1.Kendrick Gets Mozgov-ed   Perkins是Mozgov的再造恩人
1.Kendrick Gets Mozgov-ed Perkins是Mozgov的再造恩人 - NBA 2011-12 精彩場上瞬間 - 圖集/賽事精選圖 @ 運動邦 :: 痞客邦 PIXNET :: 1.Kendrick Gets Mozgov-ed Perkins是Mozgov的再造恩人,NBA 2011-12 精彩場上瞬間,圖集/賽事精選圖,As Yogi Berra once said, it's like deja vu, all over again, as Blake Griffin rocks the NBA universe with his Mozgov-esque cram on the Thunder's Kendrick Perkins. 似曾相似的一幕,Griffin碾爆Perkins ...
As Yogi Berra once said, it's like deja vu, all over again, as Blake Griffin
rocks the NBA universe with his Mozgov-esque cram on the Thunder's Kendrick


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◆ From:
jtch        :如果不是在實戰 那可能只是還好 如果不是灌籃的不是1F 04/14 12:40
jtch        :LBJ 那評價可能會再高一點
Jotard      :鄉民都跳過籃板灌籃的  只是跳過一個人選屁3F 04/14 12:44
kyo90637    :結論:因為是LBJ所以還好?4F 04/14 12:46
lang0720    :第二球壘哥就跳的過了~5F 04/14 12:46
frank123ya  :灌籃毀滅自己球隊怎麼沒出現6F 04/14 12:50
eyeshieldZI :        第一球感覺還好0.0   背後傳的還不錯XDD7F 04/14 12:51
ralph0619   :幹籃哥沒推人耶~8F 04/14 12:58
amyyang     :"令"人陷入瘋狂....9F 04/14 13:09
raysilence  :突然發現每次這種球  jordan的反應都好激烈10F 04/14 13:09
raysilence  :這球是抱住,Gasol的是推開   看起來都很像防幹架 XD
※ 編輯: Jawad           來自:        (04/14 13:18)
ohyeahbb    :金塊迷最欣慰的就是不論陣容換多傷多每年還是一樣充12F 04/14 13:52
ohyeahbb    :滿驚奇  或許真的要感謝老爹
maxwellya   :因為幹籃哥不意外啊!金塊後面來兩球哩!14F 04/14 15:04
YOYOISGOOD  :跳過人還空中接力 在NBA例行賽中還真的沒見過15F 04/14 17:36
YOYOISGOOD  :相對而言 第一球已經不太像是新聞了
sniper578   :加ed真的超酸的17F 04/14 18:14
Paraguay:轉錄至看板 LeBronJames                                 04/14 20:13
henryleehan :一樓再說甚麼阿=  = y18F 04/14 22:13
Gunsroses   :怎麼沒有Green頭在籃框上那球19F 04/14 22:26
JeremyEvans :借轉全家就是你家版20F 04/14 23:46
JeremyEvans:轉錄至看板 UTAH-JAZZ                                04/14 23:47

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