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作者 標題 [討論] 媽媽咪呀!如有三集,想要哪些ABBA金曲?
時間 Sat Aug 4 18:45:11 2018
ABBA經典歌單近百首,其中勁歌熱舞朗朗上口的廣泛用在第一集《媽媽咪呀!》、細膩低迴訴我情苦衷的廣泛用在第二集《媽媽咪呀!回來了》,然而就我個人的觀察,ABBA還有一系屬於城市青年在花花世界迷失自我的警世歌曲。想想 ABBA 成員們本來各自都是日耳曼語族 1970s流行的 Schlager 曲風出身、從加入歐洲歌唱大賽後才把 Schlager 變形成為國際型舞曲紅遍全球,那 Schlager 城市舞曲訴說城市人所愛所恨的城市精神絕不可忘。
以下胡思亂想一下我心目中的第三集,然後開個我心目中的 ABBA 金曲歌單。也許 Sophie & Sky 完成了小島旅館之後終究繼續向外闖蕩、兩人攜手也有好友在花花城市左右逢源、但也被萬惡城市的紙醉金迷漸漸侵蝕?也許 Sophie & Sky 各自都按捺不住金錢事業與感情慾望而出了軌、彼此懊悔莫名痛心分手、來一場夏日小島的 intimate escape尋找初心?後段他們曾經背棄得罪的好友們、爸爸們、以及小情人,都回來擁抱給予啟示?最後洗盡鉛華的大家一起舉杯慶新年、迎向未來的正道?
Cassandra (1981)
ABBA Cassandra - YouTube
For 'STEREO' click here: From ABBA'S 8th and final studio album. Released at the end of November 1981. For t...
For 'STEREO' click here: From ABBA'S 8th and final studio album. Released at the end of November 1981. For t...
I Am The City (1982)
Elaine (1980)
ABBA - Elaine (video) - YouTube
This song was included on the B side of the single song "The winner takes it all" there's no official video for this song, so i made one for it using many ab...
This song was included on the B side of the single song "The winner takes it all" there's no official video for this song, so i made one for it using many ab...
If It Wasn't for the Nights (1979)
ABBA : If it Wasn't For The Nights (Japan) HQ - YouTube
Agnetha & Frida really grab your attention here !! There may be other people in this video but I cant say Ive noticed ! - I got appointments, work I have to ...
Agnetha & Frida really grab your attention here !! There may be other people in this video but I cant say Ive noticed ! - I got appointments, work I have to ...
Head Over Heels (1981)
Tiger (1976)
ABBA - Tiger - YouTube
Tiger from the Arrival Album...Abba at their best...Frida looks so cool in her bandana & Agnetha looks so powerful at the wheel. The guys just look scared!
Tiger from the Arrival Album...Abba at their best...Frida looks so cool in her bandana & Agnetha looks so powerful at the wheel. The guys just look scared!
On And On And On (1980)
Hasta Mañana (1974) (和第二集用的 "Why did it have to be me" 旋律很像)
Abba - Hasta Mañana (1974) - YouTube
Video Clip Hasta Mañana de Abba, Año 1974 Where is the spring and the summer That once was yours and mine? Where did it go? I just don't know But still my lo...
Video Clip Hasta Mañana de Abba, Año 1974 Where is the spring and the summer That once was yours and mine? Where did it go? I just don't know But still my lo...
The King Has Lost His Crown (1979)
Happy Hawaii (1976)
ABBA "Happy Hawaii" - YouTube
For "stereo" click here: "Happy Hawaii" from ABBA'S 1976 (Arrival) album. This was their 4th album. Recordin...
For "stereo" click here: "Happy Hawaii" from ABBA'S 1976 (Arrival) album. This was their 4th album. Recordin...
Put on Your White Sombrero (1980)
ABBA Put On Your White Sombrero/With Lyrics - YouTube
ABBA, Put On your White Sombrero. Recording in the Polar Studios 1980. I made this video for over a year ago, but I havent upload it before now, so I do hope...
ABBA, Put On your White Sombrero. Recording in the Polar Studios 1980. I made this video for over a year ago, but I havent upload it before now, so I do hope...
Move On (1977)
Hole In Your Soul (1977)
ABBA : Hole In Your Soul (Live London '79) HQ - YouTube
Brilliant live performance here from London '79 with ABBA at the top of their game Thanks for your many fine comments and ratings! 'The Way Old Friends Do' i...
Brilliant live performance here from London '79 with ABBA at the top of their game Thanks for your many fine comments and ratings! 'The Way Old Friends Do' i...
Lovelight (1979)
ABBA - Lovelight (original version) - YouTube
This cult favourite was recorded during the 1978 album sessions. At one point it was thought to be the B-side of 'Summer Night City', but it didn't happened....
This cult favourite was recorded during the 1978 album sessions. At one point it was thought to be the B-side of 'Summer Night City', but it didn't happened....
Dream World (1978)
ABBA - Dream World Lyrics - YouTube
Lyrics On-Screen! No copyright infringement intended. All content belongs to their rightful owners.
Lyrics On-Screen! No copyright infringement intended. All content belongs to their rightful owners.
The Way Old Friends Do (1980)
ABBA - "The Way Old Friends Do" [High Definition] - YouTube
Lyrics: Abba - The Way Old Friends Do Album: Super Trouper You and I can share the silence Finding comfort together The way old friends do And after fights a...
Lyrics: Abba - The Way Old Friends Do Album: Super Trouper You and I can share the silence Finding comfort together The way old friends do And after fights a...
The Visitors (1981)
The Piper (1980)
ABBA - The Piper (original) - YouTube
ABBA, The Piper, from Super Trouper Album, 1980 (Original video edit created by this channel). The photographs exhibited, do not belong to me. Continue readi...
ABBA, The Piper, from Super Trouper Album, 1980 (Original video edit created by this channel). The photographs exhibited, do not belong to me. Continue readi...
Arrival (1976)
Happy New Year (1980)
When All Is Said And Done (1981)
Abba - When All Is Said And Done - YouTube
Listen to ABBA: Follow ABBA Facebook: Instagram: Read More Ab...
Listen to ABBA: Follow ABBA Facebook: Instagram: Read More Ab...
以上只是把我私心想要在大銀幕上看見的 ABBA 金曲給列一列、並胡思亂想一下劇情。
跟我一樣喜愛《媽媽咪呀!》系列的版友們,你們又期待哪些 ABBA 金曲收入電影呢?
跟我一樣喜愛《媽媽咪呀!》系列的版友們,你們又期待哪些 ABBA 金曲收入電影呢?
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※ 編輯: mysmalllamb (, 08/04/2018 19:15:14
※ 編輯: mysmalllamb (, 08/05/2018 16:25:00
推 : 想看這對螢幕夫妻的紐約冒險記,也許到最後,他們1F 08/04 20:05
→ : 都會回到心靈的故鄉--希臘卡洛凱利小島!
→ : 都會回到心靈的故鄉--希臘卡洛凱利小島!
推 : 最後一首不是已經在第一集登場過了?3F 08/04 21:01
推 : one man one woman4F 08/04 21:04
推 : 有人用卡本特的歌來串成整部電影嗎?5F 08/04 23:17
→ : 他們專輯B面歌好聽度其實落差有點大 但因為夠經典6F 08/05 01:24
→ : 的歌畢竟太多了 拍一兩集也是足夠用了
其實許多 B面仔細聽來,往往靠神配器編曲、神前奏間奏、與神 MV 的高感視覺炒起來,若真清唱恐怕很乾... 不過我一直覺得 ABBA 本來就是視覺表演性質很強的團體,並非純靠歌詞旋律本身。→ : 的歌畢竟太多了 拍一兩集也是足夠用了
※ 編輯: mysmalllamb (, 08/05/2018 16:25:00
推 : 你真的是超級ABBA歌迷欸 這些我都沒聽過XD8F 09/14 16:02
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