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※ 本文為 Knuckles 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2014-11-03 02:43:21
看板 movie
作者 fact (fact)
標題 [新聞] 環太平洋導演揭露了環太平洋三部曲計畫
時間 Sun Nov  2 18:41:04 2014

Double Event! Get Ready For Not One, But Two ‘Pacific Rim’ Sequels.

So what’s new on the robots-punching-monsters front? Guillermo del Toro
tells Collider they plan to start shooting Pacific Rim 2 in late 2015, and it
’ll drift directly into Pacific Rim 3, a sequel we haven’t heard about
until now. Here’s what del Toro said about the two sequels.

“[Some] of your favorite characters come back, some others don’t because we
have decided that we’re going to shoot ambitiously and say ‘Let’s hope we
have three movies,’ so some characters come in at the end of the second,
hoping that it will ramp up on the third one.”


準備好了嗎 續集不只一個 同時有兩個Sequels進行!
Double Event! Get Ready For Not One, But Two ‘Pacific Rim’ Sequels.
Guillermo del Toro talked about his plans for 'Pacific Rim 2', revealed there's a 'Pacific Rim 3' already drifting our way. ...



Director Guillermo del Toro has revealed that the in-development ‘Pacific Rim
’ sequel is intended to lead directly into a third film.

While it was always known that the 2013 giant monsters versus giant robots
epic was intended to launch a series, the somewhat lacklustre box office and
mixed response the film received from fans and critics in the US and Europe
cast significant doubt on that.
Guillermo Del Toro Reveals Pacific Rim Trilogy Plans
Del Toro says he's planning not one but two sequels. ...


準備好迎接Pacific Rim史詩式的三部曲(若票房好的話)

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/movie/M.1414924866.A.0B3.html
LVE: PTT神作1F 11/02 18:55
bm061596: 滿好看的2F 11/02 18:59
F20: 推!3F 11/02 19:01
a33071201: 必看!!!4F 11/02 19:03
sunchen0201: 我好興奮啊!我好興奮啊!5F 11/02 19:05
tp950016: PEW PEW PEW!!!6F 11/02 19:10
PoorLoser: 正港爽片7F 11/02 19:10
SITC: 讚!8F 11/02 19:11
proprome: 以下開放自以為清流酸民來噓9F 11/02 19:12
nalaculan: 爽片~~我期待  可是第二集常常是幻滅的開始XDDD10F 11/02 19:13
joinlin: 我也好興奮 爽 這導演『懂』機器人11F 11/02 19:14
Djpoeration: 機器人給推12F 11/02 19:15
a33071201: PEW PEW PEW!!! XDDDDDDD13F 11/02 19:15
jimmy5680: 不知道要拍多久...14F 11/02 19:20
BF109Pilot: 主角要更中二些才行XD15F 11/02 19:21
dchris: 第二集要2017年才上,你還跟我講三部曲,是要逼死誰16F 11/02 19:22
rappig: 真正的機器人爽片  一次看個夠17F 11/02 19:25
banbee100: 誰在乎有哪些人類角色要不要回來演啊,重點是機器人!18F 11/02 19:26
bismarcp: PEW PEW PEW!!!19F 11/02 19:31
mv328: 太期待了!!!!20F 11/02 19:36
iam0718: 希望哥吉拉不要進入環太的世界觀21F 11/02 19:37
pppli: 宅片22F 11/02 19:38
tedann: 話說導演也蠻愛魔法少女的...所以會有帥哥+美女陣容嗎(誤)23F 11/02 19:39
mkoo: 在哥吉拉面前  吉普賽危機跟屎一樣軟趴趴好嗎!!!24F 11/02 19:41
sky20501: 導演的調性與日本動漫同步率達到百分之200了25F 11/02 19:44
kikielle: 人類角色哪裡不重要?這些機器人就人類駕駛的啊…不要以26F 11/02 19:45
kikielle: 為這跟變形金剛一樣都可以藉著吐槽人類戲份太多來彰顯
kikielle: 自己很懂
BF109Pilot: 女主角換人希望29F 11/02 19:54
NewTypeNeo: 爽片!   希望斬龍劍進化成斬龍關刀!30F 11/02 19:54
windmax1: 何年何月才能看到超級系機人電影T_T31F 11/02 19:56
recycling: 超期待,也期待續集的誠實預告片XD32F 11/02 20:00
omega000: 拜託 這種片還有第二集 真是的 什麼時候上映 等不及了33F 11/02 20:02
ontherun3325: 剩下兩部曲就是 環大西洋 環印度洋 超好猜34F 11/02 20:02
ru0227: 期待推!!!35F 11/02 20:04
ArtofLife: 只有我覺得這部很難看?36F 11/02 20:13
HarleyQuinn: 日本都不理這仿冒品了 還出續集給中國看?37F 11/02 20:17
ronray7799: 中國票房最愛的蠢宅片 根本喚不起我的童心38F 11/02 20:22
oak01: not bad39F 11/02 20:24
Wolfen: 只有鄉民連看電影都可以區分宅跟潮,阿不就好棒棒40F 11/02 20:25
Wolfen: 快去看刃太的電影吧,都溼了
yhchen2: 拜託導演增加一點科普常識42F 11/02 20:25
usojapanese: 好看劇情 好聽配樂   推!!43F 11/02 20:30
walter0914: 期待~44F 11/02 20:33
abxtpml56: 好看!!!!!!!!!45F 11/02 20:39
triplee: 吉姆手上就有一堆劇本了46F 11/02 20:40
g1409: 超級爽片 期待47F 11/02 20:43
Darkbeat18: 趁職的無腦片,被稱為神片還滿好笑的48F 11/02 20:51
p1ayouro1e: 哥吉拉>>>>>>環太平49F 11/02 20:53
egg781: 日本連像樣的全CG機器人電影都生不出來咧50F 11/02 20:53
blackman5566: 讚讚  現在聽到主題曲還會起雞皮疙瘩51F 11/02 21:10
bk4au: 期待52F 11/02 21:15
playerst: 我覺得...誠實結局比本片好看的說XDD53F 11/02 21:16
Bigcookie2: 心臟很大顆…第一集沒賣很好說54F 11/02 21:18
torukumato: 機器人片只能靠他們了 日本已經GG啦55F 11/02 21:23
aggressorX: 阿阿阿阿 這才是真正期待的作品!!!56F 11/02 21:24
sanshin: 難看57F 11/02 21:24
peruman: 期待!58F 11/02 21:25
mathrew: 只有這位導演才懂機器人59F 11/02 21:28
a2156700: 時間間隔太久了吧60F 11/02 21:30
jack: 環太平洋前傳 鋼巴斯達(1988) 格局大多了61F 11/02 21:44
jack: 宇宙怪獸 時空穿越 親情 友情 熱血 應有盡有
nostar: 爽63F 11/02 21:46
rotusea: 巨大機器人~64F 11/02 21:51
azrael1011: 上吧!!台灣製虛空雷神獸!65F 11/02 21:54
sygnuser: 快點拍吧等的頭髮都白了66F 11/02 22:13
bye2007: 大推67F 11/02 22:25
snane: 推,好看,最近買回家狂看68F 11/02 22:28
PhotoShopGG: 環印度洋機器人打到一半會一起跳排舞69F 11/02 22:37
whathell5168: PEW PEW PEW!!70F 11/02 22:37
cmid05: .....71F 11/02 22:45
pc80176: 期待阿!72F 11/02 22:59
fnb10803: 爽片 讚73F 11/02 23:33
krizzard: coooool74F 11/03 00:14
kiddleaf: 讚啦!75F 11/03 00:22
ds1441: 超讚的76F 11/03 00:32
joe74509: 非常期待!77F 11/03 00:33
lin9015: 超期待的!!!!78F 11/03 00:48
nosweating: 環太平洋就是要推!!!!79F 11/03 00:51
a031405: 推推><80F 11/03 01:25
yspen: 女主角換成凌波零好嗎81F 11/03 01:52
bt222: 怒推82F 11/03 02:30

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