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※ 本文為 Knuckles 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2014-08-03 09:37:57
看板 movie
作者 azure27014 (戶愚呂秀蓮)
標題 [討論] 銀河守護者之勁爆舞曲大帝國歌單
時間 Fri Aug  1 02:30:15 2014




像是聽了一張復古的舞曲專輯   但包裝卻是濃濃的科幻風阿

Blue Swede - Hooked on a feeling

Blue Swede - Hooked on a feeling (Reservoir Dogs) - YouTube
Title says it all. 187,000+ views? That's an awful lot of dogs. FOR LEGAL INFORMATION REGARDING OWNERSHIP - SEE MY PROFILE PAGE.


10cc - I m Not In Love

10cc - I m Not In Love - YouTube
1975) 10cc are an English art rock band who achieved their greatest commercial success in the 1970s. The band initially consisted of four musicians -- Graham...


I Want You Back - The Jackson 5

I Want You Back - The Jackson 5 - YouTube
The Jackson 5 preform I Want You Back on their "Goin Back To Indiana" TV special in 1971. HQ sound


Spirit In The Sky Norman Greenbaum


The Raspberries - Go All The Way



David Bowie- 03 Moonage Daydream

David Bowie- 03 Moonage Daydream - YouTube
From the album "The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars" (1972), 3rd track. Enjoy.


Fooled Around and Fell in Love ~ Elvin Bishop

Fooled Around And Fell In Love - Elvin Bishop - YouTube
Fooled Around And Fell In Love by Elvin Bishop......75 or 76


Red Bone - Redbone - Come and Get Your Love

Red Bone - Redbone - Come and Get Your Love - YouTube
Oldie, but goodie. Redbone performs "Come and Get Your Love". From the olden days. Guardians of the Galaxy has this song in their movie.


The Runaways - Cherry Bomb


Rupert Holmes - Escape (The Piña Colada Song '80)

Rupert Holmes - Escape (The Piña Colada Song '80) - YouTube
Rupert Holmes on the Midnight Special in 1980. Valhalla...Your Music Jukebox. Please Subscribe!


OOH CHILD The Five Stairsteps

OOH CHILD The Five Stairsteps - YouTube
PLEASE NOTE: We all know LIFE aint easy, there was good and bad in the 70's and ALSO today, but don't Preach A Gazillion comments about it here, It will be P...


MARVIN GAYE & TAMMI TERRELL "Ain't no Mountain High Enough"



※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/movie/M.1406831417.A.00A.html
qn123456:Cherry Bomb和最後決戰前大家換裝那段超搭1F 08/01 02:32
azure27014:浣熊拉了一下該邊XD 好緊2F 08/01 02:35
s89950:推整理,我覺得這部片配經典老歌超讚的3F 08/01 02:37
sv1723:謝謝分享!看的時候就很想要awesome mix!!!哈4F 08/01 02:38
S890127:選歌都很讚5F 08/01 02:39
s89950:不知道以後會不會出原聲帶?6F 08/01 02:39
owenkuo:"Ain't no Mountain High Enough"  經典7F 08/01 02:59
owenkuo:http://goo.gl/78gsJL 六樓要的原聲帶已經出了
Amazon.com: Guardians of the Galaxy: Music
Amazon.com: Guardians of the Galaxy: Music ...

owenkuo:另外這次電影也有前導漫畫http://goo.gl/ooGCAH9F 08/01 03:03
Guardians of the Galaxy Prelude - Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
Guardians of the Galaxy Prelude is a 2-issue comic mini-series set in the Marvel Cinematic... ...

pneumas:感謝推! 我一看完電影立馬搜尋所有歌曲 好聽!10F 08/01 03:22
yas241520:有首有在白日夢冒險王出現過耶11F 08/01 03:26
yangyx:Spotify有清單 http://ppt.cc/4wfn12F 08/01 07:59
Guardians Of The Galaxy: Awesome Mix Vol. 1 by Hollywood Records on Spotify
Guardians Of The Galaxy: Awesome Mix Vol. 1, a playlist by Hollywood Records on Spotify ...

wwa928:推整理13F 08/01 11:05
※ 編輯: azure27014 (, 08/01/2014 11:12:43
Ciokk:好多經典老歌14F 08/01 11:36
ComeThrough:80推15F 08/01 11:40
ccc0522:推分享16F 08/01 12:30
ray2501:推17F 08/01 13:39
augusta68:推18F 08/01 14:39
kokosaw:這些歌好棒!  想衝電影院了!!19F 08/01 14:51
peterpan910:推用心!20F 08/01 15:47
JuiFu617:推分享,原本不認識這些老歌!21F 08/01 16:19
icexfox:推!!!22F 08/01 17:57
iam0718:小時候還在光南看過23F 08/01 20:40
rockk94866:最後小樹跳舞是哪一首呢?24F 08/01 23:48
draft:小樹跳舞是Jackson5!!http://youtu.be/-T5xWkO56GI25F 08/01 23:49
Jackson 5- I Want You Back Lyrics! - YouTube
Hey guys I love Michael Jackson. He made me want to sing. This song is one of my favorite song's by the Jackson 5. Enjoy! Like, Comment, & Subscribe!

Meds:問一下  主角拿到綠音帶 逃出監獄那首是哪首阿?26F 08/02 17:29
Meds:有點忘記了 是ESCAPE 這首嗎

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