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※ 本文為 Knuckles 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2013-08-23 16:09:59
看板 movie
作者 eggbox (蛋盒子)
標題 [討論] Ben Affleck Is the New Batman
時間 Fri Aug 23 09:50:48 2013

Ben Affleck is Batman.

The actor will replace Christian Bale as Bruce Wayne in the upcoming untitled
Superman-Batman feature for Warner Bros., the studio announced Thursday.

Affleck becomes the eighth actor to play the Caped Crusader, following Bale,
George Clooney and Michael Keaton.

“We knew we needed an extraordinary actor to take on one of DC Comics’ most
enduringly popular Super Heroes, and Ben Affleck certainly fits that bill,
and then some,” WB president Greg Silverman said in a statement.

Directed by “Man of Steel” filmmaker Zack Snyder, the Superman-Batman
feature will open worldwide on July 17, 2015, with Henry Cavill, Amy Adams
and Diane Lane reprising their roles.

“Ben provides an interesting counter-balance to Henry’s Superman. He has
the acting chops to create a layered portrayal of a man who is older and
wiser than Clark Kent and bears the scars of a seasoned crime fighter, but
retain the charm that the world sees in billionaire Bruce Wayne,” Snyder
said in a statement. “I can’t wait to work with him.”

The announcement of a Batman-Superman film was revealed last month at
Comic-con to much excitement of fanboys, who will surely be watching as the
studio begins to assemble its Justice League.

The irony of Thursday’s news is that at one point Warner Bros. was
interested in having Affleck direct the “Justice League” movie and his
participation in this film will now spur interest if whether his casting
means a possibility of directing that film.

The Boston native recently upped his Hollywood power when he won the Best
Picture Oscar for “Argo.”

Affleck, repped by WME, can be seen next in Fox and New Regency’s thriller “
Runner Runner.”

Ben Affleck Is Batman | Variety
Ben Affleck is Batman. The actor will replace Christian Bale as Bruce Wayne in the upcoming untitled Batman-Superman feature for Warner Bros., the studio announced Thursday. Affleck becomes the eig... ...

不知真的假的= =...

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techan:往好處想 起碼演過Daredevil的小班身材是掛保證的1F 08/23 09:51
XXPLUS:夜魔俠還不夠嗎??2F 08/23 09:52
weiwei270:老婆會出演貓女嗎~~~~3F 08/23 09:52
jehy:就算是我們還是不會忘記夜魔俠的4F 08/23 09:53
eggbox:轉錄至看板 SuperHeroes                                   08/23 09:53
eggbox:轉錄至看板 Gossiping                                     08/23 09:58
frafoa:真的。確定了5F 08/23 09:58
tsaiwaichen:能不能順便讓他導文戲~~武戲讓Zack來6F 08/23 10:00
a33071201:下巴合格7F 08/23 10:00
darksaber:夜魔俠的原型還真的是蝙蝠來著8F 08/23 10:02
dimrain:蝙蝠俠出任務9F 08/23 10:02
cappa:!!!!!!!!!!10F 08/23 10:02
jackie820322:他長相有點太溫柔11F 08/23 10:02
banbee100:怎麼會是他...12F 08/23 10:02
moneydream:還ok阿.身材.年紀.還有奧斯卡13F 08/23 10:03
Yunk:失望14F 08/23 10:03
alexroc:不太搭15F 08/23 10:03
strray:不如當編劇吧...16F 08/23 10:04
widec:下巴可以17F 08/23 10:05
ray8082:!!??意外18F 08/23 10:05
cappa:震驚過後 可接受19F 08/23 10:07
omx:沒關係...急凍人過後蝙蝠俠已經沒有下限了20F 08/23 10:11
pomyopnion:嗯.....~_~ 沒啥期待感21F 08/23 10:11
loveavril08:已哭,應該可以更好的22F 08/23 10:12
Kinliu:蠻意外的.....23F 08/23 10:12
KingKingCold:超爛選角,一堆人更適合的不找,找個演技超爛的24F 08/23 10:15
m19871006:什麼!!!??25F 08/23 10:15
mashmabo:Ben Affleck當導演不錯,演戲就.....26F 08/23 10:16
hotkick203:覺得應該找更有滄桑感的27F 08/23 10:16
BeanSaber:嗯 果然是沒有下限28F 08/23 10:16
hotkick203:虧我還期待Bale回心轉意說29F 08/23 10:16
winnietslock:不錯阿,找曾經大起大落的小班來演,起碼表情不會太菜30F 08/23 10:18
kaigogo:蝙蝠俠眼睛瞎了就可以變夜魔俠31F 08/23 10:18
jing0991:NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!32F 08/23 10:20
mashmabo:而且它穿緊身衣有點悲劇..動作不順暢33F 08/23 10:20
starcry:意外34F 08/23 10:20
yuhung:這選角,是要搭配麥特戴蒙演蝙蝠俠的女主角然後演搞笑劇嗎?35F 08/23 10:32
a33071201:小班:怕什麼 我還演過超人哩36F 08/23 10:32
Rfed:外在條件明明很適合吧。37F 08/23 10:32
ooic:確定是真的了,華納自己發的,除非反悔XD38F 08/23 10:38
ncyc:就算他拿過奧斯卡,別以為我會那麼輕易忘記DareDevil!39F 08/23 10:39
Gamer1028:快找麥特戴蒙當羅賓 繼007之後又一腐女鉅作40F 08/23 10:39
temma:一看到這個新聞,我也是馬上想到小班的下巴超適合的XDDD41F 08/23 10:40
quicknick:夜魔蝙42F 08/23 10:40
ppt2:有阿蝠出任務可以看了43F 08/23 10:40
proprome:可以找他當導演 換Snyder嗎44F 08/23 10:42
vlckcy:......45F 08/23 10:46
monmo:可以找麥特戴蒙演綠光戰警了........46F 08/23 10:47
nosweating:竟然找了舊人來演,真的有意外,算出奇招嗎47F 08/23 10:48
BearJW:失望+1 只希望可以跟當初的美國隊長選角一樣有破格表現48F 08/23 10:48
nosweating:Jimmy kimmel又有梗可以玩了XD49F 08/23 10:49
waterspinach:下巴可以+1 XD50F 08/23 10:49
monmo:而且他跟新超人相比 明顯就是長輩呀........51F 08/23 10:50
cappa:搞不好鋼鐵人4就是麥特戴蒙 真的54F 08/23 10:52
vatin:下巴夠寬就好XD55F 08/23 10:57
Rfed:Ben現在太紅了~56F 08/23 10:57
megad0952:唉 導演不錯 演戲很普通57F 08/23 10:58
nosweating:應該是羅賓威廉斯演小丑 XD58F 08/23 10:58
GANZ:看起來不夠機車啊 看起來很好欺負?60F 08/23 10:59
alljerry04:結果是最初的傳聞是對的61F 08/23 10:59
sixx:我要囧瑟夫啦!!!62F 08/23 10:59
a33071201:導演:下巴才是本體63F 08/23 11:05
ladyluck:意外也不意外,小班跟華納應該合作很愉快64F 08/23 11:08
idlypanda:爛透了..............................................65F 08/23 11:10
Moratti:超爛的 這麼醜怎麼搞BL66F 08/23 11:12
aramaram:!!!!!67F 08/23 11:14
KFDD:好難想像...未來的電影到底會爆衝到什麼地步啊68F 08/23 11:19
taiwan540:他下巴不錯 但要他演出腹黑跟公子哥實在是很難想像69F 08/23 11:23
cherry0424:寧願是Richard Armitage ><70F 08/23 11:26
newwu:乖乖當導演啦71F 08/23 11:28
lovecfcm:→ Moratti:超爛的 這麼醜怎麼搞BL  XDDDDDDD72F 08/23 11:35
frafoa:很適合。73F 08/23 11:38
qazxswptt:這選角很讓人擔心 他雖不忘幕前 但他幕後功力才有競爭力74F 08/23 11:42
kobe333:怎麼看都覺得搭呀 他演過夜魔俠啊`75F 08/23 11:46
blackyady:失望 他演蝙蝠俠感覺不太對 希望到時候能讓我說我錯了76F 08/23 11:49
master56:這下巴很適合77F 08/23 11:57
LindsayLohan:...78F 08/23 12:27
wujacky621:我覺得滿適合的啊79F 08/23 12:37
Pt1:他給人的印象太強烈了...也不夠憂鬱...  看到他會想笑..80F 08/23 12:48
kimo0211:下巴很適合81F 08/23 12:59
JACK19920102:我覺得還ok的耶82F 08/23 13:07
riddle6:.......靠下巴選人喔84F 08/23 13:36
yoyonigo:突然想到,他跟新超人,兩個都是屁股下巴85F 08/23 13:43
dudu5566:反正蝙蝠俠都沒啥表情變化 很適合Ben來演86F 08/23 13:49
flylibra:Bruce Wayne的腹黑公子哥兒我很難想像他來演...87F 08/23 13:51
silv31:一堆合適的人選偏偏要選他>"<89F 08/23 13:54
chiulove:下巴ok但他演戲常常呆呆的哎90F 08/23 13:55
jcto04:逃離高譚市91F 08/23 14:14
flysonics:可以洗洗睡了 導演是看一堆下巴照選人的嗎92F 08/23 14:59
michaelch:下巴OK,憂鬱有,但常常恍神的感覺...不像聰明人 = =93F 08/23 15:08
serena1008:他的屁股下巴XDD好性感94F 08/23 15:37
Arctica:不錯了啦,bale不演了不然要選誰95F 08/23 15:39
miabcd199:................恭喜他繼腋魔俠 又毀了一個超級英雄96F 08/23 15:57

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