※ 本文為 Knuckles 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2013-10-29 18:21:31
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作者 標題 [討論] 007第24集的龐德女郎人選
時間 Tue Oct 29 12:52:23 2013
今天有兩個名字傳出是 James Bond 24的龐德女郎競爭人選
運動畫刊的比基尼麻豆Kate Upton 跟英超曼城寶貝「乳神」Helen Flanagan
Kate Upton應該多數人較為熟知 不知道的請看下面連結
Kate Upton: Swimsuit Superstar! - YouTube
Meet voluptuous Kate Upton, the super-hot supermodel that's steaming up the swimsuit world. She's a champion horseback rider - but it's...
Meet voluptuous Kate Upton, the super-hot supermodel that's steaming up the swimsuit world. She's a champion horseback rider - but it's...

好相信大家知道了 她的前男友是老虎隊王牌Justin Verlander
Helen Flanagan最近一年在英國娛樂圈相當有名 雖然多半參與電視肥皂劇
據報導兩人都是下一位龐德女郎的競爭者 Flanagan還去LA試鏡過
Bond 24依然是由Sam Mendes執導 丹尼爾克雷格 雷夫范恩斯 班維蕭等人主演
Helen Flanagan and Kate Upton In Talks to Play the Next Bond Girl
Report: Helen Flanagan and Kate Upton In Talks to Play the Next Bond Girl
The 'Coronation Street' actress and the Sport Illustrated Swimsuit model are allegedly the frontrunners to play Bond's new girl in the 'Skyfall' follow-up. ...
Helen Flanagan up for Bond girl role
Helen Flanagan | Helen Flanagan up for Bond girl role | Contactmusic.com
Helen Flanagan is in the frame to be a Bond girl.The 23-year-old actress recently met with casting directors in Los Angeles about a role in the next 007 adventure - with Daniel Craig returning as suave spy James Bond again.And... ...
Helen Flanagan For Bond Girl Role?
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
→ :實在沒啥規則可循1F 10/29 13:01
→ :除了非洲女人 其他都當過007女郎了2F 10/29 13:09
推 :我私心推薦 Rooney Mara3F 10/29 13:18
推 :非洲女人也當過了4F 10/29 13:23
推 :Flanagan 的臉孔與身段比較多變, Upton 辣得太呆板5F 10/29 13:26
推 :以型來說 HF比較符合以往女郎的樣子6F 10/29 13:34
推 :人間凶器7F 10/29 13:41
推 :Rooney Mara+18F 10/29 13:54
推 :kate 演戲觀眾都無法專心9F 10/29 14:27
推 :不相信sam manders會選upton10F 10/29 14:52
推 :Helen Flanagan11F 10/29 15:00
推 :我都可以(掩面12F 10/29 15:01
推 :隨便啦...楊紫瓊都當過了...13F 10/29 15:42
推 :那我推素珠....14F 10/29 15:45
→ :我好驚訝Upton跟Verlander交往過!15F 10/29 15:48
推 :kate超棒的16F 10/29 15:50
推 :Kate不錯可以跟前任女郎Dennis Richard比誰奶大17F 10/29 16:48
→ : Denise
→ : Denise
推 :包租婆不是說她也當過嗎?19F 10/29 16:54
推 :KATE太像花瓶20F 10/29 17:09
推 :之前聽到要給諾蘭導 還想說那龐德女郎一定是莉莉了21F 10/29 17:19
推 :有新的Q就好,其他不重要22F 10/29 17:22
推 :是莉莉的話,高達八成會捅龐德一刀23F 10/29 17:24
推 :Denise Richards 假碗公奶怎麼跟人比24F 10/29 17:32
推 :推Gal Gadot25F 10/29 17:50
※ 看板: Movie 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 1340
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