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作者 標題 [討論] ID4星際終結者續集將不只兩部
時間 Mon May 13 19:54:39 2013
導演Roland Emmerich證實他正在進行ID4星際終結者的續集計畫
飾演大衛的Jeff Goldblum會回鍋 續集的計畫不只一兩集 而是一連串的故事
"Independence Day" to Get More Than Two Sequels, Jeff Goldblum to Return
During the LA Times Hero Complex Film Festival in Hollywood, Jeff Goldblum
and director Roland Emmerich were in attendance for a special screening of
"Independence Day." Immediately after, Emmerich confirmed that he's working
on a sequel, that Goldblum will return, and that the plan is to create a
story that will give him an opportunity to make endless sequels.
"That's actually what we talked a lot about. The mythology of why did the
aliens come in the first place, what is the bigger story of this whole
thing?," Emmerich stated. "And we talked a lot about swarm intelligence. And
[the humans] are individual intelligence. Even though we kill each other and
have wars against each other, we have something special."
He continued: "We have this domino human spirit to believe in good and over
coming enemies. And it's a little bit about that and when you get a bigger
mythology going, I think then you have the chance to do not only one or two
or three [sequels], but you can create a series and that's what we want to
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◆ From:
推 :導演如果繼續拍莎士比亞的秘密或其他名人的秘密,我會看1F 05/13 19:56
推 :如果Emmerich願意拍自己的秘密,我一定捧場2F 05/13 20:03
→ :如果電影把101或是總統府炸掉,我願意進戲院看10遍3F 05/13 20:11
推 :如果馬英揪是外星人我願意看4F 05/13 20:14
→ :如果換人當導演我願意看看...5F 05/13 20:21
推 :導演換人+16F 05/13 20:36
推 :白宮都炸掉了 這次要炸哪裡?7F 05/13 20:46
推 : 101台灣取景8F 05/13 20:54
→ :這種沒有未來性的片子 做續集是要演什麼??9F 05/13 21:08
推 :加入中國元素 炸掉天安門(咦?!)10F 05/13 21:21
推 :這讓我想到 Metal Slug3 裡的元首和外星人11F 05/13 21:21
推 :結局是外星人不小心握手了.....12F 05/13 21:22
推 :Emmerich跟麥克貝類型相近 都是只有兩道板斧的人13F 05/13 22:59
推 :換麥可貝...1. 轉來轉去轉到吐 2. 不管甚麼,炸掉就對了14F 05/14 00:00
推 :完全想不到要怎麼有續集... 真的是裝了小紅傘的外星人?15F 05/14 16:54
→ :反而有點好奇XD
→ :反而有點好奇XD
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