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作者 hsupohsiang (Faith)
標題 [新聞] 鋼鐵人三.美媒USA TODAY特稿.配預告片讚.
時間 Tue Oct 23 22:58:24 2012


出處:USA Today



作者:Brian Truitt

  主要還是告訴我們,鋼鐵人三會有 Tony Stark 出現.....很多很多 Tony Stark

For Tony Stark, the brain is just as powerful as the blaster.
對於 Tony Stark 來說,「動腦」跟「動手」向來一樣有效。

After saving the world alongside superhero pals Thor and Captain America in
the box-office hit The Avengers, Robert Downey Jr.'s tech genius playboy in
the Iron Man suit is back for his third solo big-screen adventure in Iron Man
3, directed by Shane Black and in theaters May 3.

票房奇蹟)後,由 Robert Downey Jr. 扮演的天才億萬富翁兼花花公子又身著高科技
裝甲戰袍的 Tony Stark 將在導演Shane Black 的手中推出個人領銜主演的最新大螢
幕冒險故事「鋼鐵人三=Iron Man 3」,訂於來年五月三日上映。

The movie begins "Phase 2" of Marvel Studios' grand movie plan, continuing an
epic story that will ultimately lead to The Avengers 2 in 2015.

這部電影也象徵著「驚奇影業=Marvel Studio」宏大計劃的「第二期=Phase 2」正式展開
,預計逐步建構出2015年「復仇者聯盟 2」的架構。

Instead of getting his superhero mojo from a mythical land like Thor or
Captain America's super-soldier serum, Tony Stark's super power is his
intellect, according to Kevin Feige, Iron Man 3 producer and president of
Marvel Studios. And he is going to need every bit of his mind for his latest

根據本片製作人及驚奇影業總裁 Kevin Feige 表示,與雷神索爾、美國隊長不同,
Tony Stark的過人之處並不仰賴天生神力或是超級士兵血清,而是「腦力」。而且,

Iron Man 3 picks up some months after The Avengers, with Tony and love
interest Pepper Potts (Gwyneth Paltrow) back and running Stark Industries.
However, Tony is targeted by the Mandarin (Ben Kingsley) — Iron Man's most
iconic foe from the comics — and has a vast array of gadgets and weaponry
wiped out.

鋼鐵人三的故事將發生在「復仇者聯盟」數個月之後,Tony 與 Pepert Potts(由
Gwyneth Paltrow飾演)已重回 Stark 集團掌管大小事務。但是,鋼鐵人世界裡最

最具威脅的反派角色「滿大人=Mandarin」 (Ben Kingsley飾演)卻在此時盯上 Tony


"He basically loses all of his toys and is forced to just use his mind to
rebuild and to face his biggest enemy," Feige says, resulting in the most
advanced Iron Man suit yet."He's ultimately the engineering superhero. He's
so charming and so flamboyant that sometimes you forget that's what he is:
'Hey, kids, learn this stuff and you can maybe build an Iron Man suit.' "

Feige說到:「基本上,全都沒了,一點不留。Tony 必須要從零開始,一點一滴的
麼令女人們著迷,Tony Stark 是一位仰賴科學、科技力量的超級英雄,他是會對小

Sifting through the rubble

Tony Stark's come a long way since he was held captive in a cave in
Afghanistan and built a weaponized suit to survive in the original Iron Man
movie. But Pepper Potts (Gwyneth Paltrow) is left to survey the damage caused
when the Mandarin attacks Tony in a very personal manner in Iron Man 3.
"While he is a charming guy, it is often hard to root for a genius
billionaire playboy philanthropist because they seem to have it all," Feige
says. "In this movie, we are again going to see him stripped down more than
we've ever seen him since he was in that cave, again with his back against
the wall and with nothing but his wits to help him survive."

回首 Tony Stark 過去的系列作,他已經走過不少風風雨雨,不再是身陷阿富汗綁匪
豪。但是,當「滿大人=Mandarin」 (Ben Kingsley飾演)以侵門踏戶之姿攻擊 Tony
Stark 時,在漫天煙霧散去後,只剩下Pepper Potts (Gwyneth Paltrow飾演)獨自杵
立在廢墟之中。Feige說:「雖然 Tony 很有魅力,但是,他畢竟還是個億萬富豪、大
帥哥加天才,很難讓人打從心裡關心著他。這次,我們比以往更逼迫 Tony ,幾乎把

Pepper adds spice

The connection between Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr.) and Pepper Potts
(Gwyneth Paltrow) began in the two previous Iron Man movies and grew even
more in The Avengers, and the new film will be filled with trials and
tribulations that will bring them closer together, Feige says. "That's one of
the things we love about (Tony). It is not a new girl in every film. Pepper
Potts is an incredibly important part of his life and his evolution as a
hero. She plays a very big part in this film."

Tony Stark 與 Pepper Potts 兩人的關係已經不斷增溫,在這一集,各種試煉、橫逆
們不是一集一正妹。Pepper Potts是 Tony 生命中相當重要的一部分,也是他蛻變為

'He's given 120% on this one'

The Iron Man 3 set in North Carolina was shut down for a few weeks in
September due to Robert Downey Jr.'s sprained ankle, according to Feige, but
he's been back in action for nearly a month now. "It's an example of what
Robert's always said: 'Leave nothing on the field. He always gives it 100%
but I think he's given 120% on this one." That's important particularly in
Iron Man 3's very Tony Stark-centric story line. "Robert is in almost every
scene, which, when you have Robert, is not a bad thing," the producer says.
"The goal with Iron Man 3 is to again prove that all of our single heroes are
as interesting alone as they are when they're all together in an Avengers

九月時,鋼鐵人三的劇組一度被迫停止在北加州的拍攝工作,因為,Robert Downey Jr.
扭傷了腳踝。不過,Feige 證實他目前復原良好,已回到拍攝現場。Feige說:「他總
。這是很重要的一件事。因為,鋼鐵人三將全片的重心完全環繞在 Tony Stark 身上,

Knight in shining armors

Seven Iron Man suits in total have been seen in two Iron Man movies and The
Avengers, but the all-new one in Iron Man 3 represents the most advanced
version yet - particularly in how Tony Stark suits up. In the first movie,
Tony had to stand in a gantry for five to 10 minutes to get fully armored, he
had a lightweight "suitcase" suit for the second film, and in The Avengers a
big coffin-sized case could fly out after him in midair and encase him in his
high-tech armor. "Now we see he's invented a technology that allows him to
basically have the suit arrive to him anywhere at any time, piece by piece,"
Feige says. "And it doesn't always work at first."

先進的一套裝甲-尤其是 Tony Stark穿上裝甲的方式。最早期,他必須站在那裏花



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