※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2022-07-04 00:32:14
看板 Military
作者 標題 [新聞] (外電)克宮可能會立法要求企業資助戰
時間 Sun Jul 3 22:09:53 2022
全英文 我英文不好可能有理解錯誤
The Kremlin is likely setting conditions for crypto-mobilization of the Russian
economy in preparation for a protracted war in Ukraine. The Kremlin proposed an
amendment to federal laws on Russian Armed Forces supply matters to the Russian
State Duma on June 30, that would introduce “special measures in the economic s
phere” obliging Russian businesses (regardless of ownership) to supply Russian
special military and counterterrorist operations.[1] The amendment would prohibi
t Russian businesses from refusing to accept state orders for special military o
perations and allow the Kremlin to change employee contracts and work conditions
, such as forcing workers to work during the night or federal holidays. The Krem
lin noted in the amendment’s description that the ongoing special military oper
ation in Ukraine exposed supply shortages, specifically materials needed to repa
ir military equipment, and stated that Russian officials need to “concentrate t
heir efforts in certain sectors of the economy." Russian President Vladimir Puti
n is likely mobilizing the Russian economy and industry to sustain the ongoing w
ar effort, but has not yet taken parallel measures to mobilize Russian manpower
on a large scale.
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※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1YmQCuw- (Military)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Military/M.1656857400.A.EBE.html
推 : 共同富裕俄國版1F 07/03 22:10
推 : 戰時經濟2F 07/03 22:10
推 : 總體戰?3F 07/03 22:11
推 : 企業資助人力嗎?4F 07/03 22:11
推 : 俄國淘寶騰訊拼多多?5F 07/03 22:13
推 : 為了普丁的面子6F 07/03 22:14
推 : 普丁爸爸要收回平常塞在企業的私房錢了7F 07/03 22:16
推 : 全部充公 把寡頭都處理掉9F 07/03 22:17
→ : 類似的概念?國防生產法?10F 07/03 22:17
推 : 俄烏戰爭看來要打好幾年11F 07/03 22:18
推 : 打仗要錢要人當然要國家管控12F 07/03 22:18
推 : 只是確保俄羅斯有能力繼續打的措施而已吧13F 07/03 22:20
推 : 美國當年韓戰打掉了幾年GDP 真下重本14F 07/03 22:20
→ : 美軍都下場打了15F 07/03 22:21
推 : 韓戰俄沒有正式介入,只有私下派飛官,所以美國敢打16F 07/03 22:23
→ : 可查米格走廊 類似禁航區17F 07/03 22:25
推 : 韓戰那是聯合國有通過決議案 蘇聯沒參加用否決權18F 07/03 22:25
→ : 美軍是聯合國部隊的其中一支
→ : 美軍是聯合國部隊的其中一支
推 : 俄羅斯現在還沒改口說這是戰爭喔21F 07/03 22:27
→ : 只是特殊軍事行動XD
→ : 只是特殊軍事行動XD
→ : 一秒變回共產時代23F 07/03 22:39
推 : 資住下去就直接變成內循環了 聖‧加速師普丁24F 07/03 22:39
推 : 你給的連結就ISW戰報吧25F 07/03 22:40
推 : 俄國終究被耗到受不了26F 07/03 22:41
推 : 這樣搞=殺雞取卵27F 07/03 22:46
噓 : 連結掛了28F 07/03 22:57
→ : 但沒事啦俄國的壞消息版友不會在乎來源的呵呵
→ : 但沒事啦俄國的壞消息版友不會在乎來源的呵呵
Russian Offensive Campaign Assessment, July 1 | Institute for the Study of War The Kremlin is likely setting conditions for crypto-mobilization of the Russian economy in preparation for a protracted war in Ukraine. The Kremlin pr ...
推 : 第二行自己手動貼上就看得到了 急著帶風向大可不必32F 07/03 23:05
→ : 記得是說寡頭只作資源金融。沒人在開工廠。33F 07/03 23:11
推 : 其實ISW 7/1戰報第一段也有講過啊,只是版友畫的黃34F 07/03 23:23
→ : 字重點不在這上面
→ : 字重點不在這上面
→ : 俄國經濟問題要壓不住了36F 07/03 23:25
→ : 賣油的幾百億拿來用啊 越制裁越爽耶37F 07/03 23:54
→ : 可以跟中國的計劃經濟2.0接軌38F 07/04 00:30
※ 看板: Military 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 34
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