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※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2022-04-22 08:16:04
看板 Military
作者 jimmy5680 (喜歡鯊鯊的企鵝)
標題 [情報] 五角大廈發言人報告 4/21
時間 Fri Apr 22 05:30:58 2022

Caitlin Doornbos
Pentagon spokesman John Kirby:
-Today's $800 military aid package is the 8th the U.S. has sent Ukraine since August.

"What we're providing is done in full consultation with the Ukrainians and they believe that these systems will be helpful to them in the fight in the Donbas."
Lara Seligman
Kirby says the new Phoenix Ghost drone going to Ukraine is primarily used in an attack role. It was already under development by the Air Force before the invasion, and DOD believes it will "very nicely suit their needs" particularly in eastern Ukraine
Valerie Insinna
A good point here: The defense official speaking on background this morning never said when Phoenix Ghost was developed. Just because it was developed before 2/24 doesn't mean it couldn't have been modified to meet Ukrainian needs.https://twitter.com/MENAConflicted/status/1517245855736205313 …
I've typed and retyped this, because I know you're a defense reporter & don't need to be told this and don't wanna be "well actually" but couldn't both things be true? An existing platform was hastily modified to meet a current demand?








There is no argument over the choice between peace and war, but there is only
one guaranteed way you can have peace — and you can have it in the next
second — surrender.
        ~ Ronald Reagan, 1964

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※ 編輯: jimmy5680 ( 美國), 04/22/2022 05:36:40
nanozako    : 前後加起來美國送了90門M777 這也真的是大手筆1F 04/22 05:37
ja23072008  : 送M777真是誠意十足2F 04/22 05:37
jabari      : M777... 這樣會變熊肉果醬捏 很不方便3F 04/22 05:39
aicassia    : 今年烏東的土地會很充分翻土 明年要大豐收了4F 04/22 05:42
focusrol    : 單次消耗攻擊型無人機怎麼聽起來像可以起飛的TV彈5F 04/22 05:46
gunng       : 挖靠 猜錯了 居然是M777@@6F 04/22 05:51
jabari      : M777+牽引機有沒有搞頭?7F 04/22 05:52
muncheberg  : 不知是普通版的M777,還是增程版的?8F 04/22 05:52
onekoni     : 主委加碼沒在客氣9F 04/22 05:56
moonrain    : M777的話砲班人數可以少一半 同樣兵力火力加倍10F 04/22 05:58
Schottky    : 也不差那600個砲兵吧11F 04/22 05:59
Schottky    : 差的是 15 秒可以開一砲的效率
moonrain    : 繼續加碼火炮 數目更多可能就有差了 加拿大好像也要13F 04/22 06:01
moonrain    : 送M777
onekoni     : 結果烏克蘭打出真正的大炮兵15F 04/22 06:07
WYchuang    : 美國卯起來送大禮包啊 現在看起來英國負責防空 美國16F 04/22 06:17
WYchuang    : 負責地面作戰 其他國家有什麼送什麼
junkuo      : M777耶 好爽喔18F 04/22 07:07
eupa1973    : 美國真的是大哥19F 04/22 07:16
Schottky    : 55 倍徑增程版還是實驗性質吧?20F 04/22 07:16
s3z15a3z15a : 90門加十幾萬發砲彈...烏東鵝軍保重..21F 04/22 07:22
blackbrid   : 90門M777,這真的是大禮包......羨慕22F 04/22 07:47
abbei       : 可以好好犁一下黑土了,順便加熊肉肥料23F 04/22 07:50
Y1309       : 送最新的M777,不怕被俄軍俘獲然後山寨嗎?24F 04/22 07:53
Palpatineli : m777強的地方是材料。山寨不出來25F 04/22 08:00
sakaya00    : 大哥人太好了吧26F 04/22 08:00
GaryMatthews: 山寨也要有那個實力 關鍵零件被禁運 缺乏美國的冶27F 04/22 08:01
GaryMatthews: 金技術笑你做不出來
dalensona   : 俄國還有錢山寨嗎29F 04/22 08:01
GaryMatthews: 鵝國 中國民航機上掛滿美國發動機 整個大方給你看30F 04/22 08:03
GaryMatthews: 還是做不出來
loxjjgu     : 怕被轉手給中國吧,中國比較有資源山寨32F 04/22 08:04

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