※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2022-04-21 04:49:09
看板 Military
作者 標題 [分享] 情報多則:匈牙利支持芬蘭加入北約
時間 Thu Apr 21 01:05:58 2022
Shashank Joshi
@shashjFinnish president: “it became clear that Hungary supports Finland’s solutions.” As expected, no-one in NATO is going to stand in way of rapid Finnish accession once a bid is sent.https://twitter.com/niinisto/status/1516805865373933571 …
Soitin Unkarin presidentti János Áderille. Kerroin Suomen turvallisuuspoliittisesta keskustelusta. Tuli selväksi, että Unkari tukee Suomen ratkaisuja.調查媒體爆料,俄國外交部長在2018年造訪日本時,
Michael Weiss 🌻 🇺🇸 🇮🇪
@michaeldweiss.@michaeldweiss obtains photographic evidence that in 2018 Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov was on official diplomatic business to Japan with his mistress, oligarch Oleg Deripaska — and a Russian sex worker | @newlinesmaghttps://newlinesmag.com/reportage/se...a-sex-worker-to-japan-in-2018/ …
@michaeldweiss.@michaeldweiss obtains photographic evidence that in 2018 Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov was on official diplomatic business to Japan with his mistress, oligarch Oleg Deripaska — and a Russian sex worker | @newlinesmaghttps://newlinesmag.com/reportage/se...a-sex-worker-to-japan-in-2018/ …
Hans Kristensen
@nukestratRussian press reports first successful full-scale test launch of new SS-29 (RS-28, Sarmat) ICBM. https://www.interfax.ru/russia/835996
(Image from previous ejection test).
Silo upgrades started last year at Uzhur missile division.
See Russia Nuclear Notebook: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/00963402.2022.2038907?needAccess=true …
@nukestratRussian press reports first successful full-scale test launch of new SS-29 (RS-28, Sarmat) ICBM. https://www.interfax.ru/russia/835996
(Image from previous ejection test).
Silo upgrades started last year at Uzhur missile division.
See Russia Nuclear Notebook: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/00963402.2022.2038907?needAccess=true …
Jim Sciutto
@jimsciuttoBreaking: Russian has conducted a test-launch of its new intercontinental ballistic missile, the Sarmat. A Ministry of Defense statement says the ICBM landed in the “designated area in Kamchatka.”
@jimsciuttoBreaking: Russian has conducted a test-launch of its new intercontinental ballistic missile, the Sarmat. A Ministry of Defense statement says the ICBM landed in the “designated area in Kamchatka.”
@politicoU.S. lawmakers are pushing for diplomats to return to Ukraine’s capital. But does the show of support outweigh the risk?https://www.politico.com/news/2022/04/20/biden-administration-kyiv-embassy-reopening-00026538 …
@politicoU.S. lawmakers are pushing for diplomats to return to Ukraine’s capital. But does the show of support outweigh the risk?https://www.politico.com/news/2022/04/20/biden-administration-kyiv-embassy-reopening-00026538 …
@spook_infoMi-17 helicopters supplied to Ukraine by the United States can be used to attack territory of the Russian Federation. -Russian Foreign Ministry
@spook_infoMi-17 helicopters supplied to Ukraine by the United States can be used to attack territory of the Russian Federation. -Russian Foreign Ministry
Thomas C. Theiner
@noclador German parliament member says that Scholz's offfice tried to block a visit of three parliament members to Lviv in Ukraine.
Scholz doesn't want German politicians to have contacts with Ukrainians.https://twitter.com/benjamin_ess/status/1516541391354183680 …
@noclador German parliament member says that Scholz's offfice tried to block a visit of three parliament members to Lviv in Ukraine.
Scholz doesn't want German politicians to have contacts with Ukrainians.https://twitter.com/benjamin_ess/status/1516541391354183680 …
Das lässt einen nur noch sprachlos zurück. #StrackZimmermann bei #lanz zur Frage, ob der Ukraine-Besuch mit Billigung des Kanzleramts (#Scholz) stattgefunden hat: "Nein, man hat es uns nicht leicht gemacht (...). Sie wollten nicht, dass 'Kriegstourismus' stattfindet."
Lesia Vasylenko
@lesiavasylenkoAs of today heavy weapons and military aid arrives to #Ukraine from USA Canada UK Netherlands Japan Italy France Thanking our partners for the efforts. #StandWithUkraine and together fight back imperialistic aggression
@lesiavasylenkoAs of today heavy weapons and military aid arrives to #Ukraine from USA Canada UK Netherlands Japan Italy France Thanking our partners for the efforts. #StandWithUkraine and together fight back imperialistic aggression
Samuel Ramani
@SamRamani2BREAKING: Germany confirms it will stop buying Russian oil by the end of 2022
@SamRamani2BREAKING: Germany confirms it will stop buying Russian oil by the end of 2022
C Salonius-Pasternak
@charlyjspParliament of #Finland is set to begin debate about changed security environment and needed changes regarding security policy (read seeking NATO membership).
focusing on what’s said implicitly and explicitly (follow #turpo, as other Finns are also sure to comment)
@charlyjspParliament of #Finland is set to begin debate about changed security environment and needed changes regarding security policy (read seeking NATO membership).
focusing on what’s said implicitly and explicitly (follow #turpo, as other Finns are also sure to comment)
記者揭露德國有軍援烏克蘭15具M141 SMAW和50發彈藥
Alex Luck
@AlexLuck9Bloomberg repeating the BILD-reporting on Dutch PzH2K for Ukraine, with training & ammo to be provided by Germany. According "to a senior government official". No new details. Netherlands keep a notable amount of the type in storage.https://www.bloomberg.com/news/artic...rockets-training-for-artillery …
@AlexLuck9Bloomberg repeating the BILD-reporting on Dutch PzH2K for Ukraine, with training & ammo to be provided by Germany. According "to a senior government official". No new details. Netherlands keep a notable amount of the type in storage.https://www.bloomberg.com/news/artic...rockets-training-for-artillery …
@oryxspioenkopIf the Netherlands is sending artillery to Ukraine it’s probably our stock of 13 155mm FH-70 towed howitzers.https://twitter.com/alexluck9/status/1516759050662584324 …
https://www.bloomberg.com/news/artic...rockets-training-for-artillery …
@oryxspioenkopIf the Netherlands is sending artillery to Ukraine it’s probably our stock of 13 155mm FH-70 towed howitzers.https://twitter.com/alexluck9/status/1516759050662584324 …
Bloomberg repeating the BILD-reporting on Dutch PzH2K for Ukraine, with training & ammo to be provided by Germany. According "to a senior government official". No new details. Netherlands keep a notable amount of the type in storage.
https://www.bloomberg.com/news/artic...rockets-training-for-artillery …
@kemal_115The Bal Coastal Defence system provides no additional benefits either.
@kemal_115The Bal Coastal Defence system provides no additional benefits either.
It fires Kh-35U cruise missiles, which use IMU+GNSS (GPS or GLONASS) for ground attacks, delivering a 145kg warhead. It lacks a two-way data link, TERCOM, and whatnot.https://twitter.com/KaptainLOMA/status/1516714837346336768 …
The use of coastal defense and anti ship missiles against ground targets are indicators that Russia is running low on precision guided munitions and is resorting to alternatives. https://twitter.com/RALee85/status/1516704301577551872 …
Deborah Haynes
@haynesdeborahEXCLUSIVE: A number of Syrians fighting for Russia in Ukraine have been killed on the battlefield, the Ukrainian president’s top security official has said.
@OleksiyDanilov showed photos that appeared to show 3 dead fighters, faces visible, & several indistinguishable bodies
@haynesdeborahEXCLUSIVE: A number of Syrians fighting for Russia in Ukraine have been killed on the battlefield, the Ukrainian president’s top security official has said.
@OleksiyDanilov showed photos that appeared to show 3 dead fighters, faces visible, & several indistinguishable bodies
Idrees Ali
@idreesali114April 20 (Reuters) - Russian households withdrew foreign currency worth $9.8 billion from their accounts in March and banks cut new corporate lending by around one third, the central bank said on Wednesday, as western sanctions over events in Ukraine spooked consumers.
@idreesali114April 20 (Reuters) - Russian households withdrew foreign currency worth $9.8 billion from their accounts in March and banks cut new corporate lending by around one third, the central bank said on Wednesday, as western sanctions over events in Ukraine spooked consumers.
Jeff Stein
@JStein_WaPoNEWS: Ukrainian, U.S. officials including Janet Yellen walked out of the G-20 meeting this morning when Russian officials began to speak, per people familiar. Story TK
@JStein_WaPoNEWS: Ukrainian, U.S. officials including Janet Yellen walked out of the G-20 meeting this morning when Russian officials began to speak, per people familiar. Story TK
Benjamin Tallis 🇺🇦
@bctallis“From the fog of war in #Ukraine, the contours of a new European politics are emerging. Not in #Germany or #France, but rather it is in the EU’s Central & East European states that a new hard-edged geopolitical idealism is taking shape.” #CEE @RUSI_orghttps://rusi.org/explore-our-researc...lovakia-eus-new-radical-centre …
@bctallis“From the fog of war in #Ukraine, the contours of a new European politics are emerging. Not in #Germany or #France, but rather it is in the EU’s Central & East European states that a new hard-edged geopolitical idealism is taking shape.” #CEE @RUSI_orghttps://rusi.org/explore-our-researc...lovakia-eus-new-radical-centre …
There is no argument over the choice between peace and war, but there is only
one guaranteed way you can have peace — and you can have it in the next
second — surrender.
~ Ronald Reagan, 1964
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→ : 15隻是不是都紅色 是普通SMAW的3倍1F 04/21 01:08
推 : 德國真的呵呵呵2F 04/21 01:09
推 : 新理想主義?3F 04/21 01:14
推 : 搞定匈牙利, 還有德國,奧地利的態度4F 04/21 01:17
推 : 50發彈藥哈哈哈好多喔5F 04/21 01:17
推 : 嗯..是誰呢..應該不會太明顯吧?6F 04/21 01:18
推 : 飛彈不夠了吼 吼吼吼7F 04/21 01:19
推 : 其實這次戰爭多少對東歐國家人民的價值觀又再次洗8F 04/21 01:19
→ : 禮,以前算蘇聯瓦解無痛成為國家,現在對支援烏克
→ : 蘭的東歐國家而言,就像打場與俄國的獨立戰爭,至
→ : 少算與過往蘇聯那段歷史完全斷絕
→ : 禮,以前算蘇聯瓦解無痛成為國家,現在對支援烏克
→ : 蘭的東歐國家而言,就像打場與俄國的獨立戰爭,至
→ : 少算與過往蘇聯那段歷史完全斷絕
→ : 那以後油庫要用什麼炸?12F 04/21 01:19
推 : 什麼是新理想主義?13F 04/21 01:20
推 : 看不懂匈牙利在幹嘛 跟德國一樣扭扭捏捏立場不明14F 04/21 01:20
推 : 匈牙利造反啦15F 04/21 01:20
推 : 匈牙利就北約內鬼 奧爾班在位一天 匈牙利就不會變16F 04/21 01:22
→ : 現在能鎮住匈牙利的只剩波蘭了
→ : 現在能鎮住匈牙利的只剩波蘭了
推 : 德國真的一堆俄國內奸18F 04/21 01:22
推 : 法國都被感謝了,德國有夠丟臉19F 04/21 01:38
推 : 匈牙利沒被打一頓不會乖==20F 04/21 01:45
→ : 奧地利不久前嘴過布丁21F 04/21 01:49
推 : 之前認識一個匈牙利人 他跟我抱怨說 奧爾班能當選22F 04/21 01:51
→ : 都是因為不支持他的都跑出國避難了
→ : 他自己就跑到瑞士去 還計畫接上下三代全家過去
→ : 都是因為不支持他的都跑出國避難了
→ : 他自己就跑到瑞士去 還計畫接上下三代全家過去
推 : 50發 (ˊ_>ˋ)25F 04/21 02:15
推 : 匈牙利之前和烏克蘭有紛爭26F 04/21 02:23
推 : 和喀爾巴阡那邊有關 有興趣可以查查
推 : 和喀爾巴阡那邊有關 有興趣可以查查
推 : 這50發每一發傷害直徑有十公里我就不嘴德國了28F 04/21 02:30
→ : 利比亞不是在親俄的格達費被推翻後29F 04/21 02:31
→ : 新政府改為跟伊拉克一樣親美了嗎?
→ : 新政府改為跟伊拉克一樣親美了嗎?
※ 編輯: jimmy5680 ( 美國), 04/21/2022 02:35:14
推 : 50發是什麼意思 ... 拖著上戰場打一下就得放在原地31F 04/21 02:35
→ : 展示了?
→ : 展示了?
推 : 單純增加後勤整備困難吧.. 上次那批聖杯也是33F 04/21 02:41
推 : Mr. Koo直接在內文被點名說明身份....34F 04/21 02:45
→ : 德國說要在2022年底停掉俄國石油,根本頗呵,人家35F 04/21 02:52
→ : 是要你停掉俄國天然氣啊
→ : 是要你停掉俄國天然氣啊
推 : 石油其實影響很大 像是殼牌已經退了, 停用俄石油會37F 04/21 02:57
→ : 連代輪胎大廠受波及. 有停總比沒有好 快全停啊
→ : 連代輪胎大廠受波及. 有停總比沒有好 快全停啊
推 : 波蘭跟匈牙利是麻吉好嗎,這兩個國家在歐盟內結夥39F 04/21 03:00
→ : 跟其他國家對幹,原因是被歐盟要求要司法獨立
→ : 波蘭這次雖然很給力,這幾天其實也是一直邁向專制
→ : *這幾年
→ : 跟其他國家對幹,原因是被歐盟要求要司法獨立
→ : 波蘭這次雖然很給力,這幾天其實也是一直邁向專制
→ : *這幾年
推 : 波蘭跟匈牙利唯一的差別就是不是普丁的狗43F 04/21 03:43
→ : 要不然匈牙利幹過的爛事波蘭一樣幹過一堆
→ : 要不然匈牙利幹過的爛事波蘭一樣幹過一堆
→ diyaworld …
推 : 前幾年波蘭和匈牙利就是保守主義當道阿~ 共通點就是51F 04/21 03:57
→ : 之前跟川普政權還不錯 加上一些作為民主黨蠻討厭的~
→ : 之前跟川普政權還不錯 加上一些作為民主黨蠻討厭的~
推 : 殼牌並沒有退出喔~雖然聲明已退出~他是混49%的俄油53F 04/21 04:08
→ : 這是這個月初殼牌被踢爆的新聞
→ : 這是這個月初殼牌被踢爆的新聞
Lucas Tomlinson
Минобороны России
@LucasFoxNewsRussia test-fires intercontinental ballistic missile days after Pentagon scraps own ICBM test over fears of escalating tensions with Moscow
Минобороны России
@LucasFoxNewsRussia test-fires intercontinental ballistic missile days after Pentagon scraps own ICBM test over fears of escalating tensions with Moscow
推 : 有關注近年波蘭與匈牙利新聞,其實這兩個之前政治56F 04/21 04:16
→ : 新聞是完全極端與專制化,只是因為這次波蘭極端反
→ : 俄才沒被提起
→ : 新聞是完全極端與專制化,只是因為這次波蘭極端反
→ : 俄才沒被提起
※ 看板: Military 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 53