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看板 MenTalk
作者 ian1107 (哎呦,不錯哦)
標題 [討論] 有推薦/耐聽的英文歌嗎?
時間 Mon Sep 14 10:05:45 2015

本身聽的歌大都是 台 韓 英

不過英文歌曲知道的不多 不然就是不耐聽

喜歡的有 OneRepublic

OneRepublic - I Lived - YouTube
Director: Noble Jones Idea Inspired by Sophie Muller Producer: Taylor Vandegrift, Joseph Uliano Production Company: Wondros To learn more about Cystic Fibros...


聯合公園有幾首不錯 不過聽久了 會覺得有點吵

曲風不限  有推薦/耐聽/經典的英文歌曲嗎?

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    Such a beautiful night

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Imeow5566: nothing's gonna change my love for you1F 09/14 10:07
Imeow5566: it's my life
ferminyu: heal the world3F 09/14 10:07
ssvs: 麥可伯特恩Michael Bolton-When A Man Loves A Woman4F 09/14 10:07
Imeow5566: maroon5的all >///<5F 09/14 10:08
ferminyu: cantnot take my eyes of you6F 09/14 10:08
hwuz: maroon5-makes me wonder7F 09/14 10:08
yoanzhong: 魔力紅 泰勒絲8F 09/14 10:08
ferminyu: i will surrvive9F 09/14 10:08
ferminyu: 最近有一手洗腦歌,i really like you
mapxu664: 最近很喜歡Kodaline https://youtu.be/xLPGtQoRUbk11F 09/14 10:10
Kodaline - The One - YouTube
The One features on our new album Coming Up For Air, which is out now. Get it here:  For more information, releases and tour...

ferminyu: 很多歌都很好聽12F 09/14 10:11
★★英美雙冠+55國冠軍★★ OMI / 專屬啦啦隊 Cheerleader (HD中文上字MV) - YouTube 全球排行最夯雷鬼冠軍金曲!牙買加歌手OMI「Cheerleader」首奪英國金榜冠軍! 18國iTunes冠軍,打破多國數位紀錄 全球排行再掀雷鬼熱!牙買加歌手OMI首奪英國金榜冠軍!本名Omar Samuel Pasley的28歲牙買加男歌手OMI在2012年以一曲「Cheerleader」初試啼聲,沒想到這首...

mapxu664: 一直很喜歡的The Script https://youtu.be/FCT6Mu-pOeE14F 09/14 10:17
The Script - Six Degrees of Separation - YouTube
The Script's official music video for 'Six Degrees of Separation'. Click to listen to The Script on Spotify:

mapxu664: If you could see me now https://youtu.be/SGlkwKA-t_415F 09/14 10:19
The Script - If You Could See Me Now - YouTube
The Script's official music video for 'If You Could See Me Now'. Click to listen to The Script on Spotify:

※ 編輯: ian1107 (, 09/14/2015 10:25:32
claymath: Love me like you do/blank space/when you say nothing16F 09/14 10:26
claymath:  at all
dennis01048: 推 The Script的Hall of Fame還有Superhero18F 09/14 10:26
claymath: New thang吹喇叭那段也不錯 有bgm拿來當鬧鐘 很煩唷 XDD19F 09/14 10:27
claymath: DD
handsomlaugh: muse!!21F 09/14 10:35
doig: Coldplay的 the scientist, 很適合唸書跟半夜聽22F 09/14 10:40
doig: 也蠻耐聽
doig: https://youtu.be/RB-RcX5DS5A
Coldplay - The Scientist - YouTube
Coldplay's new album Ghost Stories, is out now! Download it at  or get the CD at  ~ Follow Co...

yunchenli: I'm yours25F 09/14 10:51
mapxu664: Sam Hunt https://youtu.be/iXi6IHFHeIA26F 09/14 11:00
Sam Hunt - Take Your Time - YouTube
‘Take Your Time’ available on Sam’s debut album, Montevallo available everywhere now, click here.  Follow Sam Hunt:

mapxu664: Shawn Mendes https://youtu.be/xXEx0DyIMks27F 09/14 11:04
Shawn Mendes - Imagination (Audio) - YouTube
Music video by Shawn Mendes performing Imagination. (C) 2015 Island Records, a division of UMG Recordings, Inc.

Recorder: Snow Patrol-Chasing Cars28F 09/14 11:35
homechen1990: Led Zeppelin/Pink Floyd/The Strokes29F 09/14 11:38
Octopus56: coming home 超好聽,要聽女版30F 09/14 11:38
Tass: lost star31F 09/14 11:41
futureSight: 推Recorder大:Snow Patrol-Chasing Cars32F 09/14 12:06
jamiro0000: 最近一直重複聽muse33F 09/14 12:06
futureSight: onerepublic:Apologize34F 09/14 12:10
ctpevx: 推The Script35F 09/14 12:11
futureSight: onerepublic:Secrets36F 09/14 12:11
futureSight: Alan Parsons Project:Days Are Numbers
futureSight: https://youtu.be/qHkGWO2yNOA
Alan Parsons Project - Days are Numbers (The Traveller) -updated - YouTube Lead Vocals - Chris Rainbow, (born Christopher James Harley, November 18 1946 in Glasgow) A Scottish rock singer/musician with two minor hit songs, 'Give Me ...

futureSight: ABBA:SOS39F 09/14 12:21
futureSight: https://youtu.be/cvChjHcABPA
Abba - SOS - YouTube
Music video by Abba performing SOS. (C) 1975 Polar Music International AB

JER2725: X JAPAN的英文歌都不錯41F 09/14 12:25
futureSight: Shania Twain:You're Still The One42F 09/14 12:25
futureSight: https://youtu.be/KNZH-emehxA
Shania Twain - You're Still The One - YouTube
Music video by Shania Twain performing You're Still The One. (C) 1998 Mercury Records, a Division of UMG Recordings, Inc.

flameteru: 共和  counting star44F 09/14 12:28
mapxu664: The Fray  https://youtu.be/LBTdJHkAr5A45F 09/14 12:29
The Fray - Heartless - YouTube
Listen to The Fray's new single "Heartbeat" here -  Music video by The Fray performing Heartless. (C) 2009 Sony Mu...

futureSight: Carly Rae Jepsen:Call Me Maybe46F 09/14 12:30
mapxu664: Daughtry-Over You https://youtu.be/m02-RHN_hQE47F 09/14 12:30
Daughtry - Over You - YouTube
Daughtry's official music video for 'Over You'. Click to listen to Daughtry on Spotify:  As featured on Dau...

Carly Rae Jepsen - Call Me Maybe (Live At Capital Summertime Ball) - YouTube Get E•MO•TION on iTunes now:  Music video by Carly Rae Jepsen performing Call Me Maybe. (C) 2015 School Boy/Interscope Records ht...

mapxu664: The Click Five-Empty https://youtu.be/380_OKfxESk49F 09/14 12:32

mapxu664: Darren Hayes-Insatiable https://youtu.be/9u7hGkL57N850F 09/14 12:33
Darren Hayes - Insatiable - YouTube
Darren Hayes' official music video for 'Insatiable'. Click to listen to Darren Hayes on Spotify:

futureSight: 木村拓哉主演「腦科學先生」的主題曲:Jump51F 09/14 12:36
mapxu664: sia-Breathe me https://youtu.be/fZly12eGpNA52F 09/14 12:36
Breathe Me - Sia (lyrics) - YouTube
my links tumblr:  twitter:

mapxu664: Sia-I'm In Here https://youtu.be/8ex7NFDXQoo53F 09/14 12:38
Sia - I'm In Here (from We Are Born) - YouTube
New track I'm In Here, taken from Sia's forthcoming album We Are Born which is released in US on 22 June, in Europe 18th June and in UK on 30 Aug - we can't ...

mapxu664: 以前很喜歡Secondhand Serenade簡簡單單的感覺54F 09/14 12:43
mapxu664:  Fall For You https://youtu.be/FKi125iqnFg
Secondhand Serenade - Fall For You - YouTube
Head to  to get Secondhand Serenade's "A Twist In My Story" Fall For You by Secondhand Serenade (c) ...

vn509942: Air supply 的歌都滿經典的 可以一聽再聽56F 09/14 13:01
ccufcc: 曲風不限只想耐聽那你去聽白噪音就好57F 09/14 13:46
MoEo: Youtube 找 best of 90's alternative/rock 都不錯58F 09/14 13:56
dothesame: falling slowing59F 09/14 15:32
b1ueway: say something 超讚喔60F 09/14 16:22
Louina: really recommend "what do you mean" by Justin Bieber61F 09/14 18:57
Alter Bridge - Watch Over You - YouTube
Music Video for Alter Bridge's Watch Over You. Ripped personally by me from rage here in Australia. Enjoy ABers. Unfortunately i saved this video is in fake ...

Bullet For My Valentine - Tears Don't Fall - YouTube
Bullet For My Valentine's official music video for 'Tears Don't Fall'. Click to listen to Bullet For My Valentine on Spotify:

llliiinnn: The Script真的每首都好聽64F 09/14 21:36
llliiinnn: 另外推薦Blue-you make me wanna
mapxu664: 真的 每首都好聽66F 09/14 21:40
bvcf1201: 魔力紅67F 09/14 21:48
IamCuteGirl: Ed - photograph68F 09/16 08:17
FinalAce: acdc,big gun69F 09/16 09:27
huigi: Ed - photograph +170F 09/16 15:15

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