※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2021-12-07 12:47:07
看板 LoL
作者 標題 [閒聊] Mikyx & Ocelote 推特 抓馬又來了
時間 Tue Dec 7 02:45:33 2021
一切的起源是 Mikyx 的這篇推特
@G2MikyxDidn't find a team for 2022 spring but at least I will be streaming more often now!
Didn't find a team for 2022 spring but at least I will be streaming more
often now!
然後老闆 Carlos 發推特解釋有降低 Mikyx 的買斷金
@CarlosRwe lowered price three weeks ago to 250,000€ but could not find anything
hopefully we can find something nice for him for Summer Splithttps://twitter.com/g2mikyx/status/1467876270100856834 …
Didn't find a team for 2022 spring but at least I will be streaming more often now!
we lowered price three weeks ago to 250,000€ but could not find anything
hopefully we can find something nice for him for Summer Split
我們三週前把他的買斷金降低到 25 萬歐元,但還是沒有隊伍要他
@CarlosRin the process between the initial 1.5M request, the very quick drop to 500k (by first days of November) & the subsequent final drop to 250k, we gathered interest from 5+ western orgs, which Miky did not show interest in nor entertained
we did all we could and have peace of mind
in the process between the initial 1.5M request, the very quick drop to 500k
(by first days of November) & the subsequent final drop to 250k, we gathered
interest from 5+ western orgs, which Miky did not show interest in nor
we did all we could and have peace of mind
一開始要求的買斷金是 150 萬歐元,然後在 11/1 很快就降到 50 萬,最後降到 25 萬
,有五支西方隊伍對 Mikyx 有興趣,但 Mikyx 沒有表現出興趣
但 Mikyx 似乎不這麼覺得
@G2Mikyxhmm I don't think things communicated to me during the offseason align with this
hmm I don't think things communicated to me during the offseason align with
Carlos 對此的回應是
@CarlosRthat's a straight lie
we have dozens of G2 employees with visibility on all off season dealings
all interest in full was communicated to your agent, who responded that you were not interested in any of those opportunities
you should be honest and stop going for brownie points
that's a straight lie
we have dozens of G2 employees with visibility on all off season dealings
all interest in full was communicated to your agent, who responded that you
were not interested in any of those opportunities
you should be honest and stop going for brownie points
同時前隊友 Perkz 似乎也碰上了狀況
@C9Perkzevery day different drama meanwhile my new team already imploding we have to cancel our bootcamp and just go home wtf is going on
every day different drama meanwhile my new team already imploding we have to
cancel our bootcamp and just go home wtf is going on
Sent from BePTT on my Sony J9210
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推 : EN怎麼這季這麼精彩(*゚∀゚)1F 12/07 02:52
→ : EU
→ : EU
推 : 太爽鳥 更多抓馬3F 12/07 02:53
→ : 實際上就是各賽區現在都沒新人 同一灘死水在那邊攪4F 12/07 02:53
→ : 你要不抓馬很難啦
→ : 你要不抓馬很難啦
推 : 本來EU想說穩了 結果Canna一搞被LCK抓馬超車6F 12/07 02:54
→ : 現在很努力贏回來
→ : 現在很努力贏回來
推 : ==8F 12/07 02:56
→ : EU抓馬第一賽區欸9F 12/07 02:57
推 : 哇靠 這隻也沒人要 不太可能吧10F 12/07 03:05
→ : 可能啊 強的隊伍已經花大錢在其他人身上 付不起轉會11F 12/07 03:10
→ : 和他的薪資 爛的隊伍他不一定想去 現在大家應該都組
→ : 好隊伍簽完約了 這事情各賽區每天發生XDDD
→ : 和他的薪資 爛的隊伍他不一定想去 現在大家應該都組
→ : 好隊伍簽完約了 這事情各賽區每天發生XDDD
推 : VIT也爆炸?14F 12/07 03:24
→ s10112 …
推 : EU抓馬不落人後16F 12/07 03:47
→ s10112 …
推 : 歐美邦邦?18F 12/07 04:08
推 : CARLOS(OCELETE)跟胖虎差不多水準的老闆都很爛19F 12/07 06:50
推 : Perkz是不是在釣?20F 12/07 06:56
推 : LOL聯賽腫麼了21F 12/07 07:55
→ : 抓馬好多22F 12/07 08:43
→ : 薪資轉會都超不健康,變成金錢遊戲了23F 12/07 08:48
推 : 自爆應該是有人中肺炎吧24F 12/07 09:36
推 : 現在分不太清楚Perkz是講真的還是只是嘴砲而已25F 12/07 09:37
推 : Ocelote真的爛26F 12/07 09:47
推 : 幹已經分不出來perkz到底是在嘴砲還是在講認真的了27F 12/07 09:57
推 : EU28F 12/07 10:00
推 : 不要轉會就留著領薪水也不錯啦29F 12/07 10:04
→ : 身價跌停30F 12/07 10:22
噓 : Ocelote以前就爛咖,後來各種裝想洗白 然而劣根性一31F 12/07 11:31
→ : 直都在, 現在不是洗白是Cbye
→ : 直都在, 現在不是洗白是Cbye
推 : g2老闆不是臭出名的嗎33F 12/07 12:08
推 : 阿p484想參一咖34F 12/07 12:33
推 : 連選手在役時都對我雞老闆頗有微詞惹35F 12/07 12:38
※ 看板: LoL 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 36
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