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作者 標題 [情報] Tesla 新MCU比之前快2倍 & ...
時間 Wed Mar 28 01:09:47 2018
Tesla’s new onboard computer is twice as fast as the older version, shows test | Electrek Tesla recently confirmed having updated the onboard media computer (MCU) in the new Model S and Model X, which is resulting in an evidently faster and ...
Tesla’s new onboard computer is twice as fast as the older version, shows test
Tesla recently confirmed having updated the onboard media computer (MCU) in
the new Model S and Model X, which is resulting in an evidently faster and
smoother experience.
Tesla證實現在新出廠的Model S/X 都已經換上新的MCU,明顯有更快更流暢的體驗
Now owners have tested the response time of the new MCU and it seems to be as
much as twice as fast as the older version.
As we previously reported, Tesla developed a new dual computing platform for
Autopilot and the Media Control Unit MCU on the Model 3.
Tesla 在Model 3 上用上了新的MCU
For Model 3 owners who also owned Model S or Model X vehicles at some point,
it was clear that it resulted in a much faster and smoother touchscreen
experience on the center display than it Tesla’s two older vehicles.
對於同時擁有 Model S 或 X 與Model 3的車主來說,
很明顯的在Model 3 上的中控螢幕觸控起來更快更順暢
Now Tesla is bringing the same experience to new Model S and Model X vehicles.
現在Tesla 正在為Model S/X 帶來相同的體驗。
A Model S owner with the new MCU did a series of controlled comparison tests
with the navigation system, vector map responsiveness, dash buttons
responsiveness, and web browser performance.
新MCU 的Model S 車主進行了一系列可控比較測試,導航系統、向量地圖反應、
As you can see, aside from the dash buttons responsiveness, the new MCU
appears to be about twice as fast as the older version.
如你所見的,除了按鈕的反應能力之外,在其他項目新的MCU 速度似乎是舊版本的兩倍。
Tesla’s MCU has long been powered by Nvidia GPUs just like its Autopilot
computer, but the company moved to Intel for the Model 3, which first showed
sign of more performance and responsiveness.
Tesla 的MCU 一直以來都使用Nvidia GPU,但Model 3 則轉用 Intel。
While it’s unconfirmed at this point, Tesla could have also moved to Intel
for the Model S/X MCU processor to get that kind of performance and use the
same processor and board for the MCUs in all its vehicle programs.
就在幾分鐘之前,Elon Musk 在推特上表示,舊的MCU硬體是可以升級的
並且也編寫了軟體用來加強舊MCU的表現(Big diff.)
本來Model 3 的觸控螢幕體驗要好過S/X 可能會讓S/X 的車主有點小失落
現在把S/X 的MCU 更新了也多少能夠消除現在想要購買S/X 的人心中的一點疑慮
而舊的S/X 也能夠更新硬體,雖然可能是需要付費,但這種做法也還蠻少見的
@elonmuskYes, you can upgrade hardware, although we also wrote software to accelerate rendering on old MCU. Coming out soon & makes a big diff.
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推 : 佛心公司。佛心公司1F 03/28 01:21
推 : 電子車就是這樣,5年前pc機皇也不如現金套裝機(比喻2F 03/28 01:24
→ : 而已,勿戰)
→ : 而已,勿戰)
※ 編輯: Scape (, 03/28/2018 01:38:58
推 : 馬斯克警告人類:4F 03/28 01:52
推 : ? tesla有想過要賺錢嗎 ??5F 03/28 02:30
推 : 跟公司文化無關,商業模式不同而已6F 03/28 02:41
→ : 想要永續經營 就沒有免費這件事7F 03/28 08:31
噓 : 開始強調mcu速度了。 馬的北七電車8F 03/28 09:03
→ : 我以為是賣車呢 原來是賣電子垃圾
→ : 我以為是賣車呢 原來是賣電子垃圾
推 : 手機升級都免費,os也是,要自稱科技公司連這點也一起10F 03/28 09:19
→ : 比照吧
→ : 硬體部分,汽油車也有很多外廠更新硬體的,只是原廠這
→ : 樣搞確實是很少見
→ : 比照吧
→ : 硬體部分,汽油車也有很多外廠更新硬體的,只是原廠這
→ : 樣搞確實是很少見
※ 看板: K_hot 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 26
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