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※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2017-11-26 22:55:45
看板 car
作者 Scape (缺鈣缺很大)
標題 [新聞] Tesla將成為自己Semi卡車的第一位客戶
時間 Sun Nov 26 04:19:22 2017

Tesla to be its own first electric semi truck customer with cargo route between Fremont and Gigafactory 1 | Electrek While orders for the Tesla Semi electric truck are piling up, Tesla’s VP of Truck programs, Jerome Guillen, confirmed that Tesla will be its own first ...


Tesla to be its own first electric semi truck customer with cargo route
between Fremont and Gigafactory 1

While orders for the Tesla Semi electric truck are piling up, Tesla’s VP of
Truck programs, Jerome Guillen, confirmed that Tesla will be its own first
customer and that it will use the trucks to carry cargo between its factory
in Fremont, California and its battery factory in Nevada.

Tesla的卡車項目VP, Jerome Guillen, 證實Tesla將會是自己Semi卡車的第一位客戶

Tesla CEO Elon Musk previously referred to the automaker’s logistic costs to
carry cargo between the two locations as “gigantic”.

Elon Musk以前曾經說過,這兩間工廠之間的物流成本非常的巨大。

He even suggested that they are considering building a hyperloop system for
cargo with his Boring Company startup in order to address the issue.


During a presentation about the new Tesla Semi at the annual conference of

Transport and Logistics in the Netherlands today, Tesla VP of Truck programs
Jerome Guillen confirmed that they will first address the problem by using
their electric semi trucks.

He said:

“Tesla will be the first customer for the truck. We will use our own truck
to carry cargo in the US between our different facilities. We have an
assembly facility in California, the Gigafactory in Nevada, so we will use
our trucks to carry things in-between.”

Tesla卡車項目VP, Jerome Guillen說:


It just so happens that the route between the two factories is almost the
perfect example of the capabilities of the semi truck that Tesla claimed
during its presentation last week.


The most important claim was a range of 500 miles for a capacity to bring a
full load to a destination 250 miles away, which represents 80% of the market
according to Tesla, and then bring a load back to the original location on
the same charge.


According to Google Maps, the shortest route between Tesla Fremont and Tesla
Gigafactory 1 is exactly 258 miles:


It should be an excellent showcase of the capabilities of the Tesla Semi and
if Tesla truly achieves the cost of operation savings that they claimed, they
should achieve some important logistic cost savings.

這應該是Tesla Semi功能的一個很好的展示,如果Tesla真的做到了節省那麼多他們

Interestingly, Tesla requested permission to test electric truck prototypes
for platooning and self-driving in Nevada and California earlier this year.

At the Tesla Semi unveiling last week, Tesla confirmed that they had a
platooning technology to reduce the cost of operation to $0.85 per miles with
a three-truck convoy:

It wouldn’t be surprising that they requested to test the vehicles in those
two states exactly for that route that Guillen now confirms will be one of
the first routes to see Tesla’s new semi trucks.

The landscape that they used to showcase the convoy technology in a video
presentation even looks like the terrain around the route between Fremont and
Reno/Sparks, where Tesla’s Gigafactory 1 is located:

We already speculated that Tesla is likely going to be its best own customer
for the program. In California, Tesla operates its own truck fleet of about
100 trucks, according to public documents. It would make sense for the
company to update its fleet with its own trucks.



像Model 3也是先交車給自己的員工,一方面是一種展示、一方面也是一種實地測試







只是不知道到底要多久之後才能看到Tesla Semi真的在加州公路上跑?

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1Q6T1CG1 (car)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/car/M.1511641164.A.401.html
sagat666: 本該如此,世界上到底哪個公司不使用自家產品的...某鹽1F 11/26 05:21
sagat666: 例外
ariete: Mazda做車子的原因是為了載當時的產品(軟木塞)出去賣3F 11/26 07:07
bookman66: 就跟model3先賣一千五百台給員工當測試用一樣4F 11/26 08:22
artiller: 這種東西要賣到亞洲可能要考慮後續維護成本5F 11/26 08:22
artiller: 亞洲商用車大多以最低成本來考量
blairkimi: 反觀7F 11/26 08:58
nwkasim: 反觀賣鹽的8F 11/26 09:15
cppwu: 穿亞曼尼開賓利的表示:9F 11/26 09:25
bnnann: 自己生產的車自己用??為什麼不買賓利呢?難怪一直被看10F 11/26 10:22
bnnann: 衰
konny: yamaha也是啊  一開始研發的目的都是自己要用的12F 11/26 11:04
konny: 結果莫名其妙的就變成該領域的領頭羊了
lajji: Yamaha真的奇葩公司14F 11/26 11:18
Rocker5566: Yamaha做引擎是為了測試他們的軍用螺旋槳15F 11/26 11:30
Ekmund: Yamaha太奇葩啦...16F 11/26 13:05
LukeSkywaker: yamaha這種詭異科技樹的就別提了wwww17F 11/26 13:43
aaronchuu: 亞哈哈一個莫名其妙的科技樹就算了XD18F 11/26 14:02
brianandy: 這樣算是上市前的公開測試?自己買可以先驗證量產問題19F 11/26 14:10
SakuraHana: 跟滯銷品賣給自己公司有87%像XDDDD20F 11/26 14:59
Rioja: 正常車廠這種內測不會說是賣車,自己賣給自己哪招啊?21F 11/26 15:42
l95566: Yamaha這麼爛還有人買單 真是民智未開阿。22F 11/26 15:43
YukiPhoenix: 雅哈哈根本科技樹亂點...23F 11/26 15:45
a9564208: YAMAHA科技樹點偏了…24F 11/26 18:53
a9564208: TESLA自己業務分拆開一間物流公司也不是不可能
a9564208: 總覺得musk 以後連軌道電梯都蓋下去…
waterdesign: 全世界的商用車大多以最低成本來考量吧...27F 11/26 20:47

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