※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2017-11-11 08:51:14
看板 Gossiping
作者 標題 [新聞] 美國黑人十年冤獄,獄中苦讀成為律師
時間 Fri Nov 10 22:52:47 2017
From Defendant to Defender: One Wrongfully Convicted Man Frees Another - NBC News
Jarrett Adams recently won his first case as a defense attorney — in the same Wisconsin courthouse that, years ago, sentenced him for a crime he did n ...
Attorney Jarrett Adams recently helped overturn an innocent man's conviction
— in the same state that, years ago, had sentenced him to prison for a crime
he did not commit.
Jarrett Adams律師最近幫忙一個無辜的人逆轉了判決--
The case was Adams' first professional win. But it was also deeply personal
for the 36-year-old, who spent nearly 10 years behind bars after being
wrongfully convicted of sexual assault in a case that Adams, who is black,
believes was tainted by racism.
"This is a storybook," Adams told NBC News' Lester Holt. "It's a storybook
tale that you wouldn't believe until you saw it ... to have a conviction
overturned and in a court, in a state, that I was wrongfully convicted."
Adams was only 17 when an encounter at a party, an accusation, and a
court-appointed attorney put his life on hold.
He had just finished high school on Chicago's South Side and decided to go to
the University of Wisconsin for a party, where he and his friends met a young
woman and had what he describes as a "completely consensual encounter from
beginning to end."
Three weeks later, as Adams was getting ready to start junior college in the
fall of 1998, he was arrested. An officer informed him that the woman said
she was raped, and that he was being charged with a group sexual assault
along with two other teenagers.
Adams had never been arrested before. He denied the crime from the start, and
thought the misunderstanding would get resolved quickly.
Instead, he was extradited to Wisconsin, where he couldn't afford legal
assistance. A court-appointed attorney chose not to put on a defense, even
though there was a witness who could have helped clear Adams: a student
living in the dorm who could corroborate Adams' timeline of events.
"This guy is telling us, 'We know you didn't do it. They haven't proven their
case. The best defense is a no-defense strategy,'" Adams said. "We're like,
'Yeah, sounds good,' because we didn't know any better, right? But in
reality, it was a horrible idea to not call any witnesses, not to
investigate, and to put this in front of an all-white, racially charged jury.
We didn't stand a chance."
The result was a conviction with a stunning 28-year prison sentence for
Adams; 20 years for another teen who couldn't pay for representation; and an
acquittal for the third, who had hired a private lawyer, and called the alibi
"My only encounter with the criminal court system was 'Law & Order.' And at
the end of those commercials, and that theme music comes on, you don't see
guys who are wrongfully convicted go to prison and get sentenced to 28
years," Adams said.
Inside prison, Adams met a cellmate who worked for the prison law library and
encouraged him to try to get his conviction overturned.
"He said, 'Listen. I go over hundreds of inmates' cases, and all of them say
the same thing: I'm innocent.' He said, 'I've never seen a case like yours
before. You're in here for some racist bull crap, and you've essentially
waved the white flag,'" Adams said.
The cellmate urged him not to give up: "It's only going to take a second
before you have tattoos on your face and have given up and completely don't
care at all. You need to go down swinging," he told Adams.
So, Adams started reading law books and found a Supreme Court case that
stated that the Constitution required defendants be provided effective
assistance of counsel. He got in touch with attorney Keith Findley with the
Wisconsin Innocence Project, a state chapter of the nonprofit devoted to
justice for wrongfully convicted people.
他藉由威斯康辛無罪專案,幫助被誤判的人的不營利組織,找到了Keith Findley律師。
Findley knew the case was an uphill battle, but he took it on.
Findley knew the case was an uphill battle, but he took it on.
"He had done his homework. He knew the case, factually, better than anybody,
and he knew the law, so that he was engaging with us, discussing legal
issues, strategy," Findley said.
Adams' sentence was eventually overturned and the charges dropped, for the
exact reason that he had found in the prison law library books: ineffective
assistance of counsel.
A month after he was freed in 2007, Adams enrolled in community college, went
on to earn his Bachelor's degree and attended law school, graduating in 2015.
Last summer, he became the first Innocence Project exonoree to be hired as an
Last summer, he became the first Innocence Project exonoree to be hired as an
attorney by the organization.
"What I wanted more than anything was this: I wanted my mother, when she went
to church and people asked about her son, for her not to duck her head in her
Bible and cry. And I wanted her to be proud," he said.
Recently, Adams found himself back in a Wisconsin courtroom, this time
working side-by-side with his former attorney Findley, to free another man
they believed was wrongfully convicted.
Richard Beranek was convicted of rape in 1990. Although he had alibi
witnesses that put him in another state at the time of the rape, the jury
found the testimony of an FBI expert tying him to the scene through a
microscopic hair analysis convincing enough to deliver a guilty verdict.
Adams — who served time in the same correctional facility as his client —
was dedicated to freeing him, Findley said.
"I can talk to Richard about what I've seen other exonerees go through, what
the experience looks like from the outside, but I couldn't do what Jarrett
can do. I couldn't speak with the authenticity of knowing what it feels like,
that Jarrett can speak to," Findley said.
In June, a Dane County circuit judge overturned Beranek's conviction, citing
DNA evidence that proves the FBI hair analysis was wrong. Beranek is now a
free man, in large part thanks to Adams' tireless work.
"Nothing pays me back more, or my family, than me walking in the same court,
in the same state, where they didn't even look at me when they gave me 28
years," Adams said. "But now they have to acknowledge me as 'Attorney
3.希望更多人看到,但是沒有太多P幣,所以五樓跟十樓各發150P 一共300P 感謝
推 : 感謝開文09/26 21:32
推 : 一樓帥哥09/26 21:32
推 : 謝謝09/26 21:32
→ : 更正三樓09/26 21:32
→ : 幹
→ : 幹
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※ 文章代碼(AID): #1Q1Rr2YE (Gossiping)
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→ : 感覺是無照律師現實版1F 11/10 22:53
※ 編輯: LastDinosaur (, 11/10/2017 22:53:55→ uhmeiouramu …
推 : 好棒3F 11/10 22:54
推 : 母豬+尼哥 都幾4F 11/10 22:54
→ : 白痴 叫人去砍 不用十天..5F 11/10 22:55
噓 : [ 去你媽的黑人還不是歧視黃種人 滾 ]6F 11/10 22:55
推 : 推翻譯7F 11/10 22:55
推 : 不用錢 推用心翻譯 根本逆轉裁判8F 11/10 22:55
推 : 選到高難度9F 11/10 22:55
推 : 看完了,推10F 11/10 22:56
推 : 結果出獄走在路上一樣被白人警察當活靶,一槍打死11F 11/10 22:56
推 : 幫推 不用p12F 11/10 22:56
推 : 讚13F 11/10 22:56
推 : 錢14F 11/10 22:56
推 : 推15F 11/10 22:56
→ : 在當年判處他有罪的那一州裡面 Jarrett Adams律師最16F 11/10 22:57
推 : adams...好像是機構分析軟體17F 11/10 22:57
推 : 原來合意性交之後告強姦是學美國的18F 11/10 22:57
→ : 近幫忙一個無辜的人逆轉了判決19F 11/10 22:57
感謝 沒翻到州Orz推 : 不錯20F 11/10 22:57
推 : 推21F 11/10 22:58
推 : 謝謝翻譯22F 11/10 22:59
推 : 這部我看過 下雷雨的時候你朋友會跑掉23F 11/10 23:00
※ 編輯: LastDinosaur (, 11/10/2017 23:03:23推 : HARDCORE模式的人生24F 11/10 23:03
推 : 有偷用槌子鑿穿牆壁歐~25F 11/10 23:03
推 : 推26F 11/10 23:04
→ backpackertw …
推 : 推28F 11/10 23:06
推 : QQ29F 11/10 23:07
推 : 推30F 11/10 23:07
推 : 那個獄友的名字是不是叫摩根費理曼31F 11/10 23:08
※ 編輯: LastDinosaur (, 11/10/2017 23:11:28推 : 淚推32F 11/10 23:11
※ 編輯: LastDinosaur (, 11/10/2017 23:12:20推 : 反觀扁扁 成為律師後被白白關六年QQ33F 11/10 23:12
推 : 我會想拿槍轟了這些人34F 11/10 23:12
推 : 推35F 11/10 23:16
推 : 推36F 11/10 23:17
推 : 推37F 11/10 23:18
→ : 可以拍電影了38F 11/10 23:18
推 : 推阿39F 11/10 23:18
推 : 好猛40F 11/10 23:19
推 : 美國民主就是個笑話41F 11/10 23:19
推 : 猛42F 11/10 23:20
※ 編輯: LastDinosaur (, 11/10/2017 23:21:14推 : 看完了 推43F 11/10 23:21
推 : 刺激201544F 11/10 23:23
推 : 這個黑鬼很衰 但改變不了黑鬼普遍低下的特質45F 11/10 23:23
推 : 推46F 11/10 23:26
推 : 推一個47F 11/10 23:27
推 : 用這案例把美國民主當笑話也是醉了48F 11/10 23:27
推 : 推49F 11/10 23:29
推 : 帥50F 11/10 23:31
→ : 這是司法問題 說民主是笑話的是在想啥51F 11/10 23:39
推 : 到處都有冤獄QQ52F 11/10 23:39
推 : 這讓我想到刺激1995 lawyer fuck me53F 11/10 23:40
推 : 推54F 11/10 23:41
推 : 要是美國民主是笑話,這些人還能被放出來?55F 11/10 23:43
推 : 蘇建和演講時有說過,當別人問他從事什麼工作時,他會回56F 11/10 23:49
→ : 本人從事司法實務工作多年...
→ : 本人從事司法實務工作多年...
推 : 屌爆了58F 11/10 23:50
推 : 推翻譯 很用心~59F 11/10 23:56
推 : 推60F 11/10 23:57
推 : 想知道那被判20年的朋友 有出來嗎?61F 11/10 23:58
推 : 推62F 11/10 23:59
推 : 這故事很久很久了,他是不懷一絲希望下獄中寫信請求當63F 11/11 00:00
推 : 推64F 11/11 00:01
推 : 推 超勵志65F 11/11 00:02
推 :66F 11/11 00:05
推 : 推67F 11/11 00:08
推 : 這個要推68F 11/11 00:08
→ : 刺激199869F 11/11 00:14
推 : 認真推70F 11/11 00:16
推 : 他被抓去關之前是準備讀社區大學嗎?71F 11/11 00:18
→ : Three weeks later, as Adams was getting ready to st
→ : art junior college in the fall of 1998, he was arre
→ : sted.
→ : Three weeks later, as Adams was getting ready to st
→ : art junior college in the fall of 1998, he was arre
→ : sted.
推 : 好一個勵志的故事!75F 11/11 00:19
→ : 樓上 應該是這樣沒錯76F 11/11 00:19
→ stock0907 …
推 : 帥78F 11/11 00:37
推 : 看的我駡扣昂昂79F 11/11 00:37
推 : 推80F 11/11 00:38
→ : 阿扁被關,不是因為在執行其他已經定讞的判決嗎?81F 11/11 00:39
推 : 推82F 11/11 00:41
推 : 樓樓上 你不知阿扁年輕也被送進去過XD83F 11/11 00:43
推 : 推84F 11/11 00:47
推 : 厲志推85F 11/11 00:53
推 : 美國強姦比台灣殺人還重86F 11/11 01:03
推 : 推87F 11/11 01:03
推 : 那個垃圾公設辯護人應該抓出來啊88F 11/11 01:07
→ : 推89F 11/11 01:23
推 : 推90F 11/11 01:23
推 : 這種女人真的是不分國界91F 11/11 01:34
推 : 推92F 11/11 01:43
推 : 同一個案子三種判法93F 11/11 01:44
推 : 拍電影了94F 11/11 01:55
推 : 譯筆很順95F 11/11 02:20
推 : 勵志96F 11/11 02:21
推 : 翻得很不錯喔97F 11/11 02:41
推 : 比較關心賠了多少98F 11/11 03:04
推 : 推 感謝翻譯99F 11/11 03:04
推 : 母豬誣告這麼久以前就有了@@100F 11/11 03:14
推 : 推101F 11/11 03:31
推 : 推啊102F 11/11 04:03
推 : 推103F 11/11 04:15
推 : 推104F 11/11 04:28
推 : 川頁105F 11/11 05:15
推 : 加入成為"被"該組織的律師 好像多字了106F 11/11 05:23
推 : 推107F 11/11 06:12
推 : 推108F 11/11 07:11
推 : 推109F 11/11 07:12
推 : 推110F 11/11 07:24
推 : 推111F 11/11 07:33
推 : 恐怖角 勞勃狄尼洛112F 11/11 08:07
推 : 推~113F 11/11 08:21
推 : 推114F 11/11 08:32
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