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※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2017-08-01 22:18:20
看板 car
作者 demo68 (打爆章魚哥)
標題 [新聞] 請問停在路邊的白車是什麼車?
時間 Tue Aug  1 19:49:27 2017







A 24-year-old motorcyclist and his 21-year-old pillion rider are in critical c
ondition after they crashed into a stationary car on a highway in Singapore. T
he Certis Cisco security officers were flung off their motorcycles on impact.
Certis Cisco confirmed that the men are Malaysians. They were on their way hom
e from work at Changi Airport when the accident happened.
The two riders have been admitted to Khoo Teck Puat Hospital's intensive care
unit with multiple fractures after the accident on Seletar Expressway, before
the Lentor exit, on Monday.
Channel News Asia identified the motorcyclist as Danny Raj Muniappan and the p
illion rider as Trivikram R. L. They were said to be sharing a rented house in
 Johor Baru.
"My son isn't the 'racing type' or 'action type'. We don't know what happened
because we haven't been able to speak to him," Danny Raj's father, Muniappan G
ovindaraju, told a news portal.
Muniappan, who sells chendol in Selangor, said his son had a ruptured bladder
and fractured pelvic bone. He also broke his left arm and left leg, and has be
en unconscious since the accident.
Trivikram suffered a fractured pelvic bone and a broken leg. He has been in an
d out of consciousness and has not been able to speak, the report said

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1PW6hBCG (car)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/car/M.1501588171.A.310.html
※ 編輯: demo68 (, 08/01/2017 19:51:16
razor99: ○○○○1F 08/01 19:53
refgdata: 奧2F 08/01 19:53
kikooo: 機車是er6?3F 08/01 19:54
Willie616: 飛太遠~實在太危險~4F 08/01 19:55
juunuon: 直接從外線切到內線5F 08/01 19:55
skthree: 再鑽嘛6F 08/01 19:56
Mulsanne: 上一代A47F 08/01 19:58
gn01246204: 旋轉跳躍~我飛太遠~8F 08/01 20:03
yanli2: 重機9F 08/01 20:17
krit1009: 煞車壞了嗎10F 08/01 20:21
xitian81: 重機哈哈無國界11F 08/01 20:23
ISAF: 違停哈哈無國界12F 08/01 20:26
mikemagic88: 為什麼會停在那種地方13F 08/01 20:29
krit1009: 鑽吧鑽吧七彩重機車14F 08/01 20:30
newtonyd: 臺灣開放重機上國道很快也能看到15F 08/01 20:31
bobo0307: 哈哈16F 08/01 20:49
starts: 麥扣~17F 08/01 20:50
starts: https://youtu.be/bnY9ydmNIVU
夜市人生 撞飛麥可 大家來找碴 外加飛10次 - YouTube
夜市人生 撞飛麥可 大家來找碴 外加飛10次

OrzOGC: 果然開OOOO的都是19F 08/01 20:53
cystal: 540空中轉體 飛了10公尺以上20F 08/01 21:01
cystal: 後座好像比較慘耶 整個動能全吃下去
lice0225: 咦,之前那些說外國朋友骨頭比較硬皮又厚的人呢22F 08/01 21:07
mhmichelle: 停在那是智障嗎......23F 08/01 21:23
sunkiswei: 不要怕 台灣騎士都是銅皮鐵骨24F 08/01 21:23
mhmichelle: 太扯了吧25F 08/01 21:23
yongx13: 停在內線三寶26F 08/01 21:30
attitudium: 停那樣根本存心害人27F 08/01 21:32
insingW: 十次車禍九次快28F 08/01 21:35
callmedance: 這種騎法真的危險  像這樣遇到一次三寶真的就掰了29F 08/01 21:40
callmedance: 停車的是三寶,騎快車的也是急著想送頭的樣子 R.I.P
※ 編輯: demo68 (, 08/01/2017 21:48:30
missher: 前車煞車,一堆駕駛第一時間不是跟著煞車,而是馬上換車31F 08/01 22:07
missher: 道加速通過,騎車開車都一樣找死
SakuraHana: 一定是沒穿防摔衣33F 08/01 22:08

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