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※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2017-07-13 22:11:13
看板 Gossiping
作者 Django (Cython)
標題 [新聞] 紐婦人在聖馬丁被噴射機氣流吹飛撞地身亡
時間 Thu Jul 13 21:01:11 2017


Sint Maarten jet engine blast kills New Zealand woman







所以遊客喜歡在那裏體驗刺激 例如

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LV28AL0k1kY  <---像這樣
Girl blown by a plane - YouTube
If you are coming to Sint Maarten, visit www.captainjoboatcharter.com Copyright Joahnn Pidoux. All right reserved. email: linksxm@hotmail.fr On the beach at ...



當地其實有很多標語警告遊客這非常危險 警察也會每天宣導遊客不要這麼做


不過家屬有自知之明 明白他們無視眾多警語之下去冒了這個險 

A New Zealand woman has died on the Caribbean territory of Sint Maarten after
the blast from a powerful jet engine knocked her to the ground.

The incident happened at the famous Princess Juliana International Airport,
which is just metres from the beach.
Beachgoers can walk up to the airport fence as planes take off.

Police said the 57-year-old woman had been holding on to the fence before the
force of the jet engines threw her backwards, causing serious injury.
She was taken to hospital for treatment, but died later.

Danger signs

The particular stretch of beach on the Dutch territory is popular with
tourists, partly because the planes fly extremely low over the sand before

The beginning of the runway is just 50m (160ft) from the fence on Maho beach,
and about the same distance to the waterline.

There are prominent warning signs in the area instructing beachgoers not to
stand near the fence because of the dangerous air blasts.

Despite the danger, a number of videos circulating online show tourists
clinging to the fence to prevent being swept away - and in some cases, almost
being lifted off the ground.


The island's tourism director, Rolando Brison, told the New Zealand Herald he
had spoken to the family of the dead woman.
"I met with the family of the deceased this evening and while they recognised
that what they did was wrong, through the clearly visible danger signs, they
regret that risk they took turned out in the worst possible way," he said.

The newspaper also said the plane taking off was a Boeing 737, a commercial
jet. A number of local media reports said the woman struck her head on
concrete when she was blown back from the fence line.

In a statement, Sint Maarten police said they visit the area daily to
discourage tourists from clinging to the runway fence.
"The landing and taking off of all types and size of aircrafts at the
international airport of Sint Maarten is well known worldwide as major
tourist attraction," police said.

"Many tourists come to the island to experience the thrills of the landing of
approaching aircrafts flying low above their heads and the holding on to the
airport fence and standing in the jet blast of large aircraft taking off.
Doing this is, however, extremely dangerous."

4.完整新聞連結 (或短網址):
Sint Maarten jet engine blast kills New Zealand woman - BBC News
A New Zealander has died after the force of a jet take-off knocked her down on Sint Maarten. ...



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※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1499950876.A.002.html
SonyXperiaZ3: 達爾文:1F 07/13 21:01
ZeeX: 天擇2F 07/13 21:01
wyvernlee: 如果在鬼島一定會有家屬出面叫機場、航空公司負責3F 07/13 21:02
MrAIR: 這部好像演過4F 07/13 21:02
speed44: 有自知之明,還不錯,反觀......5F 07/13 21:02
wyvernlee: 並且要求國賠!6F 07/13 21:02
bigcho: 噴射氣流攻擊7F 07/13 21:03
slimu0001: 台灣家屬就會向航空公司求償了8F 07/13 21:03
tyrande: fly like g69F 07/13 21:03
johnny3: 護欄不能用軟的嗎10F 07/13 21:03
SuperUp: 還以為會是手抓著欄杆人飛起來 原來電影是假的 @.@11F 07/13 21:04
tokyoto: 真要體驗應該拿條繩子把人綁在柵欄上的12F 07/13 21:04
w3160828: 鬼島家屬會說有告示牌還不夠 應該封鎖 所以要賠償13F 07/13 21:04
kamisun: 這是設計瑕疵,在鬼島一定是要求國賠,或是叫航空公司賠14F 07/13 21:05
Anderson0819: 反觀鬼島15F 07/13 21:05
LeicaM: 台灣法官:飛機駕駛應注意而未注意16F 07/13 21:06
davrd001: 人種差距17F 07/13 21:06
YishengSu: 紐西蘭三寶?18F 07/13 21:07
cantus: ㄔㄨㄚˋ   科19F 07/13 21:08
JackTheRippe: 絕命終結站式的死法20F 07/13 21:08
degneva: 臺灣家屬大概就開始罵 這麼危險怎麼只有貼警語 然後開吉21F 07/13 21:10
tf010714: 真人版噴射氣流攻擊22F 07/13 21:13
Becuzlove: 達爾文獎又一提名呀23F 07/13 21:13
Becuzlove: 有夠蠢 隨便一顆1CM的石頭打到眼睛就瞎了 爽?
higger: 那個欄杆簡直預期你跳起來時剛好會落下撞到...25F 07/13 21:14
ienari: 天擇26F 07/13 21:16
homeoffame: 鬼島就會請立委出來開記者會罵柯P27F 07/13 21:17
a2156700: 達爾文28F 07/13 21:21
WLR: 跟不聽勸阻走進地雷區,結果被炸死沒兩樣29F 07/13 21:27
lulocke: 鬼島家屬會抬棺灑冥紙弄到你飛機不能起飛30F 07/13 21:29
kissa0924307: 天擇31F 07/13 21:30
chewie: 那個海灘很有名啊32F 07/13 21:34
JamesForrest: 超棒的喔,那個臉去撞水泥地的角,測試頭殼硬度嗎?33F 07/13 21:39
jewish123: 天擇34F 07/13 21:41
hclstarkid: 如果是被前面的引擎吸進去 直接變絞成肉醬了  一堆傻35F 07/13 21:43
hclstarkid: 傻的
hclstarkid: 真的是不要命
Pornograph: 國外三寶38F 07/13 21:49
jankowalski: 若是台灣 台灣人喜歡叫別人幫自己負責39F 07/13 21:49
k2604810: 推家屬40F 07/13 21:52
mcnightcc: 如果是A340,婦人就能活下來了41F 07/13 21:55

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