※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2017-06-02 13:12:44
看板 car
作者 標題 [新聞] 2030年起,印度將只販售電動車
時間 Fri Jun 2 07:48:17 2017
(來源:http://e-info.org.tw/node/201919 )
送走燃煤 印度乾淨能源佔比十年內拚過半 | 台灣環境資訊協會-環境資訊中心
根據印度政府最新版的國家電力政策草案,起碼在2027年前都不會需要再興建新燃煤電廠。同時,草案提議增加1000億瓦的太陽能和風力發電,這將讓印度的再生能源發電裝置容量成長超過一倍。 草案若實施,最早將能在2027年達到53%非化石燃料發電量佔比,而且不用依賴任何國際協助。 新德里能源與資源研究所(T ...
India will sell only electric cars within the next 13 years | World Economic Forum
All cars sold in India will be electric by 2030 - good news for environmentalists, but bad news for the oil and gas industry. ...
Every car sold in India from 2030 will be electric, under new government
plans that have delighted environmentalists and dismayed the oil industry.
It’s hoped that by ridding India’s roads of petrol and diesel cars in
the years ahead, the country will be able to reduce the harmful levels of
air pollution that contribute to a staggering 1.2 million deaths per year.
India’s booming economy has seen it become the world’s third-largest
oil importer, shelling out $150 billion annually for the resource – so a
switch to electric-powered vehicles would put a sizable dent in demand
for oil. It’s been calculated that the revolutionary move would save the
country $60 billion in energy costs by 2030, while also reducing running
costs for millions of Indian car owners.
India’s Energy Minister Piyush Goyal says the government will
financially support the initiative for the first two or three years, but
the production of electric vehicles will be “driven by demand and not
subsidy” after that.
More than a million people die in India every year as a result of
breathing in toxic fumes, with an investigation by Greenpeace finding
that the number of deaths caused by air pollution is only a fraction less
than the number of smoking-related deaths.
The investigation also found that 3% of the country's gross domestic
product was lost due to the levels of toxic smog.
In 2014, the World Health Organization determined that out of the 20
global cities with the most air pollution, 13 are in India.
Efforts have been made by the country’s leaders to to improve air
quality, with one example coming in January 2016 when New Delhi’s
government mandated that men could only drive their cars on alternate
days depending on whether their registration plate ended with an odd or
even number (single women were permitted to drive every day).
While such interventions have enjoyed modest success, switching to a
fleet of purely electric cars would have a much greater environmental
Indeed, it’s been calculated that the gradual switch to electric
vehicles across India would decrease carbon emissions by 37% by 2030.
As India’s ambitious electric vehicle plans begin to take shape, oil
exporters will be frantically revising their calculations for oil demand
in the region.
In its report into the impact of electric cars on oil demand, oil and gas
giant BP forecast that the global fleet of petrol and diesel cars would
almost double from about 900 million in 2015 to 1.7 billion by 2035.
Almost 90% of that growth was estimated to come from countries that are
not members of the OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and
Development), such as India and China.
China is also gearing up for a move away from gas-guzzling cars.
Last month, the Chinese confirmed they intend to push ahead with plans
that will see alternative fuel vehicles account for at least one-fifth of
the 35 million annual vehicle sales projected, by 2025.
Oil bosses claim it’s too early to tell what the implications of a move
away from petrol and diesel cars will be. However, Asia has long been the
main driver of future oil demand and so developments in India and China
will be watched extremely closely.
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※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/car/M.1496360902.A.71E.html
→ : 汽車汙染佔幾%都沒提,這和消滅機車的理由有異曲同工之妙^^1F 06/02 08:06
※ 編輯: Scape (, 06/02/2017 08:11:24
推 : 又不是2030年關閉所有加油站,哪可能改善空汙2F 06/02 08:55
推 : 燃油車廢氣對路人、居民而言是最直接的污染源,像是大3F 06/02 08:56
→ : 柴油車起步黑煙對機車騎士的影響,跟佔整體空汙比例較
→ : 無關係
推 : 全面採用電動機車、汽車絕對是對居民有利的,但台灣的
推 : 電力來源大多仍是火力,僅是治標不治本
→ : 柴油車起步黑煙對機車騎士的影響,跟佔整體空汙比例較
→ : 無關係
推 : 全面採用電動機車、汽車絕對是對居民有利的,但台灣的
推 : 電力來源大多仍是火力,僅是治標不治本
推 : 印度? 笑一笑就好啦,一個隨便就廢掉鈔票的國家,信用?8F 06/02 09:02
推 : 這種竹竿票,到時變芭樂票的形況,2030只賣電動車的人到時在哪9F 06/02 09:05
→ : 印度屌打台灣啊10F 06/02 09:22
→ : 台灣反核一堆 電動車要怎樣推11F 06/02 09:28
→ : 汽機車產生的NOX一般來說濃度會比火力電廠高…處理效率12F 06/02 09:35
→ : 就更別說了
→ : 就更別說了
推 : 以印度來說,很有可能到時候都沒車賣XDDDDD14F 06/02 09:38
推 : 鹽董表示:預計2030年仍要領取補助。15F 06/02 09:39
推 : 政策這種東西,換個政黨就換個方式,反正屁股拍拍不用負責16F 06/02 09:56
→ : 任
→ : 任
→ : 米國都做不到的事,難道印度人賺比較多18F 06/02 10:02
→ : 台灣如果搞這招,外匯c300又要大賣了
→ : 台灣如果搞這招,外匯c300又要大賣了
推 : 印度總統能把鈔票說換就換,我覺得他做得到20F 06/02 10:18
推 : 算了啦,他們的牛車還能上高速公路不是嗎21F 06/02 10:27
推 : 2029年成交會破表22F 06/02 10:28
推 : 反觀不可描述的天氣現象23F 06/02 10:44
推 : 嘴砲政策 連德國2030我也覺得嘴砲機率較大24F 06/02 10:49
推 : 至於2025那個 更不可能...
推 : 至於2025那個 更不可能...
→ : 到底知不知道換鈔票的意義在哪啊XDDDDD26F 06/02 11:36
→ : 德國更不可能 是要車廠去吃屎?
→ : 德國更不可能 是要車廠去吃屎?
推 : 跟車廠吃屎有啥關係 我是認為2030年前無法全面電動車28F 06/02 11:39
→ : 化
→ : 有50%市佔就很厲害了吧
→ : 化
→ : 有50%市佔就很厲害了吧
推 : 鄉民狹隘的想像力遠超各國投入國家力量的研究31F 06/02 11:41
推 : 豐田的目標都要2050才停產純燃油車 而且hybrid還沒算在32F 06/02 11:42
→ : 裡面喔
→ : 裡面喔
推 : 歐美日印都朝減少燃油車的方向走,只有ptt用沒來由的34F 06/02 11:42
→ : 原因質疑電車不環保,質疑就算了還提不出任何不環保
→ : 的證據
→ : 原因質疑電車不環保,質疑就算了還提不出任何不環保
→ : 的證據
推 : 德國是2030要「禁售」燃油車 連hybrid都不能賣37F 06/02 11:45
→ : 我是覺得不太可能啦
→ : 更不用說收入更爛的印度了
→ : 我是覺得不太可能啦
→ : 更不用說收入更爛的印度了
※ 編輯: Scape (, 06/02/2017 11:53:36
推 : 覺得印度做得到耶 這是決心問題 更何況印度政府強勢40F 06/02 12:00
推 : 那就拭目以待嘍41F 06/02 12:01
→ : 先解決充電問題再說,燃油車快沒油加了馬上就能續航,電動車42F 06/02 12:02
→ : 目前要靠換電池才有可能,如果充電還要算小時才能充滿
→ : 光這樣就很難達到全民實用
→ : 目前要靠換電池才有可能,如果充電還要算小時才能充滿
→ : 光這樣就很難達到全民實用
推 : 中國很多比台北落後的城市電車普及都更好,要不要普45F 06/02 12:06
→ : 及是政府決心,跟平均經濟水平關係不大,至少電動機
→ : 車已成變菜市場車,他們也習慣買菜就插電沖
→ : 及是政府決心,跟平均經濟水平關係不大,至少電動機
→ : 車已成變菜市場車,他們也習慣買菜就插電沖
推 : 先解決強暴問題好嗎48F 06/02 12:10
→ : 智慧手機普及後鋰漲了多少,電池大量生產並不會降價好49F 06/02 12:14
推 : 在電動車普及的過程中 也會愈來愈便宜50F 06/02 12:32
→ : 油也會愈來愈便宜
→ : 電動機車和電動車門檻差太多
推 : 之前vw說他能做得比tesla更好 我看你是不以為然的 莫
→ : 非你認為光靠tesla就能普及?
→ : 你一方面覺得傳統車廠比不上tesla 一方面又覺得電動車
→ : 普及能夠快速達成 不覺得很矛盾嗎
推 : 我看好電動車的未來 但我並不認為普及能那麼快 也不認
→ : 為tesla就能達到這目標 一定是全球車廠一起努力
→ : 油也會愈來愈便宜
→ : 電動機車和電動車門檻差太多
推 : 之前vw說他能做得比tesla更好 我看你是不以為然的 莫
→ : 非你認為光靠tesla就能普及?
→ : 你一方面覺得傳統車廠比不上tesla 一方面又覺得電動車
→ : 普及能夠快速達成 不覺得很矛盾嗎
推 : 我看好電動車的未來 但我並不認為普及能那麼快 也不認
→ : 為tesla就能達到這目標 一定是全球車廠一起努力
※ 看板: K_hot 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 51
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