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看板 Gossiping
作者 標題 [新聞] 德國教會引誘年輕人 提供免費 Wi-Fi
時間 Sun Jul 10 04:30:43 2016
1.媒體來源: Gizmodo
Churches Offer Free Wi-Fi to Lure Back Young People
教會引誘年輕人 提供免費 Wi-Fi
It’s been over a quarter-century since the fall of the Berlin Wall, but God
has not returned to east Germany. Protestant churches, getting worried about
the declining popularity of Christianity, have come up with a plan. Spiritual
advising couldn’t bring people back, but maybe free Wi-Fi will.
人氣衰退,並開始一個計畫。宗教建言可能無法再吸引人們回來,但免費的 Wi-Fi 也許
人氣衰退,並開始一個計畫。宗教建言可能無法再吸引人們回來,但免費的 Wi-Fi 也許
In honor of the 500th anniversary of Martin Luther’s Reformation, all
churches in the former East Germany—starting with about 220 in Berlin, and
rolling out to over 3,000 in total—will offer free Wi-Fi (“Godspots”) to
guests. The hope is that it’ll show that churches aren’t just for sermons
and bells, but also “a gathering place for communication,” says
spokesperson Christoph Heil. The Reformation itself wouldn’t have happened
without the printing press, so why can’t free internet have a similar effect?
在紀念馬丁· 路德的宗教改革五百週年間,所有在以前東德的教堂 — 從柏林的約 220
間,擴張到全部的超過 3000 間 — 將會提供免費 Wi-Fi (“Godspots”) 給訪客。發言
人 Christoph Heil 說:期待教堂不只是佈道與鐘,而且是一個“可供交流的廣場空間”
This is actually a pretty cool idea. The “Godspots” plan taps into one very
German-specific issue: the widespread lack of free public WiFi, especially
relative to how developed Germany is. In the country, a certain law designed
to protect intellectual property makes network providers responsible for any
illegal activity, like pirating, that happens on their network. (This is kind
of like the opposite of the DMCA rules that protect websites from being
responsible for what goes on with them.)
乏公共 WiFi,這問題特別與德國如何發展有關。在這個國家,一條用來保護智慧財產權
乏公共 WiFi,這問題特別與德國如何發展有關。在這個國家,一條用來保護智慧財產權
這像是一種類似 DMCA (數位千禧年著作權法) 但是相反的規則。
As a result, everyone is afraid to offer free WiFi, and the country has long
been known as a “hotspot desert.” Even though a rule change means this will
be loosened up in the fall—hopefully leading to more widespread Wi-Fi
everywhere—the churches are pushing ahead now to show just how modern and
useful they can be. If all goes as planned, the churches will be one of the
largest Wi-Fi providers in Germany and, one would hope, bring at least some
people back to the holy spirit. Good luck.
這導致一種結果,所有人都害怕提供免費 WiFi,並且這個國家長期被認為是“熱點沙漠
”。儘管這個規則將在秋天改變 — 有希望使得 Wi-Fi 更為普及 — 教會提前推動顯得
他們更現代與實用。如果一切依計畫,教會將會成為德國境內最大的 Wi-Fi 提供者之一
”。儘管這個規則將在秋天改變 — 有希望使得 Wi-Fi 更為普及 — 教會提前推動顯得
他們更現代與實用。如果一切依計畫,教會將會成為德國境內最大的 Wi-Fi 提供者之一
4.完整新聞連結 (或短網址):
Churches Offer Free Wi-Fi to Lure Back Young People
It’s been over a quarter-century since the fall of the Berlin Wall, but God has not returned to east Germany. Protestant churches, getting worried abo ...
a. 會吸引難民
b. 免費 WiFi 應該很難阻止基督教衰微,教堂最後會消失吧
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