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※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2016-07-14 00:03:13
看板 Gossiping
作者 Cityfrighten (中二魯叔)
標題 [新聞] 中國在台灣找到新盟友
時間 Wed Jul 13 22:39:40 2016


Bloomberg 彭博新聞

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China Finds Ally in Taiwan’s New Leader in Rejecting Sea Ruling

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China and Taiwan are finding common ground after an international court
dismissed their shared claims to more than 80 percent of the South China Sea.

Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen sent a naval frigate to patrol the disputed
waterway Wednesday, to show the government’s “determination" to defend its
national interest. The order came hours after the Permanent Court of
Arbitration found China’s -- and therefore Taiwan’s -- claims to much of
the area have no legal basis.

衛國家利益的決心。 這項命令在仲裁常駐法庭認定中國--且因此台灣--在該區域的主權宣

Specifically, the court found the largest natural feature in the contested
Spratly Islands, the Taiwanese-held Itu Aba, was a "rock" rather than an
island and didn’t qualify for a 200-nautical mile (370 kilometer) exclusive
economic zone. The frigate’s planned patrol included a resupply stop at the
feature, which Taiwan calls Taiping, a defense ministry spokesman said.

更精確來說,仲裁庭認為在爭議區域的最大島Spratly Islands(南沙),與台灣當局實
質控治的Itu Aba(太平島)是岩礁並不符合可聲請200海浬EEZ規範的標準。 國防

The decision to deploy the warship could further escalate tensions in the
area after the arbitration tribunal ruling. China has said it doesn’t
recognize the court’s jurisdiction and warned Wednesday it may yet seek to
set up an air defense identification zone over disputed waters.


The ruling, resulting from a challenge brought by the Philippines,
invalidated China’s “nine-dash line” claim. China’s assertions cross over
with those from countries like Malaysia, Vietnam and the Philippines, and are
based on a map created by Taiwan’s Republic of China government in 1947.
Taiwan has administered Itu Aba since the 1950s.

這項裁決源於菲律賓提出的異議,而使中國的九段線宣稱無效。 而中國的宣稱涵蓋了其
他國家的主權領海像是馬來西亞、越南、菲律賓;而此Itu Aba(太平島)宣稱的地圖源

Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Liu Zhenmin on Wednesday praised Taiwan’s
efforts to defend rights shared by the one-time civil war foes. "The
arbitration has damaged the rights of all Chinese, and it’s the common
interest and responsibility of both sides to protect the maritime rights of
the South China Sea," Liu said at a briefing in Beijing. He accused the
tribunal judges in the case of bias and a lack of common sense.

同主權的努力。 劉振民在北京表示『這項裁決損害了所有中國人的權力,且守護南海海權是兩
岸共同的利益與責任。』 並且還控訴裁決庭的法官在判決上有偏見並缺乏常識。

While China refused to participate in the tribunal proceedings, it did submit
a paper outlining its position and worked behind the scenes to lobby the
court, according to the decision. Taiwan, under former President Ma
Ying-jeou, filed a brief to the panel stating a case for an exclusive
economic zone around Itu Aba, citing its ability to support life.


At Odds 衝突點

             China’s Heavy Hand in the South China Sea

China considers more than 80% of the South China Sea its sovereign territory.
Its construction of seven artificial islands in the Sea has raised tensions
in a region with overlapping territorial and economic interests.



Vietnam disputes China’s claim to the Paracel Islands, which China has
occupied since 1974. Sixty-four Vietnamese sailors died in a 1988 naval clash
between Vietnam and China near Johnson South Reef.


Paracel Islands(西沙群島)為越南與中國的領土主張紛爭,而中國自從1947佔領
至今。 64位越南水手曾死於1988年越南與中國在Johnson South Reef(赤瓜礁)

Tensions between the Philippines and China escalated in 2012 after the
Philippine navy detained eight Chinese fishing vessels near the Scarborough
Shoal. China has since taken possession of the Shoal.


而菲律賓與中國的緊張情勢自2012年菲律賓海軍在Scarborough Shoal(黃岩島)附
近拘留了8艘中國漁船。 中國自此之後對此淺灘充滿熱情。

Taiwan and China's overlapping claim to the South China Sea is based on an
imprecise "nine-dash line" drawn on a map sometime in the 1940s, before China
split in 1949. Taiwan operates one outpost in the Spratlys.


年代中國民國政府1949逃到台灣前所繪的一張地圖。 台灣當局在Spratlys(南沙)

Brunei and Malaysia also claim maritime boundaries in the Sea. Malaysia
operates several military outposts in the Spratlys. Brunei has claims to
several reefs, but occupies no territory.


汶萊與馬來西亞也在此部分海域宣稱擁有海上邊界。 馬來西亞在Spratlys(南沙)擁有
軍事據點並實質控制。 而汶萊則主張其中幾個珊瑚礁,但並未佔領任何區域。

The South China Sea is a vital thoroughfare for the global economy. Home to
10% of the world’s commercial ocean fish stock, the sea lies above an
estimated 11 billion barrels in oil reserves.


南海為全球經濟的重要航道。 約10%全球的商業海洋魚貨的發源地與推估可能有

In a statement echoing China’s own response Tuesday, Tsai said the Hague
ruling had no binding effect on Taiwan and undermined her government’s
rights. The former law professor, who ousted Ma’s Nationalist party in a
landslide election in January, called for multilateral talks to promote
stability in the region.

對其政府行使權力造成破壞。 這位在一月大選中以懸殊的差距讓馬的國民黨政府下野

The remarks put Taiwan’s new leader at odds with its chief security
protector, the U.S., which has called on China to abide by the ruling. They
also provide a rare area of agreement between Tsai and Communist Party
leaders, who have cut off communications over her refusal to affirm the
contention the two sides represent "one China."


Tsai’s Democratic Progressive Party officially supports independence for
Taiwan. New York University law professor Jerome Cohen, a specialist in
Chinese law who counts Ma among his former students, said Tsai was struggling
to "adjust to an uncomfortable situation."

而蔡的民進黨為公開支持台灣從中國獨立出來。 紐約大學中國法學教授Jerome Cohen

‘Big Mistake’

"Today’s response openly rejecting the decision is a big mistake and
different from what even Ma would have done," Cohen wrote in a blog post
Tuesday. "Tsai will be criticized at home for following Beijing’s lawless
line at the same time that Beijing was responsible for excluding Taiwan from
participation in the arbitration."

所為。" "蔡將會被其選民批評選擇一條與北京一樣無法無天的道路,且同時北京就是

Taiwan’s Coast Guard Administration also stations vessels at Itu Aba, and
another Wei-Shin frigate arrived at the feature late Tuesday, the agency said.

台灣當局表示海巡也有在Itu Aba(太平島)駐艦,且偉星號驅逐艦在周二抵達該區。

Defense stocks were mixed in Wednesday trading on Chinese exchanges. AVIC
Aircraft Co. and AVIC Helicopter Co. fell 0.8 percent while Jiangxi Hongdu
Aviation Industry Co. slipped 1 percent. AviChina Industry & Technology Co.
rose 1.4 percent and AVIC Jonhon Optronic Technology Co. gained 3.1 percent.

在中國軍事股行情的部分在週三則為好壞參半。 中國航天飛機與中國航天直升機

Tsai Ing-wen’s position “is really hard” because the claims of Taiwan and
China are practically identical, said Nick Bisley, a professor of
international relations at La Trobe University in Melbourne. “How you chart
a course that maintains a Taiwanese position without sounding like you are
China is very tricky. ”

墨爾本的拉籌伯大学國際關係教授Nick Bisley表示,蔡英文的處境可以說是非常困難,因


The decision by the tribunal that none of the features in the Spratlys are
islands -- meaning they generate at most a 12-nautical-mile territorial zone
-- could open a path for negotiations between China, the U.S. and other


"Suddenly, you are back to large areas of the South China Sea that are high
seas, open to freedom of navigation and travel," said Eric Shrimp, a former
U.S. diplomat who’s now a Washington-based policy adviser at law firm Alston
& Bird. "The question then becomes: how do the interested parties cooperate
to secure those high seas?”

前美外交官員其目前為華府在Alston& Bird的政策顧問Eric Shrimp表示 "突然間南海又

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China Finds Ally in Taiwan’s New Leader in Rejecting Sea Ruling - Bloomberg China and Taiwan are finding common ground after an international court dismissed their shared claims to more than 80 percent of the South China Sea. ...


※ 一個人一天只能張貼一則新聞,被刪或自刪也算額度內超貼者水桶,請注意

醒醒吧,判決書裡面提到台灣是以Taiwan authority of China








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gankgf: 蓋1F 07/13 22:40
dicfishfish: ★★China=支那=吐痰.拉屎.撒尿.垃圾=支那=China2F 07/13 22:40
victoryman: 所以論述要改3F 07/13 22:40
Brown1010: 唉4F 07/13 22:40
DataMaster: 我們這種第三者看台灣跟中國 就覺得很配 兩個壞東西5F 07/13 22:40
barber: 426吃屎6F 07/13 22:41
shippai: 辛苦了 但我直接END... 可見海牙法庭也堅持一個中國政策7F 07/13 22:41
all0pha765: 幹 這下完蛋了被當同路人了 這跟丟島都很慘8F 07/13 22:41
jyekid: 看吧 沆瀣一氣來囉~9F 07/13 22:42
vseptem: UCCU 一個中國就像怨魂甩也甩不掉10F 07/13 22:42
jds2518: 不可能吞好嗎 好的輪不到台灣 壞的馬上扯台灣 根本呵呵11F 07/13 22:42
jyekid: 不過蔡英文承認仲裁 照樣說 Big mistake!!12F 07/13 22:42
cloud7515: 把你的島降級成礁 然後你抗議還把你打成中國同路人13F 07/13 22:43
wsx26997785: 仲裁庭沒問過台灣就裁定 自找的 台灣也不是公約國 爽14F 07/13 22:43
HELLDIVER: 就說那個判決是針對支那 為了不讓支那繼續在南海亂搞15F 07/13 22:43
jyekid: 然後開始鋪陳太平島在南海的重要性 以及 未來仍有分杯羹16F 07/13 22:43
joumay: 這種就是被老美賣了 不爽就被打成中共同路人 怎樣都衰啊17F 07/13 22:43
shi0520: 呵呵 這就是kmt跟9.2所希望的一個中國18F 07/13 22:44
jyekid: 的權利 甚至撼動中美關係的槓槓 隨便掰囉19F 07/13 22:44
deep77092: 我們又不是聯合國會員 誰理你阿20F 07/13 22:44
wolfman: 一個中國很奇怪嗎? 鬼島繼續92共識 Republic of China阿21F 07/13 22:44
jyekid: 反正 承認 否認仲裁 都可以罵蔡英文 選一個對台灣最有利22F 07/13 22:44
xianyuyu: 為甚麼太平島的英譯是Itu Aba? 請指教謝謝。23F 07/13 22:45
wolfman: 自己都叫自己China 別人把你當China也是剛好而已24F 07/13 22:45
frankie30432: The Taiwan Authority of China 台灣人不敢面對現實25F 07/13 22:45
apprentice08: 美國政府也根本沒種直接說你台灣不是中國的,與中國26F 07/13 22:48
apprentice08: 建交一個中國的前提下早就說明美國的立場,還再冠上
apprentice08: 同路人的帽子?誰鳥你吃相難看阿。放任實際海權被侵
apprentice08: 害更加恥辱
vseptem: 台灣人根本掩耳盜鈴30F 07/13 22:49
gn7722: 蔡英文承認仲裁馬上被說賣國31F 07/13 22:50
james5566:32F 07/13 22:52
lucky360: 如果不要動到太平島 台灣才對中國跟菲律賓的爭議沒興趣33F 07/13 22:55
rayonwu: 盟你老母34F 07/13 22:56
wsx26997785: 中菲要談去旁邊 台灣繼續維持200海裡經濟區35F 07/13 22:56
lucky360: 現在就是搞太平島 傷害了台灣利益 還要台灣裝死不吭聲嗎36F 07/13 22:56
emblakenta: 到底是什麼鬼37F 07/13 23:00
selina0508: 傷害了什麼利益,主權?38F 07/13 23:02
all0pha765: 傷害了形象吧 我們對我們的島有意見 就被國際打成中39F 07/13 23:04
all0pha765: 國同路人 幹
huamin: 個人以為蔡英文這次太衝動,尤其是不該派軍艦。蔡當然不能41F 07/13 23:06
huamin: 承認這份判決,但理由是台灣官方沒有被邀請。說穿了人家就
huamin: 根本不承認台灣是個國家,說什麼也沒用。現在搞到被中國吃
huamin: 豆腐,還被國際媒體打成中國同路人,說真的,這比島變礁還
chris40610: 不是翻驅逐艦啦!是巡防艦45F 07/13 23:09
mai860929: ROC、PRC同是中國 不意外46F 07/13 23:10
huamin: 嚴重啊!!!蔡英文請認真面對中國和國際媒體的動作,不要47F 07/13 23:10
huamin: 「不小心」掉進中國和統媒的陷井裡了。中國吃屎吧
huamin: 喔是巡防艦,不是軍艦,抱歉弄錯了。
ken40220a: 推翻譯50F 07/13 23:12
linen:51F 07/13 23:13
lucky360: 請海牙重新判太平島是島 台灣保證惦惦 隨你們去吵52F 07/13 23:13
huamin: 個人以為這分判決若讓中國退出南海,對台灣是很有利的。太53F 07/13 23:17
huamin: 平島的問題,若能配合蔡英文的新南向政策,盡量修補南海諸
Su22: 高調!這真的要注意!55F 07/13 23:18
huamin: 國的關係並替台灣爭取最大的利益,是最好不過。只要中國在56F 07/13 23:18
huamin: 南海,就永遠沒有和平。記住:不管是台灣還是南海,「中國
huamin: 」才是所有問題的根源!!
huamin: 我很擔心好不容易推出新南向政策,又有擺脫中國、聯合南海
huamin: 諸國甚至日本美國的機會,卻把一手牌打爛掉。中國吃屎
mai860929: 中國是問題根源沒錯,但它根源的由來也是繼承ROC的主張61F 07/13 23:25
mai860929: 但治理當局前幾天有出現要重新論述南海問題的聲音
all0pha765: 一堆東西都嘛繼承ROC啊...聯合國常任理事國席位不就這63F 07/13 23:29
apprentice08: 中國退出南海不代表也退出東盟沒有影響力排擠台灣,64F 07/13 23:30
all0pha765: 樣65F 07/13 23:30
apprentice08: 讓南海衝突繼續發酵讓南海國家和中國的疙瘩越大才比66F 07/13 23:30
apprentice08: 較有利阿
iorittn: 那要放棄太平島比較好嗎 ?68F 07/13 23:31

是要怎麼宣稱主權? 還有日治時代太平島歸於高雄廳管轄


※ 編輯: Cityfrighten (, 07/13/2016 23:37:24
all0pha765: 那得看我們放棄後的利大還弊大囉69F 07/13 23:35
kkenex: 推70F 07/13 23:36
※ 編輯: Cityfrighten (, 07/13/2016 23:40:15

※ 看板: K_hot 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 54 
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