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作者 標題 [情報] Top Gear全新住持陣容 5男1女 全員揭曉
時間 Fri Feb 12 13:25:51 2016
全新一季Top Gear將在今年5月播映,主持人陣容也大換新,有5男1女,再加上Stig。
(圖) 全新Top Gear,全體主持人的合照
(左1) Rory Reid,前CNET UK科技網站汽車專區的撰文者,有在YouTube開設頻道,
[影片] Rory Reid試駕BMW M4敞篷版
BMW M4 Convertible review: Roofless and ruthless - YouTube
BMW M4 Convertible review: We hop into the BMW M4 Convertible in our latest road test review. Is it as sharp, brutal and menacing as the M4 Coupe or the old ...
BMW M4 Convertible review: We hop into the BMW M4 Convertible in our latest road test review. Is it as sharp, brutal and menacing as the M4 Coupe or the old ...
(左2) Sabine Schmitz,德國女賽車手,也是紐柏林跑道M5計程車司機,駕車技術是TG史上主持人當中最強的。過去曾經是TG來賓。
(圖) Sabine Schmitz,在離紐柏林不遠的鄉鎮長大的,從小對賽車耳濡目染。
http://i.imgur.com/ieXdu7h.jpg (source: autoevolution.com)
[影片] 德國女賽車手 Sabine Schmitz 在紐柏林開BMW M5賽道計程車
BMW unscripted. Sabine Schmitz. - YouTube
BMW unscripted is a series about people, talking about their life, passion and joy with the brand BMW. No script, just real people.
BMW unscripted is a series about people, talking about their life, passion and joy with the brand BMW. No script, just real people.
[影片] Sabine Schmitz 在WTCC出賽預告
The Queen of the Nordschleife is taking on the WTCC - YouTube Sabine Schmitz joins the FIA WTCC! For the Nürburgring round on the 16th of May Sabine will race a Münnich Motorsport Chevrolet Cruze. And the 2 time winner ...
(左3) Matt LeBlanc,知名演員,美國影集「六人行」的主角之一。
(左4) Chris Evans,英國電台主持人。過去曾經是TG來賓
(source: The Telegraph ,UK)
(右3) Chris Harris,知名試駕車手,有在Youtube開設頻道
[影片] Chris Harris試駕 Aston GT12 v 991 GT3RS v McLaren 650S
Chris Harris on Cars - Aston GT12 v 991 GT3RS v McLaren 650S - YouTube With new RS prices shooting above £200k, would you actually be better off with an Aston GT12 (actually, they're all sold) or a real supercar - a McLaren 650S...
(右2) Eddiee Jordan,前F1 Jordan車隊的老闆,是F1界重量級人物。車神舒馬克就是1991年在Jordan車隊出道的。
(圖) Eddiee Jordan是F1界重量級人物
http://i.imgur.com/h7kaB7E.jpg (source: champions-speakers.co.uk)
Full Top Gear team includes Harris, Schmitz, and Jordan
Full Top Gear team includes Harris, Schmitz, and Jordan
The cast for the next season of Top Gear is now official, and it includes Chris Harris, Sabine Schmitz, Eddie Jordan, and Rory Reid. ...
The cast for the next season of Top Gear is now official, and it includes Chris Harris, Sabine Schmitz, Eddie Jordan, and Rory Reid. ...
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→ : 還有毒舌嗎QQ1F 02/12 13:28
→ : 全新住持陣容是有請了幾位大師嗎?2F 02/12 13:30
推 : 如果變專業車評就不是TG了QQ3F 02/12 13:37
推 : 得罪了方丈還想走?4F 02/12 13:47
→ : 還我Jerme5F 02/12 13:47
→ : Jeremy
→ : Jeremy
→ : 最重要的是嘴砲阿 開車有點基本技術就可以惹7F 02/12 13:47
推 : 住持Vs神父8F 02/12 13:49
→ : 住持釋三曉9F 02/12 13:51
推 : 會開車不一定會講 更不會嘴砲 還是原本的好10F 02/12 13:54
推 : 比開車會贏,比嘴砲就輸了,有幾個還能客串Stig11F 02/12 13:59
推 : Eddie Jordan 很像算是嘴泡大師了12F 02/12 14:14
推 : 要看這種專業節目去看DW就好了 XD13F 02/12 14:18
推 : Joey!!14F 02/12 14:45
推 : 住持陣容 是節目還是法會15F 02/12 15:08
推 : 沒有Jeremy、Hamond跟Captain Slow的top gear就不是top16F 02/12 15:14
→ : gear了
→ : gear了
推 : 有harris不錯耶,只是這樣就不是以往的TG了18F 02/12 15:20
→ : 看來很專業阿XD 不過嘴砲就難講了19F 02/12 15:36
推 : Tiff Needell 應該才是TG史上最速主持人吧?20F 02/12 15:47
→ : 風格大概會變成類似 fifth gear吧...21F 02/12 17:18
推 : Matt LeBlanc aka "Joey"同時也是藝人駕駛廉價車中22F 02/12 17:34
→ : 最快單圈的藝人,上次換廉價車時,也有特地請他來跑單圈
→ : 做一個標準單圈速度出來,算是相當有實力的!
→ : 最快單圈的藝人,上次換廉價車時,也有特地請他來跑單圈
→ : 做一個標準單圈速度出來,算是相當有實力的!
推 : 這種爛節目有人要看?25F 02/12 18:18
※ 看板: K_hot 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 130
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