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※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2016-01-20 09:47:32
看板 Gossiping
作者 dufflin (怨憎會 愛別離 求不得)
標題 [新聞] CNN: ISIS戰士薪水打對折
時間 Wed Jan 20 08:43:58 2016


ISIS cuts its fighters' salaries by 50%


ISIS might seem like a ragtag group of terrorists, but in reality, it
operates as a government over parts of Iraq and Syria. And it hands out
biweekly paychecks to its jihadist army.

ISIS soldiers earn between $400 and $1,200 a month, plus a $50 stipend for
their wives and $25 for each child, according to the Congressional Research


"On account of the exceptional circumstances the Islamic State is facing, it
has been decided to reduce the salaries that are paid to all mujahideen by
half, and it is not allowed for anyone to be exempted from this decision,
whatever his position," the ISIS' government wrote in a memorandum.


4.完整新聞連結 (或短網址):
ISIS cuts its fighters' salaries by 50% - Jan. 19, 2016
ISIS pays its fighters. But war is expensive. ISIS soldiers are getting a serious pay cut. ...





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downhere: ISIS也懂costdown1F 01/20 08:44
foolfighter: 不如來台灣簽志願役2F 01/20 08:45
ybz612: 共體時艱3F 01/20 08:45
neko0624: 慣老闆立刻跟進4F 01/20 08:45
oriron: 比低薪臺灣好像沒在怕...5F 01/20 08:46
AustinRivers: 被低油價打死6F 01/20 08:46
fuhaho: 共體時艱7F 01/20 08:46
Benbenyale: 共體時艱8F 01/20 08:46
LIONDODO: 共體時艱9F 01/20 08:46
kromax: 薪水打對折,不論職階高低,沒有例外=>能成功不是沒道理10F 01/20 08:46
g8330330: 共體時艱11F 01/20 08:46
wotupset: 共體時艱12F 01/20 08:47
DeathTemp: 是不是有貪污?13F 01/20 08:47
jinkela1: 平均一個月800美金 就是25000台幣以上一個月 妻小津貼14F 01/20 08:47
alog: 基地什麼的被炸了一堆 金主會怕大概錢飛走不少15F 01/20 08:47
lunhsuan: 台灣是底下對折 上面*216F 01/20 08:48
jinkela1: 另外算17F 01/20 08:48
g8330330: 油價壓得越低  IS的收入才會更低18F 01/20 08:48
ray2501: 就以前靠賣油,現在油價跌的有夠低,當然只好降薪啦19F 01/20 08:48
goshfju: 被污錢了吧20F 01/20 08:48
wolver: IS看起來比台灣好,台灣老闆會要你付錢上班,無薪假來上班21F 01/20 08:48
g8330330: 所以開始賣毒了22F 01/20 08:48
jackals60: 為什麼不放is戰士無薪假呢?23F 01/20 08:49
wolver: 但是老闆的薪水永遠不會打折  還可以包更多奶 買更多房,車24F 01/20 08:49
wotupset: 下個月看到isis使用無薪實習制也不意外了25F 01/20 08:49
umenosola: 共體時艱 大環境不好26F 01/20 08:49
heinztzeng: 懷疑財政部長是台灣人27F 01/20 08:50
sillymon: 原來幹這個還有薪水喔....28F 01/20 08:50
csaga: 他們要薪水幹嘛? 反正都會去自殺攻擊掛掉嘛....29F 01/20 08:50
ymx3xc: 這是共體時艱30F 01/20 08:51
otld: 還是比300多31F 01/20 08:51
phaseshift: 財務長台灣人?32F 01/20 08:52
fish5123: 等會放無薪假再來說!33F 01/20 08:54
u4yjp1213: 等我們ISIS上市之後大家拿的股票就賺錢了34F 01/20 08:54
CityRanger: 血汗isis35F 01/20 08:54
jason0829: 怒成立工會36F 01/20 08:58
snownow: 快把台灣最偉大的發明-無薪假教給他們37F 01/20 08:58
Leeng: 哈哈 血汗聖戰士38F 01/20 08:58
s505015: cost down39F 01/20 08:59
shinobunodok: 中東KMT是你?40F 01/20 09:05
excia: 強烈懷疑is使用台籍官員41F 01/20 09:05
abcdeffg: 支持聖戰士成立工會行駛罷工權42F 01/20 09:09
abcdeffg: 罷工期間不排除上教堂、捐獻孤兒院或參加同志大遊行
Kokoro: 下一步:is將引進低薪傭兵44F 01/20 09:16
asiaking5566: 便宜的油還在海上45F 01/20 09:20
myth725: 共體時艱46F 01/20 09:21
XWSL: 該來某島取經了 !順便僱用低薪努力 ,還會幫資方一起欺壓47F 01/20 09:21
XWSL: 菜鳥喔 ,這麼划算是不是 !
asd2260123: 共體時艱49F 01/20 09:22
seemoon2000: 是不是有來鬼島取經阿 一次5折的做法根本鬼神50F 01/20 09:25
urdie: 再吵 連一毛都不給51F 01/20 09:32
lazyming: 還沒學到cpbl精髓 不排除解散52F 01/20 09:36
hrpe: 跟台灣學的,血汗奴兵53F 01/20 09:46

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